FIGURE SKATING key 1. A spin done on one leg with the non-skating leg, or free leg, extended backward with knee higher than hip level. A. Camel spin B. Combination spin C. Scratch spin D. Sit spin 2. A pairs move in which the man rotates in a pivot position while holding one hand of his partner, who is rotating in a horizontal position around him with her body low and parallel to the ice. A. Flying spin B. Death spiral C. Lutz jump D. Pairs lift 3. A hand-to-hip lift in which the man raises his partner overhead with his hands resting on her hips. She is horizontal to the ice, facing the back of the man, in a platter position. A. Press lift B. Platter lift - TÁC C. Short lift D. Star lift 4. A hand-to-hand overhead lift in which the man swings his partner from one side of his body, around behind his head and into a raised position. Once in the lift, the lady is in a split position facing the same direction as the man. A. Pairs lift B. Overhead lift C. Long lift D. Lasso lift - lesů, lesou 5. Generally performed by women, this spin involves an upright spin position where the head and shoulders are dropped backward and the back arches. A. Sit spin B. Scratch spin C. Layback spin D. Combination spin 6. An edge jump taken off from the back inside edge of one foot and landed on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. A. Short dance B. Twist lift C. Salchow D. Rocker 7. This fluid movement used to gain speed in which a skater pushes off back and forth from the inside edge of one skate to the inside edge of the other skate. A. Stroking – záběr, tempo B. Swizzle C. Twizzle D. Rocker 8. This jump takes off from the forward outside edge and is landed on the back outside edge of the opposite foot. A. Axel jump B. Edge jump C. Flip jump D. Lutz jump 9. A turn from forward to backward (or backward to forward), from one foot to the other, each edge forming parts of the same curve. A. Mohawk B. Salchow C. Short spin D. Spiral sequence 10. A method of two-foot progression, either forward or backward, by an in-and-out movement of the feet on inside edges. A. Swizzle – pěnit, soptit, syčení, prskání B. Salchow C. Twizzle D. Counter