SEMINAR 13 REVISION 1. REVISION OF VOCABULARY Task 1.1 What do you call? * the ability of a muscle to continue applying force ............................................ * the category of sports which includes archery, shooting, darts etc. ............................................ * the type of exercise which results in oxygen debt ............................................ * wounds in which the top layers of skin are scraped off ............................................ * overstretching of a muscle ............................................ * a part of body which connects a muscle to a bone ............tendon............ * tubes that carry blood from all parts of the body to the heart ............................................ * a set of exercises you do just before you start exercising to prepare your body............................ * all the workers employed in an organisation ............................................ * the number of years we are likely to live ............................................ Task 1.2 Which of the following are symptoms of shock? rapid pulse dizziness unconsciousness pain and swelling nausea and vomiting rash cough shaking or chills Task 1.3 Match the expressions on the left with their collocations on the right. range of …...................................... oxygen …...................................... blood …...................................... legal …...................................... tangible …...................................... dismiss …...................................... injury …...................................... marketing …......plan.............. artificial…...................................... avoidance respiration motion goods donation [DEL: plan :DEL] debt an employee supplements Task 1.4 Give opposites of the following verbs. to lose (weight) …........................... to lengthen …........................... to increase …........................... to raise … lower.......... to warm up …........................... to get worse …........................... to contract (a muscle) …........................... to inhale …........................... Task 1.5 Use the following phrasal verbs in sentences. to bring up ................................................................................................... ................................... to drop out ................................................................................................... ................................... to work out ................................................................................................... ................................... to get on with ................................................................................................... ................................... to take off ................................................................................................... ................................... Task 1.6 Complete the text with suitable words from below. There is one word that you don't need to use. nutrients giving up treatments likely damaging rates risk [DEL: pumped :DEL] available occur HEART DISEASE AND STROKE The UK has one of the highest _______________of death from heart disease in the world - one British adult dies from the disease every three minutes - and stroke is the country's third biggest killer. Heart attacks _______________when blood flow is blocked, often by a blood clot, while strokes are caused either by blocked or burst blood vessels in the brain. A range of other conditions, including heart failure, when blood is not ____pumped____properly around the body, and congenital heart defects can also cause long term problems, and even death. HEART DISEASE The heart pumps blood around the body carrying oxygen and other _______________to the areas that need it. When this process is interrupted, or does not work properly, serious illness and even death can result. The risk of heart disease is greater for people with poor diet, who smoke and do not exercise, and men are more _______________to suffer from it than women. A range of tests and _______________, including drugs, heart bypass surgery and transplants, exist to alleviate symptoms or save the lives of sufferers. STROKE There are two types of stroke - those caused by blood clots in the brain and those that occur when blood vessels burst. In both cases, the brain is starved of oxygen, _______________or killing cells. Sufferers are often left with difficulty talking, walking and performing other basic tasks. The chance of suffering a stroke is cut by eating healthily, _______________smoking and drinking less alcohol. After a stroke, various drug treatments are _______________and rehabilitation is commonly used to improve patients' speech and movement. 2. REVISION OF GRAMMAR Task 2.1 Put the verb into the correct form, using either gerund(-ing) or infinitive (to+verb). 1. Tom can remember ....being....(be) in hospital when he was four. 2. After discussing the economy, the minister went on ........................(talk) about foreign policy. 3. The boy´s father promised ........................ (pay) for the window to be repaired. 4. The room isn't very nice. It needs ........................ (redecorate). 5. I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. Then I tried ........................ (knock) on the door, but there was no answer. 6. We regret ........................ (inform) you that we are unable to offer you the job. 7. I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me........................? (do) Task 2.2 Adjectives ending in –ing and –ed. Complete the sentences. 1. The film wasn't as good as we had expected. The film was (disappoint)....disappointing.... . We were (disappoint)...disappointed.....with the film. 2. Diana teaches young children. She enjoys her job but it´s often (exhaust)........................ . 3. At the end of a day's work, she is often (exhaust)........................ . 4. It´s been raining all day. I hate this weather, it really makes me (depress)........................ . This weather is (depress)........................ . 5. It´s sometimes (embarrass)........................ when you have to ask people for money. Do you also get easily (embarrass)........................ ? Task 2.3 Past modals. Change the tense in the following sentences. 1. Helen can ski.- Helen ........could...........when she was 3 years old. 2. Everyone must fill in a form. - Everyone ..................................... fill in a form last year. 3. I should stay at home tonight. - I .................................................. at home yesterday. 4. You needn't make so many sandwiches. - You many sandwiches for the guests, it wasn't necessary. Task 2.4 Past modals. Underline the correct answer. 1. I saw Jane this morning in her office. She …........................... the country. must have left can´t have left should have left 2. Passengers …................................ smoke in the toilets. should don´t need to mustn't 3. It is possible he has sold his house. He.................................... live here any more. may not can´t needn't 4. Now I am sorry I said those things. I..........................................them. can´t have said shouldn't have said may have said 5. The system doesn't work. There.......................................... a failure. must have been should have been mustn't be Task 2.5 Third Conditional. Read the text and complete the sentences. Textové pole: It was hot, so my mother opened the door. A cat came in and ate her supper, so she went to the shop to buy food. In the shop she saw an advertisement for a pilot. So she got a new job and met my father. I'm glad it was a hot day! 1. If it .........hadn't, my mother...wouldn't have opened......the door. 2. If she........................................the door, the cat........................................her supper. 3. If the cat........................................her supper, my the shop. 4. If the shop, she........................................ the advertisement 5. If she........................................the advertisement, she........................................a new job. 6. If she........................................a new job, father. Task 2.6 Third Conditional. What actually happened in these situations? 1. If I hadn't gone skiing, I wouldn't have fallen and broken my leg. …............ I went skiing and broke my leg............................... 2. If I had gone to university, I would have studied medicine and become a doctor. ….................................................................................................. .. 3. We wouldn't have lost the game if we hadn't played so badly. ….................................................................................................. .. Task 2.7 Conjunctions. Rewrite these sentences with unless. 1. If you don´t give me my money, I'm going to the police. Unless you give me the money I'm going to the police. 2. You can´t see this film, if you are not over 15. ................................................................................................... . 3. I don´t drive fast except if I'm really late. ................................................................................................... . 4. I get up late on Sundays if I'm not going fishing. ................................................................................................... . 5. We usually go for a walk after supper if there isn't a good film on TV. ................................................................................................... . Task 2.8 Conjunctions. Join the columns. 1. Although I knew her very well, 2. Although it was cold 3. Ann arrived late because of 4. Ann only arrived at 11 o´clock because 5. It was very cold, 6. She went on working in the company in spite of a) a problem at the airport. b) but he went out without a coat. c) the bad pay and conditions. d) he went out without a coat. e) her plane was late. f) she never talked to me about her problems. e.g. It was very cold but he went out without a coat. ................................................................................................... ............................. ................................................................................................... ............................. ................................................................................................... ............................. ................................................................................................... ............................. ................................................................................................... .............................