Written Exam – master programme: I. Language work: Modals (can, must, should, need, could; must have been, can´t have been, should have been…) Conjunctions (unless, as long as, therefore, despite, although, however…) Gerund and infinitive (e.g. try to do – try doing) Adverbs and Adjectives (e.g. free – freely; surprising – surprised) Conditional I, II, III Phrasal verbs Sentence transformation So, such, and such a Few(almost none) and a few (some); little (almost none) and a little(some). II. Vocabulary (based on the topics covered in autumn and spring term) Academic collocations Newspaper language Sport disciplines Sport injuries Health preservation Resuscitation process Components of fitness Overtraining III. Writing Summary of a text, max. 100 words IV. Discourse functions Presentations and talks – signposting language, structure of academic presentations