SEMINAR 2 CLASSIFICATION OF SPORTS You are never really playing an oponent. You are playing yourself, your own highest standards, and when you reach your limits, that is real joy. -- Arthur Ashe Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence: in other words, it is war minus the shooting... -- Goerge Orwell Definition of sports 1. Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs. Sports commonly refer to activities where the physical capabilities of the competitor determine the outcome (winning or losing), but the term is also used to activities such as mind sports (some card games and board games with little to no element of chance). 2. Sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play. 3. Sports are competitions of physical strength, skill, or endurance against opponents or against an objective standard such as time, height, or distance. Classification of sports There are a number of systems for classifying sports, based on different criteria. 1. Team – Individual Team sports are practised between opposing teams, where the players interact to achieve the objective of the game. Individual sports are based on one-to-one confrontation or timed races. 2. Opponent – Achievement The objective of opponent sports is to defeat the opponent in combat sports (e.g…………………………………………………………………….), court games (e.g………………………………………………………………………..) board games (e.g.……………………………………………………………………..). Among achievement sports the following categories can be distinguished: target (e.g.……………………………………………………………………..) display (e.g.……………………………………………………………………..) strength (e.g.……………………………………………………………………..) endurance (e.g.……………………………………………………………………..) 3. Environment This division is based on the environment where the sport is performed, stadium sports (e.g.…………………………………………………………..), court games (e.g.……………………………………………………………………..), water sports (e.g.…………………………………………………………………..), etc. 4. Professional – Amateur Professional Sports are conducted for profit by entrepreneurs who pay athletes depending on their popularity and performance. Professional sports are regulated by leagues or associations that set rules of competition and often are involved in regulating the salaries and working conditions of athletes. 5. Spectator Sports A spectator sport is one that is characterized by the presence of spectators at matches or competitions. Spectator sports may be professional sports or amateur sports. Car racing is one of the most popular spectator sports in the world. non-spectator sports: .………………………………………………………………….., 6. Olympic Sports The Summer Olympic Games include 28 sports with 38 disciplines, the Winter Games include 7 sports with 15 disciplines. Until 1992, the Olympics also often featured demonstration sports. The objective was for these sports to reach a larger audience; the winners of these events are not official Olympic champions. These sports were sometimes sports popular only in the host nation, e.g. the Beijing Organizing Committee received permission to organize a wushu tournament for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Can you think of any other criteria for classification? .………………………………………………………………….. .………………………………………………………………….. .………………………………………………………………….. SEMINAR 2 GRAMMAR REVISION Task 1.1 Put the verbs into the correct form: present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous. a. I remember the day you got your exam results. We.....were watching........(watch) a film in the sitting room when you rushed in and told us. b. It was a spaceship. It ……(seem) quite big and a light ……….(flash) on the top. c. What have you put in my burger? It.......................(taste) absolutely disgusting. d. It´s a great jacket, I know, but unfortunately it ..............................(not / belong) to me. e. Why .........................(you / wear) that thin dress? You´ll freeze to death in this wind! f. Molly´s fed up because she hurt her ankle when she .....................(jog) this morning. g. Tea or coffee? I´m making both, so just say which you......................(prefer). h. You ………….. (be) an idiot this morning. Task 1.2 Put the verbs into the correct form: present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, present simple or present continuous. Sam is the captain of his local team. He´s talking to his brother, Dave. SAM: Dave, I´m worried about the team. DAVE: But why? (1) have won..........(You / win) every game this season. SAM: Yeah, (2)........................(we / be) very lucky. That´s (3)........................... (what / cause) me problems now. DAVE: How come? SAM: Well, (4)..............................(we / practise) twice a week this season and (5)................................. (that / really / make) a difference. Now, some of the guys say that´s not necessary because (6)............................... (we / always / win). I ´m afraid that if (7)..................................(we / not / practise) so often, we may lose our matches. (8)..............................(We / play) Donnington on Saturday and (9).......................... (everyone / agree) they are a really strong team. The trouble is, (10)........................ (we / not / practise) since Monday. DAVE: I can see (11) ..........................( you / have) a problem. What can you do? SAM: I think the problem is really Colin. DAVE: The big guy (12).........................(who / play) for you since last season? SAM: Yes. (13)..............................(He / usually / score) most of our goals. Since the summer, (14).................................(he / arrive) for training really late. When I try to talk to him, (15)................................(he / refuse) to listen to what (16) ............................(I / say). DAVE: Well, tell him he can´t play if (17).........................(he / not / listen) to you. SAM: I guess I´ll have to. (18)...........................(I / not / like) it. What if (19)................... (he / get angry) and (20).............. (leave) the team? DAVE: (21)..............................(I / hope) not. (Hashemi, L.; Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises with Answers. Cambridge University Press, 2004. Ex. 19, 34) SEMINAR 2 VOCABULARY REVISION Task 2.1 Complete the sentences with do, play or go. New Sports Club Opening Next Week You! You can...............swimming! You can................table tennis! You can...............skateboarding! You can...............badminton! You can...............weightlifting! You can...............darts! You can................aerobics In fact, you can.............almost any sport you can think of. So join now! Task 2.2 Make collocations by matching a word from the left column with a word or phrase from the right one. Personal _______best________ Blow ________________________ Fail ________________________ Enter ________________________ Strain ________________________ Take ________________________ Enhance ________________________ Achieve ________________________ Set ________________________ Train ________________________ the lead best your ambitions your performance a record a whistle a competition hard a muscle a drugs test Task 2.3 Fill the gaps in these sentences with a suitable word, the first letter of the word is already given. 1. Do you think an athlete should be a professional... (paid) or an amateur.... (unpaid)? 2. It was a really exciting m................ . When the r................ blew the final whistle, there was a loud c................ from the crowd. 3. The result was a t.............. – the final s................ was 4-4 (four all) – so there´ll have to be a replay next week. 4. Our team has never been b................ in the last ten years. 5. Which basketball team do you s................? The Chicago Bulls? 6. Volleyball is played on a c................ and football is played on a p................ . Where is your favourite sport played? 7. In high jump there are three a.................... to clear each height. 8. Flexibility exercises such as s................ improve the range of m................ of muscles and joints. 9. If someone is not playing very well the manager may decide to drop the p................ from the team or bring on a s............................. . Task 2.4 Work in pairs. Choose a sport and write down the words you need to describe: - the NAME of the sport - the PLACE where the sport is played (in a stadium, on a pitch, etc.) - the EQUIPMENT needed (skates, rackets, etc.) - the PEOPLE involved in the game (umpires, captains, etc.) - the SYSTEM of scoring (3-nil,etc.)