np2100 Zkouška z anglického jazyka Zkouška je na úrovni B2 CEFR ( Studijní materiály jsou uloženy v ISu v učebních materiálech volitelných předmětů v2041 a v2042. Typ testu: písemný test (min. pro splnění je 60%) + ústní zkouška Váhy jednotlivých subtestů: Poslech: 10% Čtení: 20% Gramaticko-lexikální část: 30% Psaní: 15% Ústní zkouška: 25% Typy cvičení v testu: 1. úkol na poslech, doplňuje se chybějící výraz do shrnujících vět 2. úkoly na čtení: - doplnění slov z banky do textu (viz. ukázka č. 1); - úkol na porozumění textu, doplňují se zpátky do textu části vět (viz. ukázka č. 2); - úkol na porozumění textu a lexiku – hledání synonym v textu 3. gramaticko – lexikální část: - překlad frází (viz. ukázka č. 3) z oblasti sportu, coachingu, fyziologie, sportovní medicíny, výživy, managementu - větné transformace (viz. ukázka č. 4) Testované jevy: základní časy; trpný rod, způsobová slovesa (can, could, should, must, have to + jejich zápory a minulé tvary), spojky (although, because, because of, despite, however, unless, while, as long as etc.), 1., 2. a 3. kondicionál, přímé a nepřímé otázky - frázová slovesa – doplňování do vět sloves z nabídky - slovotvorba – odvozování slovních druhů (viz. ukázka č. 5) 4. psaní – argumentativní text na dané kontroverzní téma (hodnotí se vyjádření myšlenky, spojovací prostředky, struktura, slovní zásoba) 5. ústní zkouška – odborná rozprava na téma vlastního výzkumu, studia, diplomové práce Ukázky testových úkolů 1. Doplnění slov z banky Read the following text and fill in the gaps with suitable words from the list. You do not have to change the form of the words. There are 2 words you do not need to use. storing production performance shown perform linked results impaired improve decrease Athletes need quality sleep to 1________________ their best. In fact, numerous studies have 2___________ that even a small amount of sleep deprivation can dramatically 3_______________ athletic performance. The reasons for this are not entirely clear, however research points to the role of glucose metabolism and cortisol (a stress hormone) 4___________ as a major factor. 5____________ of studies on sleep deprivation found that sleep deprived athletes don't metabolize glucose very efficiently, and have higher levels of cortisol, which has been 6___________ to memory impairment, age-related insulin resistance, and 7_____________ recovery. Another potential problem of poor sleep is lowered levels of the hormone leptin, which play a role in regulating hunger as well as 8______________ body fat. 2. Doplnění částí vět do textu Seven parts of sentences have been removed from the text below. Choose from the removed parts (A-G) the one which fits each gap. Write the appropriate letter next to a number, e.g. 4A. A: they walk them B: according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement C: that there probably is an association between pet ownership and decreased cardiovascular risk D: is needed to more definitively answer this question E: causes reduction in cardiovascular risk F: to get the recommended level of physical activity. G: do not necessarily prove that owning a pet directly causes a reduction in heart disease risk Pets May Help Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease Having a pet might lower your risk of heart disease, (1) ____________. Research shows that: * Pet ownership is probably associated with a reduction in heart disease risk factors and increased survival among patients. But the studies aren't definitive and (2) _________. "It may be simply that healthier people are the ones that have pets, not that having a pet actually leads to or (3) ____________," Levine said. * Dog ownership in particular may help reduce cardiovascular risk. People with dogs may engage in more physical activity because (4) ___________. In a study of more than 5,200 adults, dog owners engaged in more walking and physical activity than non-dog owners, and were 54 percent more likely (5) __________ . * Owning pets may be associated with lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and a lower incidence of obesity. * Pets can have a positive effect on the body's reactions to stress. "In essence, data suggest (6) ____________," Levine said. "What's less clear is whether the act of adopting or acquiring a pet could lead to a reduction in cardiovascular risk in those with pre-existing disease. Further research (7) ___________." Even with a likely link, people shouldn't adopt, rescue or buy a pet solely to reduce cardiovascular risk, Levine said. 3. Překlad Translate the following phrases into English. Namožené svaly, Aerobní cvičení apod. 4. Gramatika Transform the sentences using the words given. - It was a bad idea to train in that terrible weather last week I should ……………………………………in that terrible weather. - They are solving the problem. The problem …………………………………………….. . - I trained too hard. I was soon overtrained. If I ………………………….., I ……………………overtrained. - They loved the event although there were a few problems. They loved the event despite ………………………. . 5. Slovotvorba Complete each sentence with a word derived from the word in brackets. Fruit juices can be ……………… to children´s teeth. (HARM) Doporučené odkazy: Poslech: Gramatika: Čtení: Frázová slovesa: Zpracováno pro podzim 2016, vyučující Jana Kubrická (