Lipids, fat and exercise Fats n a wide group of compounds that are generally soluble in organic solvents and largely insoluble in water n solid (fats) or liquid (oils) n Subset of the class of lipids n Simple lipids - fats (triglycerides) and wax n Complex lipids – phospholipids, glycolipids, lipoproteins n Source of energy n 1 g fat = 9 kcal = 38 kJ Chemical structure Fatty acids –classification n The length of the carbon chain n SCFA (< 6C) - butter n MCFA (6 – 10 C) – butter, coconut and palm oil n LCFA (12 – 24C) – meat, fish, oil, seeds, nuts n The degree of unsaturation n Saturated (SFA) n fully loaded with hydrogen atoms, only single bonds n Unsaturated n Monounsaturated (MUFA) - 1 double bond n Polyunsaturated (PUFA) - > 1 double bond Saturated FA – Stearic acid Monounsaturated FA Polyunsaturated FA Fatty acids –classification n The location of double bonds (only PUFA) n According the position of the double bond nearest the methyl end of the carbon chain n Omega-3 fatty acids n Omega-6 fatty acids Trans-fatty acids Cholesterol n Sterols n Plant n Animal contain cholesterol (animal fat) n Roles of sterols n Vitally important body compounds - bile acids, sex hormones (testosterone), sdrenal hormone (cortisol), vitamin D, cholesterol n Cholesterol – function n Starting material for the synthesis of these compounds n Structural compounds of cell membranes n Cholesterol – sources n Endogenous – made in the body 0,8 – 1,5 mg per day n Exogenous – form outside of the body (from food) 0,3 mg per day n Harmful effects of cholesterol n It can form deposite in the artery walls (atherosclerosis => heart attacks, strokes) Roles of triglycerides n Fat store – store of energy (50 000 kcal) n Insulate of body, maintaining body temperature n Cover inner organs n Help body use carbohydrate and protein efficiently n Help absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) n Source of essential fatty acids – linoleic and linolenic acid n Importance role in healthy skin and hair n Source of energy – FA and glycerol Digestion of triglycerides n Mouth and salivary glands n lingual lipase n Stomach n lipid digestion by lingual lipase n Small intestine n Fat by bile => emulsified fat n Emulsified fat by pancreatic and intestinal lipase => monoglycerides, glycerol, fatty acids Lipid transport n Lipoproteins n Chylomicrons (CL) n transport vehicles for fat from the intestine to the rest of body n VLDL (very low density lipoproteins) n Make from CL n Transport TG to other part of the body n LDL (low density lipoproteins) n Transport cholesterol to the cells of all tissue n Bad cholesterol – is linked to heart disease n HDL (high density lipoproteins) n Transport cholesterol from the cells back to the liver n Good cholesterol - a protective effect Metabolism of fat n Storing fat as fat n In adipose tissue n Making fat form carbohydrates or protein n FA can be made form 2C fragments derived from carbohydrates or protein n Making fat from fat n Using fat for energy 60 % n During prolonged light to moderate intense exercise Health effects of lipid n Heart disease - ↑ chol - major risk factor n Risks from saturated fat – ↑ LDL chol n Risks from trans-fats => ↑ chol n Benefits from MUFA - ↓ risk for heart disease n Benefits from ω-3 PUFA - ↓ chol and prevent heart disease n Cancer – total fat intake (saturated) is associated with c. n Obesity – high-fat diets Recommended intakes of fat n Total fat < 30 % of energy intake n SFA < 10 % of energy intake n Cholesterol < 300 mg daily n Example n A person 2000 kcal a day, 600 kcal and less form fat (65 g), 200 kcal and less form SFA (20 g) n Select lean meats and nonfat milk n Eat plenty of vegetable, fruits and grains n Use fat and oils sparingly n Look for invisible fat n Read food labels Fat metabolism and exercise n Source of energy n FA – oxidation in several types of tissue n Glycerol – for glycolysis, gluconeogenesis n Fat mobilization n Adipose tissue n ↑ glucagon, epinephrine, cortisol n => hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) - TG → FA n ↑ FFA in the blood => ↑ oxidation FFA in the muscle (during exercise and fasting) Fat metabolism during exercise n Sources of FA for muscle n FA inside a muscle fiber n FA outside a muscle fiber - addipose tissue in muscle, in the body, circulatin lipoproteins n Hormonal influence n Glucagon, kortisol => ↑ HSL (hormone sensitive lipase) => lipolysis n Insulin => ↓ HSL => inhibition of lipolysis n Concentration of glucose in the blood n ↑ => ↓ HSL n ↓ => ↑ HSL n Time of oxidation n 15 – 30 min. after start Intensity of exercise and fat utilization Fat energy expended per hour and intensity of exercise