Titulní strana předmětu English for Nutritionists
Dear students,
All basic materials required for our seminars are available on this site. They have been organized into weeks for you to know when to bring a particular text to the class.
You can read, study and print materials at your convenience but please make sure you do not forget to BRING A COPY (or your laptop) to the class. You are also recommended to get the grammar book: English Grammar in Use - see the syllabus of the subject for exact identification. The units from the grammar book discussed during the classes are noted by numbers e.g. U33.
Good luck!
Mgr. Jana Kubrická
Mo 15,00-16,00
PhDr. Renata Prucklová
Tue 9,00-10,00
We 10,30-11,30
Mgr. Julia Ievstigneieva
We 10,00-12,00
(Univerzitní kampus, A33, m.111)
tel: 549496686