Dear students,
All basic materials required for our seminars are available on this site. They have been organized into weeks for you to know when to bring a particular text to the class.
You can read, study and print materials at your convenience but please make sure you do not forget to BRING A COPY (or your laptop) to the class.
If you have any problems or questions concerning your English studies, this is how to get in touch with our department:
PhDr. Renata Prucklová, email:, telephone: 549496686 address: Univerzitní kampus Bohunice, Kamenice 5, pavilion 33, room 111
Julia Jevstignějeva: email: , telephone: 549496686 address: Univerzitní kampus Bohunice, Kamenice 5, pavilion 33, room 111
Good luck!
We also strongly recommend you to activate and regularly study the following drilling lesson 1. Useful vocabulary in sport disciplines a helpful vocabulary learning tool for
you to successfully pass your final summer term test.
Konzultační hodiny
Mgr. Julia Jevstignějeva Mgr. Jana Kubrická