Wk 6: Future
Watch this video for an introduction on the future challenges of the Physical activity and lifestyle professional.
Preparation for lectures:
The WHO defines e-health as the electronic exchange of health-related data collected or analyzed through electronic connectivity to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery (World Health Organization, 2016). e-Health is often implemented to let people live a longer self-supporting life, give them more freedom, change their lifestyle or support them by setting goals and enhance people's autonomy. Examples of these technologies are: activity trackers, apps, websites etc.
Before implementing e-Health into your intervention, the following dimensions should be considered:
1. The user who is going to use the application. This could be the patient but also the caretakers or other health professionals.
2. The process in which you implement the application. What do you want to reach by this and how do you want to do it?
3. The technology should be used for the purpose it was developed . It should be reliable and suitable for your target group.
Watch the full video below to see an example of an application that did not consider these dimensions.
If you want you can also watch the full video about interprofessional work (2.59-6.05) is already in the intro video
Preparation for case study work:
Finish your teams final intervention plan for your case study on your Padlet with the goals and action plan (Specify the activities, frequency, duration).
When do you think it would benefit your case to work togehter with other professionals?
And do you think it would benefit your case to use technology in changing behavior? And what would you use and how?
Future challenges of interprofessional work and technology on changing behavior for people with chronic disease: round table discussion
(Sport study perspective: Nuno Pimenta, Portugal; Afke Kerkstra, The Netherlands; Coral Falco, Norway)
(Nursing perspective: Isa Felix and Cristina Baixinho, Portugal)
In this session we will discuss the challenges of changing behavior for people with chronic disease and the interprofessional aspect of the work. We will discuss the roles of Sport students and Nursing students in settings like the cases we have been working on. We will also talk about the use of technology.
Team work tasks
Discussion around the case:
Finish your teams final intervention plan for your case study on your Padlet with the goals and action plan (Specify the activities, frequency, duration) for your case.
Include and discuss aspects in your team: “Be sensitive to aspects, such as ethnicity, education level, deprivation, religion, sexual orientation and cultural environment”
Specific tasks from the lectures
Discuss some aspects of interprofessional work on your case study. When do you think it would benefit your case to work togehter with other professionals? Use the discussion we had in the lectures.
And do you think it would benefit your case to use technology in changing behavior? And what would you use and how?