200 km (~ 3 hours by train) from Brno
13th Oct - 16th Oct 2015
200 km (~ 3 hours by train) from Brno
There and back by train (costs ~ 400 CZK)
3 different huts (bed & breakfest ~350 CZK / night)
Bad weather (snowing, raining).
High elevation - mountains aren't flat!
Be able to hike whole day long.
Basic equipments (shoes, backpack, waterproof jacket, etc.)
4 full-day hikes!
Day 1 (13 October 2015)- Transport to Králíky, hike: Králíky - Mt. Kralický Sněžník (1424 m asl) - Návrší hut (25 km + 1500 m elev.)
Day 2 (14 Oct) - hike: Návrší hut - Staré Město (Military museum) or Paprsek hut - Ramzová (20 km + 700 m elev.)
Day 3 (15 Oct)- hike: Ramzová - Červenohorské sedlo pass - Švýcárna hut (20 km + 700 m elev.)
Day 4 (16 Oct) - hike: Švýcárna hut - Praděd - Kouty nad Desnou (23 km + 700 m elev.) or Škřítek pass (17 km + 400 m elev.), transport to Brno
1000 CZK. Dealine 18 Sep 2015 (this Friday!).
around 1500 CZK (acomodation and transport only)
Tomas Kalina
Campus building A34, room 310