PROJECT OF THE FINAL THESIS MaSiSS (e059) PROJECT REQUIREMENTS (MaSiSS, e059) •Title, Author's , Supervisor's •Introduction : 1 slide •Systematic review: up to 3 slides, APA (7th edition), min. 5 citations, formulation of a research problem •Research objectives, research questions, hypotheses : 1–2 slide •Methods : up to 3 slides, type of research, characteristics of the research sample, measurement procedures, data collection, data types, data analysis methods •Literature: xy slide(s), APA •Project présentation duration max. 25 min Follow the terminology and sequence of chapters INTRODUCTION •Children in puberty who are born at the beginning of the year / season unknowingly enjoy the biological benefits from their date of birth. This advantage is then often confused with sports talent. However, after the end of the pubescence period, the biological benefits cease to work, but thanks to the effort to identify sports talent as soon as possible, relatively older children are already registered as elite athletes. •I personally felt the issue of Relative Age Effect (RAE) in high school, where I began to be considered an average athlete. Which was very demotivating for me, as I represented all kinds of sports in elementary school. INTRODUCTION •School •Motivation •Own experience SYSTEMATIC REVIEW •Motor skills are “a set of integrated, internally relatively independent preconditions to fulfill a movement task“ (Čelikovský, 1990, p. 17). Dovalil et al. (2009, p. 24) motor skills as "separate sets of internal preconditions for external action". Here we can notice a relatively similar interpretation of the issue. •According to Měkota and Novosad (2005) the process of acquiring motor skills is not a short-term, but a long-term process. •Hohmann et al. (2007) also dealt with the issue of motor skills, and found that … •Selection of sports talents It is a long-term scientifically justified process focused on finding suitable individuals who have the prerequisites to apply in elite sports (Hohmann & Seidel, 2003; Tranckle & Cushion, 2006). SYSTEMATIC REVIEW •Researchers in varying fields (e.g., education, epidemiology, and sport) have come to demonstrate that the social policy of annual age-grouping, applied most commonly in school and sport, interacts with the characteristics of the developing individual (i.e., chronological age relative to peers) to produce a developmental climate that provides advantages to some while disadvantaging others. The consequential outcomes resulting from this interaction are known as relative age effects. (Baker et al., 2010, p. 1) • Here are some of the first attempts to characterize the issue of the of the relative ageeffect: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW •Čelikovský, S., Blahuš, P., Chytráčková, J., Kasa, J., Kohoutek, M., Kovář R., Měkota, K., Stráňai, K., Štěpnička, J., & Zaciorskij, V. M. Antropomotorika. Praha, 1990. Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. •In this book, the authors deal with the characteristics of anthropomotorics and its practical use in life. •Motor skills are „ a set of integrated, internally relatively independent preconditions to fulfill a movement task" (Čelikovský et al, 1990, p. 17-18). However, DOVALIL a kol. (2009) motor skills as "separate sets of internal assumptions for external action". •The process of acquiring motor skills is not a short-term, but a long-term process (Měkota and Novosad, 2005). • • RESEARCH OBJECTIVES, RESEARCH QUESTIONS, HYPOTHESES •The research objectice of the study is to find out the influence of the relative age effect for all players in the 2018 FIFA World Cup. •RQ1: Is the relative age effect of players on the World Cup demonstrable? Type of research: status RESEARCH OBJECTIVES, QUESTION AND HYPOTHESIS •The aim of this work is to find out whether the selected HIIT training method is more effective for the development of explosive force than the classical training method. •RQ1: What are the differences in mean values between the classic HIIT program and the program focused on the development of explosive power? •Ha: The HIIT program significantly improves the development of explosive power than the classic training program. Research type: experiment RESEARCH OBJECTIVES, RESEARCH QUESTION •The aim of the study is to find out the attitudes of the Brno Černá Pole city council regarding the exhibition of the new „Za Lužánkami“ sports complex. •RQ1: What are the attitudes of the council to the construction of a new sports complex? •RQ2: What are the restrictions for the construction of a new sports complex? Qualitative study RESEARCH OBJECTIVES, QUESTION AND HYPOTHESIS •Common mistakes in projects: •Swapping the meaning of a research problem, research goals, research questions and hypotheses •RQ to which the answer cannot be determined by the relevant study •Too many RQs that tend to repeat •The same meaning of RQ and H METHODS (INFLUENCE OF DATE OF BIRTH) •Výzkumu: kvantitativní, typ výzkumu: status •Charakteristika výzkumného souboru: záměrný výběr mužů (n = 400), účastníci MS 2018 ve fotbale, věk 20–35 let •Zdroj sekundárních dat: http// •Typy dat: na nominální (datum narození v Qi, státní příslušnost; hráčská pozice v družstvu) škále •Metody analýzy dat: metody deskriptivní (absolutní a relativní četnost) a analytické (chí-kvadrát test, varianta test dobré schody a Cramer‘s V test, odds ratio test) statistiky • METHODS (NEW HIIT TRAINING PROGRAM) •Výzkumu: kvantitativní, typ výzkumu: experiment •Charakteristika výzkumného souboru: náhodný výběr „A-týmu“ Komety Brno (n = 38, věk 25,1±1,2 let, male) •Charakteristika HIIT intervence: a) 7x2 (80% max) – plyometrické cviky, b) variace HIIT tréninku (8–10 min) •Měřící procedury: Jump and Reach test (5 pokusů, nejlepší pokus cm), skok z místa (3 pokusy, nejlepší pokus v cm), člunkový běh 10x5m (1 pokus, sekundy) •Sběr dat: tělocvična na Vodové, začátek: leden 2019 (pretest, randomizace), leden–březen 2019: intervence (3xtýdně, 13 týdnů, 39 intervencí), konec: duben 2019 (posttest) •Typy dat: na poměrové škále (výskoky [cm], běh [s]) •Metody analýzy dat: metody deskriptivní (absolutní a relativní četnost, korelace) a inferenční statistiky (párový a nepárový t-test) METHODS (ATTITUDES OF THE COUNCIL) METHODS (ATTITUDES OF THE COUNCIL) METHODS •Common mistakes in projects: •A common excuse: at the moment I don't know exactly what I'm going to do. •Too long (eg by describing a standardized test) or too short to no content (eg by omitting relevant subchapters - data types) •Failure to find / use standardized tests •Data analysis methods: descriptive and analytical statistics • •Insufficient content in this chapter is often the result of inconsistent literary research LITERATURE •Dovalil, J. (2009). Výkon a trénink ve sportu (4th ed.). Olympia. •Měkota, A., & Novosad, J. (2005). Motorické schopnosti. Univerzita Palackého. •Hohmann, A., & Seidel, I. (2003). Scientific Aspect of Talent Development. International Journal of Physical Education, 32(3), 9–20. •Martin, H. C., Christ, R., Hussin, J. G., O’Connell, J., Gordon, S., Mbarek, H., • Hottenga, J-J., McAloney, K., Willemsen, G., Gasparini, P., Pirastu N., Montgomery, G. W., Navarro, P., Soranzo, N., Vitart, T. V. V., Wilson, J. F., Boomsma J. M. B, Martin & N. G., ... Donnelly, P. (2015). Multicohort analysis of the maternal age effect on recombination. Nature Communications, 6(1), 1-10. 10.1038-ncomms8846. •Čelikovský, S. (1990). Antropomotorika. Státní pedagogické nakladatelství. •Tranckle, P., & Cushion, C. J. (2006). Rethinking Giftedness and Talent in Sport. Quest, 58(2), 265–282. •Baker, J., Schorer, J., & Cobley, S. (2010). Relative age effects. Sportwissenschaft, 40(1), 26–30. 10.1007/s12662-009-0095-2 • It must match the content in the systematic review