Theory and methodology of Training Tudor 0. Bompa G. Gregoj Periodization l« of die Training plan, the coach should trainm, When structuring the ****** consider many factors. ^ ^ dominant training factors. . The objective of the rmcrocyc e an ^^.^ number of hours, volume, inten-. The training demand NS-^^g the microcycle. sity, and complexity) targ ^ ^ intensity fluctuations that are contained Ü1 be used to induce the training stimulus in each training The intensity c in the microcycle. The methods that will SeSS'0n■ uu im, and competition will occur (if applicable). The days on which training and compt ..... each day. One possibility is to start the microcycle training session and progress with increasing i the context of the microcycle. When the microcycle • The need to alter intensity with a low- or medium-intensity intensity. • The timing of competitions in leads into a compet.don, the highest intensity or peak training session should occur 3 to 5 days prior to the event. The coach must determine whether the athlete should perform one or more sessions per day. If the athlete's development and work, school, or personal schedule allow for multiple training sessions, the coach should plan the timing of such sessions. It is helpful to begin each microcycle with a meeting in which the coach and athlete discuss the objectives for each training factor contained in the microcycle and how those objectives will be achieved. The coach and athlete should discuss the volume and intensity of training, the number of training session contained in each training day, and where the most difficult training sessions will fall. The coach may want to target performance standards for the microcycle. Additional personalized information can be given to athletes at this time. Finally, if the microcycle is leading into a competition, the coach should give the athlete details about the upcoming contest and motivate the athlete to attain each competition goal. If there is no competition at the end of microcycle, a short meeting should be held alter the last training session of the m.crocycle to analyze whether the athlete achieved cr.nn.r^'' Mtralnmgr0bJeCCiVeS ^ ^ The coach should use this meeting to evaluation of the ^ ^ M ^"^T 'u then take all infbnSo^nSSd^ " ^ ^ ^ formulate strategies for future mirr i the™eenn8s and "aming outcomes to meeting following a microl" e ™" \ *V"* S'mikr °bJ— ™° ^ ^ ycie is a tool with which coaches and athletes can coor- dinate their focus «n Performance outcomes. Classifying Microcytics S**vnral Hi (Tu-..«._i _ Several different microcycle structur «ng circumstances result in an infm£ ^ prLesented in this chapter, but specific train-"(the ""«»Wie is dictated b "of "ructural variations. The dynam- deve,op .n , rf J many factors including the phase of training, the taaicai, or physical preparation) oST*'"'"8 faCt0r emP'«s.s (e.g., technical, ex moTe EE" *« 2" lmP«'tant factors dictating the "ample, a trained ^ >£*«envelopment and training capacity. For le to derate a greater density of train- ing sessions performed at higher intensities than . Whktes on the same team may have differ^ ^ nov'« ™ less-developed athlete individuation of rmcrocycle structure may bewarra a"d traininS ""ds so To create an .ndmduahzed training stim^s"ranted-dardization and ngtdity when structuring the microstiT"5' diminate stan" bl, flex.ble in the context of the training plan as we„ 'ycle, The microcycle should change training factors as the athlete progresses th'r h u M°W Ae coach t0 flexibility allows the coach to use information gathered ft "lminZ Plan- This or competition to modify the training plan to heln rK- °m,tram,t* assessments, and training objectives. P thc athlere meet performance Onemethodforclassifyingmicrocyclescentersonthen,,mK r ■ ■ perwec, As stated previous!, the ^*^^£SX!2 tolerate without overtnumng occurnng is dictated by the athletes level of d elop ment and physical preparation. Additionally, the microcycle structure will change depending on the available tune for training and whethet the athlete is participating in a training camp or undergoing regular training sessions. There are a variety of microcycle structures: 3 days per week (figure 8.1), 4 days per week (figure 8.2), and S days per week (figure 8.3) are common structures. Advanced athletes who have a high work tolerance and can meet the time requirements can undergo eight training sessions per week (figures 8.4 and 8.5). Microcycles with Figure 8.1 Microcycle with three training sessions per week. Session lime p.m DAY Monday Training Tuesday Training Wednesday Thursday Training Friday Saturday Training Sunday Figure 8.2 Microcycle with four training sessions per training session on Friday. week. A variant is to have the fourth Dm Monday Training Tuesday Training Wednesday fi9ure 8.3 Microcycle with five sessions per Wednesday Monday Training Training Tuesday Training Training DAY Thursday Training week- J)AY_ Thursday Training Training Friday Training Friday Saturday Training Training Fi9ure 8.4 Microcycle with eight sessions per week. 208 Periodization^ • m« be used during holidays or during training camps, additional training session ™J ° or with more advanced athletes, when more time is available tor numberof training sessions. The athlete can There are many ways to increa half days, followed by a half dav of use a 3+1 m.crocycle, training on t^ « ^ microcyde (figure 8 6) Thjs ^ rest, for a total of 9 tuning tolerance Qr potenda, js hlgher ^ can be modified for an atn 5+1 microcycle (five sessions plus 1/2 day can tolerate "ensive m, ro^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SSSL microcycles (figure 8.8).The structure of these more mtensive microcycles depends on the amount of time that is available and the type of training stimulus used during each session. The microcycle structure can be further expanded by integrating multiple training sessions throughout the day that target different training factors. For example, a three-component microcycle may be constructed where a sprint-agility or a plyometric session is conducted in the morning and the main training session, which targets tactical or technical development followed by strength training, may be performed in the late afternoon or early evening (figure 8.9). An additional aspect of the microcycle structure relates to the variations in training intensity and demand. The training dynamics should not be uniform across the microcycle. They should vary depending on the characteristics of the training, the type of microcycle used, the environmental conditions (e.g., climate, weather), Session time DAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday a.m. ____________-~ Training Training p.m. Training Training Training Training Training Training ................................... Figure 8.5 Alternative microcycle with eight sessions per week. Session time Monday Training Jraining Tuesday Training DAY Wednesday Training Figure 8.6 Microcycle with a 3+1 Training Thursday Training Friday Training Training Saturday Training Sunday structure. Session time p.m. DAY Fi9Ure87 Training Saturday Training Sunday Session licrocycl, and the phase of the annual training Pian T. between the seven intensity zones, rangL f ' 'ntensity of trainin , recovery session where no traming J uZT^ry^ CO-IOO^T 1 (table Si) Tk , amol, ruA!heSealter".onsare J|5iningq^les209 "-«•IS), or occasionally Figure 8.9 Microcycle with the integration of multiple training factors. Table 8.1 Intensity Zones and Training Demand Intensity zone Training demand Percentage of maximum performance Intensity « Very high 90-100 Maximum 4 High 80-90 Heavy Medium 70-80 Medium 2 Low 50-70 Low « Very low <50 Very low Recovery Recovery No training Recovery - microcycle '8'10 Microcycle with one peak Training demand 90-100°/. 80-90*. 50-70°< <50°. Very nigh High Very low Recovery W Th I F Days of the microcycle Figure 8.11 Two-peak microcycle. Training demand 90-100% Very high 80-90% High 70-80% Medium 50-70% Low <50% Very low 0 Recovery Va—' a ,wo-peak microcycle. L i Days of the microcycle on three (figure 8 16) hi h d of the Xrocyde"'110 ""T mgh-dema"d tuning days depending- the coachXmW^'JI!"? ^ ****** or training demand within the should contain nePrmc'plesof!oad nmar.>cc,^n Th# miOOCy* ^enmod;itrainidn7;s''feir^""at1onSes! ' ' ÄS^^d if the Mhle« is at high ah*»* «ossed several time zones (5-8 hr rime different or hast ming Cycles 211 Figure 8.13 Two-peak microcycle with high demand. ^ °'miCr°CyC'e f|9ure 8.14 w | Th I F Days ol Ihe microcycle Two-peak microcycle in which the second peak is a competition n°tconta,nUaapeafcS warranred to add a" adaptation microcycle that does 'S Cra>ning ln f] le mKrocyde structure also should he altered when the athlete oCcur at h'^ ',um,d c'"nare.fhis situation it is recommended that the ^e sam / ' leDe£,n»ing of the week when the athlete has more vigor. deft,and r P, e m,crocyc'es in figures 8.J0 through 8.16 represent total training (°ta' ""am t'lan t'le seParare variables of volume and intensities. The use of Sp°rtinp 'ng demand allows for the microcycle structure to be used in a variety of d0m,natedKVltleS' because sports vary in their area of emphasis, with some being %p°rts c y sPeed-power, maximal strength, or endurance. Additionally, team t0fa' ttei nta'n 3 c°mplex inunction of many factors that can best represented by a,n,ng demand. Days of the microcycle Figure 8.15 Microcycle model for two adjacent peaks. Training demand 90-100% Very high 80-90% High 70-80% Medium 50-70% Low <50% Very low I 0 Recovery 1 Figure 8.16 Threo n«,L • Days ot the microcycle ee-peakmicrocyc,e with alternating training demands A microcycle can b ^ 11 Possible m,crorTred some authors speculate that therea« "WpUoue the tra,n,n« and ,StrUCtUreS- This numb" of microcycle variants m moSt common ^nd p|anning process_ sQ >r for thf coaCh needs. ™'"°cycle structures and adapt the ' a^l^thure^ «** should besu;date' °b- S^^^S^lr C° U"d-a„d an. . P«'"«n phase. "g sesston. figure 8 l? ^ a m|crocyc)e lv, individual trail 1 W microcycle •!• u ctetT f "5** e "* *-fore, as as pOS^ J .tern 1 hHU'd b< «»ccffa!j!rw'and cont£nt for each training r petlt,"n phase. 'Session. l-,Kur, o l7 . „ . _.. ^,1, nlaTJ rr1"11' . Javelin 10-11:00 . 15 min warm-up Sprints: 20, 30, 40 m g Warm-up: 20 min Sprints: 30 m„ 4 4 Technique: Last 3 strides 30 throws with baseball 15 medicine ball throws • 2 x 30 m bounds Microcyle # 29 Objectives: V Perform 67:00 m 2. Perfect the rhythm ol the last three strides under higher velocity conditions 3. Develop the ability to concentrate tor the morning competition 4. Maintain leg and arm power Thu.s. Train ng Cycles 213 Competition warm-up: 6 throws • Warm-up: Competition ' Throws: ■ 6 throws 4/4 • 15 throws, 3/4 with short approach 1 Warm-up: 7 min specific warm-up Weight training: 30 min Flexibility: 5 min Wed. Basketball game: 2 x 15 min lue«lay warm-up Same as Monday • Warm-up: Competition ' Throws: 15 medium approach ■ Walk & throw: 15 min at different sports in the grass 1 Relaxation: Special exercises Sat. Sun. Competition 10:45 Basketball game: 2 x 15 min Figure 8.17 Competition phase microcycle plan. Classification of Microcycles Based on Training Objectives and Phase of Training The structure of the microcycle depends on the training objectives and thus the training phase. From this point of view there are four general microcycle classifications: developmental, shock, recovery-regeneration, and peaking and unloading. Developmental Microcycles Developmental m.crocycles are specific to the P^^^Z^ objective is to increase the level of adaptation, impiwt£ high demand The abilities. Such cycles could have two or three peaks o m ^ ^ on [he ath|ctc's microcycle can use a step loading or flat loading me , ^ rf^ preparatory ossification. Figure 8.18 illustrates a microcycle or ^ development. Ph«e, presenting training sessions for early adapt Mock Microcycle . . denMnds beyond those A ^ock microcycle contains a sudden increase o era. ^ planned over- fly experienced. These ^hock «*"7^££55 ^hmg(20) or concentrated that most lWr«2l*^ by two to four peaks in training ^ microcycl« isdes-gne a°d second part of the preparatory pnai<- \ I saturated stimulus that will elevate the athlete's preparedness in subsequent ■ blocks (16). This type of load will result in a significant level of physiologIcai j"""? bance, which will facilitate further increases in preparedness and perform Un 15). However, the greater the training load programmed in a shock micr ""'^^■l'. longer the delay before performance increases after the athlete returns °C^C'e' training loads (16,19). S C° normal An example of a shock microcycle is presented in figure 8.19 In th' three-peak microcycle has been constructed in which very high rraini '/j3"^* are encountered. To facilitate recovery, two recovery days are planned (T^ ands 1 nursdayand Training demand 90-100% Very high 80-90% High 70-80% Medium 50-70% Low <50% Very low 1 0 Recovery 1 I M Figure 8.18 Developmental microcycle. The w | Th Days of the microcycle scope or focus of this microcycle is adaptation. 1 M 1 CO CO F Sa 1 Figure 8.19 Variant of a sh l a light recovery trains k m|crocyC|P a -----""microcycle 'n9 ~*" - ThuyrCs'deayA v-an, of ,he shock microcyc|e presen(ed ma, 1 sz m < Days of the microcycle Figure 8.20 Variant of a shock microcycle interspersing high-intensity peaks active rest. Training Cycles 2 Recovery Su with lower-intensity Sunday). An alternative to this format is to intersperse the high-intensity peaks with lower-intensity active rest or regeneration workouts (figure 8.20). When using these types of cycles, the athlete must allow enough time for preparedness and performance to supercompensate. Therefore, these types of microcycles should not be used immediately before a competition or 2 to 3 weeks after a shock, regeneration, or unloading microcycle, when training intensity should be markedly lower. Recovery-Regeneration Microcycle The goal of a regeneration microcycle is to dissipate fatigue and elevate the athlete's level of preparedness, which ultimately will improve performance. This microcycle is marked by a significantly lower training demand, which can be created by decreasing training intensity, volume, or some combination of both. Another TZ th,s type of mLcycle is to include ^^^gSt characteristics as the targeted sport but are different than tn _ y> The regeneration microcycle elevates performance and decreases p for overtraining. Peking and Unloading Microcycles ii)rpeakingm,cro,v.,-i fatigue and elevate performance >unloauU g V ^ informatlon on to be included m the annual plan. rements of the spore....."~7 «* sev- sports (figure 8.21) competition, """"TT ;„ 1 week whereas in inoivKiu....n. -........H™'Hon$ eralcompetit.onsin 1 , with one competition per week, 1 or 2 H ZZ°Z Ä ^ included each week Thebulk of training w,„ be days of rest and recovery*.'^—-^^ ,n this example, a medium to h,,h hen ?P1 nned for the 2 days prior to the next competmon This basic competitive microcycle can be mod.f.ed when the opponent is weaker or the competition is of little importance. Such a competition will not present a high physiological challenge, and the subsequent competition-induced fatigue will be markedly less than usual. It may be warranted in these situations to replace the recovery day that is planned for Monday in this example with an additional technical or tactical training session. Additional!)', it is likely that only one unloading day would be needed before a minor competition. This schedule results in a net gain of 4 training days, with at least one of those days being of a high demand. When teams have multiple competitions or games in one microcycle (see figure 8.22), Monday is as a short regeneration session that contains a very low to low training demand. The second session of the microcycle (Tuesday) is a tactical dav that is used to elevate performance during the Wednesday competition. On Thursdava regeneration day is planned, and Friday is the only high-demand training session of the microcycle. To elevate performance for the Sunday game, an unloading dav is planned for Saturday. If the competitive schedule is organized over 2 days of a weekend (e.g., team sports tournament or several races in track and swimming) the microcvele can be organized ThuTsdal 'h pT f23- TW° Unl°adinS traini"S ^ on the 2 davs nd suoercomn >0 T C° Che Weekend competition so that fatigue is dissipated nfZSKS;°f PreparedneSS ««■ « *e competition. The highest tW Training demand 90-100% Very high I 80-90% High I 70-80% Medium 1 50-70% Lew 1 <50% Very low 1 0 Hecovi -, 1 I Sa Days ol the microcych Days of the microcycle Figure 8.22 Competitive microcycle tor a team sport with two games in 1 week. Training demand 90-100% Very high 80-90% High 70-80% Medium 50-70% Low <50% Very low 0 Recovery figure Days ol the microcycle 8.23 Competitive microcycle for a team sport w,.h two games m one . ___,V< Ju'llli ,... thc coach should plan ition chat may inc «* * '» ^ at very ^ on rest and recovery). Acnvc i««> J , ^ ■tare lactate removal (10,13, 17). damp"' ,..,,„„-nu\ Active ren»i If the micr regeneration tion on facil and ofexerc can sig the nex Poste "K next competitive match, m* — r„linument"y ,v P°«exerc>se supplementation and ' , NVC,k.,onS m£ lov,,„tens,y dr«e between matches (4, 8). A mia^J* every J** W ,n figure 8.24. Note that the morning K Figure 8.24 Microcycle for a week-long team sport tournament. regeneration session that is designed to speed recovery. Additionally, a low-intensity tactical training session is planned for the late afternoon on the day pnor to each game. A microcycle formatted in this fashion Will the athlete with the best potential to recover and maximize performance. Model of a Microcycle for Competition The vast majority of the microcycles in the annual training plan target the development of skills and abilities required by the sport. However, during the competitive phase, the focus of the training plan shifts to maximizing performance capacity during competition. This is accomplished by modifying the microcycle structure in accordance with the demands of the sport and the athlete's physiological and psychological needs. One strategy is to develop the microcycle based on a model of the competition. This model can be used repeatedly prior to main competition. The model should contain training sessions of various intensities and should alternate between active rest and recovery. The daily cycle should be identical to the day of the competition. Many sports (e.g., track and field, swimming, tennis, some team sports, martial arts) have qualifying rounds followed by finals in the same day (e.g., Friday 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.). Models designed to address this competitive schedule would place the mam training day on Friday, which would contain two training sessions that would occur at the same times as the targeted competition. Other sports (e.g., some team sports, boxing, tennis, and wrestling) may contain 3 or 4 days of consecutive competitions. This type of competitive format can also the con? r ry l'^'"8 ?f Stru«ure to correspond to the demands of HowevT then"' T T^f ^ rePeMed —1 »™« P™ » the SSe pi Z il *, J °n X ^ USed eWr>' 2 °r 3 —k*. developmental ^tt^ Z compete mode,, national ZSSZSte GameS'World C^™P>°"^>or inf compenuve fLat ZtZEZEZS In ' ^ * 'S C° m°del S stress and significantly affect the 12 I " ' 'V* * ^ am°Unt °f P^0^ f»r large, tourrumentt, the athi teTh H ' ™ ****** T° P"T last 2 or 3 days and contain f r Part,c'Pate smaller tournaments that ur or rive corriDeririup la^i t. ui j uays and com un f r 1-----"r"*-*- 141 miuuici luui nam*-*"— tournaments, the......,„• sIiummT iT comP«itive efforts. To prepare for these ing structures that contain char >W dcveloPmenta' microcycles and daily train-be warranted to familiarize the atlT'"'" tarSeted tournament. It may also competitive model, alterine l> Jm W"h the co,11P«itive schedule bv using the tournament. It may be recomn, •, 7'] C"mPctition a"d recovery typicallv seen in » a tournament involve higher dem=a ■ traininS days that fall on the same day o' of lower intensity or contain a ec„v ' " tHe d*Y after chis session sh°U'd Tl,c athlete should alternate betvv recovery days to maximize her ability^ I'T^* "mpetitive A 3tlllctes do not favor free days between rPt C° the compel Y\™d rest ™* the second day of competition is sometiSn^0"5 ^« Sff jn performance seems to be based on pos^o mrT **■ 8°°d as 4"ZtT, ^ as Overconfidence, conceit) rather than a„ ? P"'"011 psycll°Ca J athlete's ability to tolerate the rest days UrLT^*™ offeg1^ J* competition^ oftheannualtra,nmgplan; >f the competitive ph™ S^T^^P^ the competitive model during the last part of the n'""' COach Can introd"" Although the competitive model can be used t H P atory Phase-the athlete likely will participate in several additionT"' maj°r comPetiti°n, tions may occur on a different day of the microcvd ?mp"lt,ons- Such competi-The microcycle model usually should not be modify u maj°r comPetici°n. if the athlete is likely to qualify for the major competition SltUat,0nS• The main goal of the microcycles preceding rU theathletetocomP,ete,yrecoverLmPthe^ training SO that peak performance occurs (for more information on peaking see chapter 7). The athlete can peak by reducing the training load by approximately 40% to 60% across the microcycle (2) before the major competition. Another strategy is to manipulate the training load across two microcycles. In this situation peaking can be accomplished in 8 to 14 days with gradual reductions in training load. Several examples of peaking strategies are presented in chapter 7. Recovery and Regeneration Microcycles Elevations in preparedness and performance occur when fatigue is dissipated (19, 20,24). One might argue that fatigue management is centtal to the actual training process (20). If fatigue is managed appropriately, a supercompensation effect will occur, elevating preparedness and performance. Recovery and regeneration can be integrated into a microcycle in -vera ash on. For example, including rest days, variations in training «^£3 methods ot training can facilitate recovery between or withm A regeneration microcycle should be incorporated at theen ^ ^ ^ ^ fc 8.25 presents a classic 4:1 (loading and unl°ad'nS^rPocPvcles can be structured the an unloading or regeneration microcycle. These m freqUency of training same as a training microcycle, but the intensity, density, can be reduced. ntlins actual training sessions that are Anotherrestorationmicrocycle structure^ feigned to stimulate t*W-^"^^^W^*^2& andarelativelyslwrtramingsessioncon^ sPort or complementary activ.ties followed^ g ^ ^ an exampie reg tate recovery (see chapter 5 for more detai h particularty *«io„ and several different regeneration ^plan nd^Joftraining Regeneration microcycles are integral pan ^ ^ cornpet. « J ? of competl. '■"Portant during the competition phas* ^ conta.n cricnced f°' many sports, 2 or 3 microcycles can "^ amounjof ^g ^ ^ The use of many competitions «^this high ^ be used. b^he athlete. To enable the athlete to tO^ stn Pathological stress, regeneration ana Loading pattern 80°, 30°, Week 1 I Week 2 I Week 3 I Week 4 Macrocycle 1 Week 5 I Week 6 I Week 7 Macrocycle 2 Waat I Figure 8.25 Placement of a recovery and regeneration microcycle. Table 8.2 Regeneration Session Description Duration (min) Warm-up Training session Cool-down Regeneration Alternative regeneration techniques General warm-up Specific warm-up Low-intensity work from either the sport being trained for or a complementary activity Static stretching Warm water immersion • 37-39 °C for the whole body • 37-40 "C for the legs • 37-45 °C for the arms or hands Total body massage Sauna • 60-140 °C; 5-15% humidity Contrast therapy • Thermotherapy: 37-44 °c • Cryotherapy: 7-20 c Cold water immersion • 12-18 C 10 20 30 10 10-20 10-20 30 20 4 1 20 An example of a regeneratioi designed to remove physioK.^alTnT'" Present«l «> figure 8.26. Tins mfcWC**lS °f energy substrates, and suLtc'', P^^aJ fatigue, aid in the replenish""'" P rcompensate the athlete at the end of the cvole. Quantifying Training The coach and athlet | loads-To° often tr^^^:::rh^ n» —* — *; based on subjective indicators. In the be* Training demand 90-100*» 80-90% "0% 50-70% Very high High Medium Low Very low Recovery CO u I 8 2 w 6? ■ Figure 8.26 Regeneration microcycle. Th I Days of the microcycle case scenario the plan alternates heavy training days with easy days throughout the year. In the worst-case scenario, the plan uses a "no pain, no gain" philosophy and the loading or intensity of training is constantly very high, which ultimately leads to overtraining and high levels of fatigue. Although few coaches quantify the loading parameters contained in their training programs, quantifying training is one of the most important parts of developing a training plan. In individual sports, such as track and field, swimming, and rowing, volume is often quantified using mileage (kilometers or miles per microcycle, mac-tocycle, or year of training). In the throwing events, volume may be quantified as the number of throws completed in the individual cycles. Intensity may be quantified as distance jumped or thrown, the percentage of maximum speed, or maximal power i_____rrrnniiw is Quantified as output or heart rate. In strength training, the volume of training is qua the volume load or tonnage lifted, whereas intenslt> anon) Training intensity maximal strength or 1RM (see chapter 10 for more in .(difficuI[ for coaches and volume are rarely quantified in team sports,« to monitor the athletes' training. _ (difficult undertaking d bv the athlete's which is easier to The quantification of training is often • «*- J "comply when the tra.ning P^"^^"^ athlete's training background ^ach Is very familiar, The coach should gj* strengths and •Klitie, to tolerate physiological and ^^^ocs^^J^Z -dtram,nKenv,ronment.Be«us^ tfaini atramndgthe^lume0ftra,nmg "ng programs should not — -- r jesigning a"d abilities is an essential component o _ ations. a fining should be planned using estaW must be vam- shou.d be ouantified. chroughoutjh^^ and_st,mu.ate ed »11 pr^'msThe tra.ning "^ZZ to the ' ^tensity the coa ice the athlete's physiology! adapt ^ ^ 0»*^^ demands t0 enhance the athlete's physioiug— auantity »» - hy: generation after a training *^J*S, based on the p may identify three to five training ' Ilten»« 222 Periodization _ ,cr ^rrplare with the activity's rhythm or temnn ,u oeacs3 mTnute). The intensity zones should be determined accord,ng to the b,„. energetic characreristics of the sport or the percentage contention of the various energV svstems. After gathering this information, the coach can pan the percentage of each intensity level contained in the microcycle (table8.3). The highest percentage of the training load should target the development of the dominant ability and the bioenergetic characteristics of the sport. Tables 8.3 and 8.4 show this concept applied in a microcycle for rowing. |n table 8.3, intensities 3 and 4 comprise 70% of the total training load for the competitive phase of the annual training plan. The same two intensities dominate the example in table 8.4, which shows the link between the theoretical concept and its application in the training of rowers. If an objecrive means of quantifying training does not exist, the coach can sub jectively divide skills and training into more difficult (pace of game, race, or match) and less difficult stratifications. The pace of the game, race, or match should be simulated with intensity number 2; this intensity should be used for at least 50% of the training rime per week. Table 8.3 Example of Intensity Zones for Rowing Characteristics Rhythm of activity Stroke rate Type ot training eart rate (beats/min) Bioenergetics (%) Anaerobic Aerobic Total training volume (%) Speed endurance Maximum I >40 Starts and sprints up to 15 s; rest 15 mm >180 80 20 10 INTENSITY ZONES Power endurance Very high, greater than the racing rate and rhythm 37-40 Repetitions of 250-1.000 m; rest 3-10 mm 170-180 65 35 Specific racing endurance Rapid, the optimal rhythm and ratios 32-36 Races and controlled racing. Interval training of 3-4 '"in: rest 4-5 min I 150-170 25 75 70 4 5 Aerobic endurance of medium distance Aerobic endurance of long distance Moderate, lower than the racing rhythm Low 24-32 <24 Long repetitions; variable rate and power. Longdistance rowing with sprints of 30-60 s Longdistance (steady-state) technique 120-150 <120 1% 5 85 95 20 g 4 Example of Using Numeric Jocyde for Rowing A better quantification system contains five intensities, in which 5 is a low intensity to use for compensation between other intensities or to facilitate supercompensation. An example of a five-category stratification follows: 1. Maximum intensity 2. Higher than the pace of the game, race, or match 3. Pace of the game, race, or match 4. Lower than the pace of the game, race, or match 5. Compensation In either case, the intensity higher than the pace of the game, race dominated by anaerobic energy supply, whereas aerobic energy supply dominates '"tensities that are below game, race, or match pace. tr,imne the coach Whether objective or subjective methods «J^TffiS step I should follow the correct sequence when planning ^ jndicat^ this on the training t0 plan the intensity zones for each day of the wee an ^ ^ provlde Plan (table 8.4). Intensity zones should be chosen tore ^ ^ ^ ^ s(ep rf nations in intensities, type of work, or energy s> ^ developed (step 2). For the planning process it completed, the plan ^ foreach intenslty, th* best results, the coach should include «f^J h lfa, tra, Each plan •^spect,ve of whether this refers to technical tact, a ■ . ^ ^ „ include one to three intensity symbol s£A ^ ^ .mostly '^t two types of work that tax the same em^ An example for m Val'd for sports of high technical and tactua o ^ rfa method for quantifying SP°" illustrates this sequence. Table 8.5 .s anMl-J ^ mten51[y zones. tr»'ning; whereas table 8.6 is an example o 24 Periodization of Training for TeamSports_ Characteristics of training Duration Rest interval (min) Heart rate (beats/ min) Bioenergetics (%) Anaerobic Aerobic Total training volume (5) 2 3 4 T: complex; TA: lactic acid T/TA: suicide drills TA: V02max T/TA: Phosphagen tolerance training 30-60 s 20-30 s 3-5 min 5-15 s 3-5 3 2-3 1-2 >180 >180 >170 >170 80 90 40 90 20 10 60 10 40 20 20 T: skills: accuracy in shooting serving,passing 10 min (severa, bouts) 120-150 Note: T = technical; TA = tactical. During the rest interval, athletes can practice technical skills of low intensity (e.g.. shoot™ the basketball). Table 8.6 Example of Alternating Intensities During a Microcycle for a Team Sport DAY Mon. Tues. Wed. Note: Several intensities are planned for Thürs. Fri. Sat. Sun. a given day. Alternating Intensity and Energy System Focus During a Microcycle Alternating training intensities during a microcycle is one of the most effective methods to prevent exhaustion, staleness, and overtraining. The higher the intensity or power output of the activity, the greater the reliance on anaerobic energy supP>> (ph. .sphagen, fast glycolytic, and slow glycolytic). Thus, a plan that modulates the intensity of training w,ll target a specific energy system, thus facilitating recover) and regeneration or stimulating adaptation. The structure of this variation will be dictated by ,he phase of training (preparatory vs. competitive) and the need to super-compensate a specific energy system prior to competition. This is best accompli^ n« methodT"8 IT^u biSed "** interaction of science a«d«* mg peak performance at the appropriate time. Traini For most sports, the "g ,------- . -energy demand of th. two energy systems (12, 20). Although th.T Preferential r, isoUted, all of the energy systems * ^ the activity (i.e., power output) will dirrJ. ...? Y* sar"e time and r _ 1 can be e intensity of ■rentially the acuv.iy v..-, r~wC1 uuiputj will dictate wl u t,me a"d the int. targeted (3). Therefore, a high intensity will in crealT^T™ are P«fe and fast glycolytic systems, whereas a lower intens rv T"™* °Uhe Phosphagen the slow glycolytic and systems (20) If th Y T 'ncrease the emphasis on energy reserves, training intensity during the mpet,t,on depletes the athlete's be reduced. Reducing the intensity of training will d°mpetltlve Gaining days should creating a microcycle that induces recovery and re 1SS'PatCCUmulativefatig"e.thus athlete for subsequent training. generation and thus prepares the Although it is important to alternate work and essaty for the athlete to be completely recovered fc^Sl" 7 ?T "* example, during the preparatory phase of training wheTtwZr f™ SgphysaologicalfoundanoLhea^te^ will not supercompensate When the training demand is lowered in later unloading microcycles, the athlete s level of preparedness will be elevated and performance will increase. Therefore, during the preparatory phase of training, the plan can include developmental and shock microcycles without allowing the athlete enough time to remove all of the accumulated fatigue. This process will challenge the athlete's physiological systems and result in greater performance improvements after future unloading microcycles. As a competition approaches, the fatigue generated in the preparatory phase can be reduced by alternating training intensities, thus stimulating physiological adaptations, removing fatigue, and allowing physical parameters to supercompensate. Alternating the focus on intensity and energy systems can be very difficult with complex sports (such as team sports) in which multiple energy systems play a large role m performance and the technical and tactical skills are very intricate. Such activities can require the athlete to maximize strength, speed, and ^^"^ to be successful. Thus, planning involves a conundrum ,n **£*Z%ZZ be trained to meet the demands of the sport without approach is to vary intensities of training, thus changing the bioene g tra,n,ng,todeve.opmu.tiP.e^ be used to vary training intensities in an attemr e ^ according to the The first step is to classify all the skills and c>p f howonc might classify energy systems that are taxed. Table 8.7 gives an "P cUssifying ski,U, lt may be skills. Although table 8.7 can be used as a gulden ^ pities that are ger- warranted to systematically classify the sk.l band session 1. to target mane to the sport. One ^"1 a specific energy system with all skills a ^ ^ ^ [he baiance oi 'he daily session can target one ^ activities for other days. .1, that alternates the tra e scolip|ed The second step is to plan a microti rl ^ ,„ tra.nmg^^ 'able 8.7 to target specific ^''"KSiWl-"''ergy souu «*h appropriate nutrition will allow th. at. 1^'°""" Retaining cycles reas in "tnLI • .««11 eventually1 Physiological adaptations that win e In terms of microcycles that **^^)^"»* «* not planned throughout the ^^ensation. whet <*W be d,ss,pated to stimulate ^P^ZZ athletes o levels of fatigue are generated to c physiology i adapt Even 226 Penodization , alternated in these microcycles, it is likely thar ,u chanter (see the figure, in the following sections). Alternating the training demand will challenge the'athlete on some training days, which will produce a high levc, of fatigue, whereas on other days fatigue will be removed ,n response to a less-challeng,n training bout. Each sample microcycle contains a diagram of the dynamics of fatigue or supercompensation in response to various training sessions. Team sports are very complex, and a single training session for these sports will stress multiple energy systems as well as the neuromuscular system (technique, maximum speed, strength and power). Figure 8.27 gives an example of how the microcycle can be varied. Monday's session taxes the neuromuscular, phosphagen, and glycolytic Table 8.7 Classification of Skills and Physical Training for Alternating Energy Systems ENERGY SYSTEM Phosphagen Technical skills Tactical skills Power Max imum length Glycolytic Short duration Technical skills Tactical skills 10-60 s 10-60s Speed training 10-60 s Power endurance Muscle endurance Oxidative Technical skills Tactical skills Aerobic endurance Muscle endurance Long duration Medium to long duration Medium to long duration Microcycle ( Training demand Technique Technique Power or maximal strength Power or maximal strength Speed Power or maximal strength Sa Technical or tactical Endurance Training Cycles 227 energy systems. Activities involving speed „ tformed for short durations rely on ATP^^ draining [hese can cause stgmficant glycolytlc r^L, H™—. * large volume of Depending on the volume and intens.ty of train " a"d can deP'ete glycogen stores. day's workout should be relatively quick, allowing u," °f ^ from Mon-training session without much fatigue. g athleCe t0 P«form Tuesday's In a traditional plan in which the athlete exoer stress almost every day, the demanding session « g 'eVels of Pnvsi°l°gical could nearly deplete the glycogen stores and S^0"?!^ fi*Ure 827 ^ogicalstte|^ ance performed at a much lower intensity. The remainder of the microcycle alternates rra.mng stressors rhat modulate fatigue (or preparedness) Another example of how one might alternate training stressors during a microcycle is presented in figure 8.28. This figure presents a hypothetical model for a sport in which speed and power are dominant. Speed and power training occurs on the same day as power endurance training, which is marked by repeating power exercises 10 to 25 times per set. Two high-intensity training days in which the phosphagen and glycolytic systems are taxed precede a training day that focuses on tempo training and the development of endurance. Figure 8.29 is a microcycle for a sport that is dominated by aerobic endurance capacity and thus relies predominantly on oxidative metabolism. The training options in this plan tax the same energy system in the same day. The plan simultaneously includes types of strength training specific to endurance sports that tax the energy system on the particular day. Consequently, muscular endurance or high-volume mn'epetitistreng^ H,gher-intensityactivities(max,mals^ training is sometimes termed ergogenesis or ergogenic -Hneed and power. ---I_^^^p^auequ.res sPe 9Ure 8.28 Alternating training stress 28 Periodization___---—- ■ rvcle structure for an endurance sport in whjf. Flgure 8.30 shows a micro > ^ ^ high.lntcnsity ^ petition lasts ^^£1 and glycolytic systems ks important for , s ^ Stresses both the p^J" the development of hrgh-.ntens.ty endurance performance. Days that a ^ ^ foHowed by low-mtens.ty aerob.c w0rk e' produce significant gl>coi). The , is t0 dcvelop the ability to prod h« is used as a compensationact. Y ^ ^ add and remove e h ^^t^c^-^ Training demand Theoretical fatigue curve Microcycle day Muscular endurance Anaerobic endurance Maximal strength or power endurance Aerobic endurance Compensation training Power endurance Muscular endurance Compensation training Figure 8.29 Alternating training stress for a sport that requires endurance. Training demand Theoretical fatigue Curve Aerobic endurance of medium demand Anaerobic endurance Compensation training Aerobic endurance of high demand Anaerobic endurance Anaerobic threshold Compensation training —■-- s ,or a sport that requires endurance for 4 to I figure "\^.S Per'iod\zation model tor a sprinter. Dates Months May June July August September October Week starting 12 19 24 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 I 18 I 25 I 8 I 1 5 I 22 29 I 6 I 13 I 20 I 27 Competitions B O -= ■ c Training phase Preparation phase 1 Competition phase 1 Subphase General preparation Specific preparation Precompetition Competitive Macrocodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Microcycles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 I — 1 — ID J f f 93 Primary focus Strength endurance Maximal strength Power Technique Maintenance f ■eaking I Sessions 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 > 2 I 2 ! Strength endurance M H H M M M L H L L L - - - L L L H H L L L ■ - Strength M M M M H H H M M M M M L L L L M L M M L L L L L Power L L L I L M M L • H H H M L M M M L L L M M M IM M 1 ™ Speed • - L L L L M - L M M H H H M M M M M M W M « Primary focus SA and SA endurance SA endurance Endurance Tactics Tactics, maintenance, and recovery rain Endurance I L L L M M M M H H H H M M M L L L M M L L r I L td and; ictical I 1 Z Speed and agility 'ndurance M M M M H H H M M M M M M L L L L L M M L L . L L a. -o peed and agility M M M M L L L M L L L L L M M L L L L L L L L L L nee. al. a 1 , echnical M M M M M M M M L M M M M L L L L L L L L L I L L Iura hnic actical L L L L L L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H H M M M ■5 £ r iecovery L L L M L L L M L L L L M L L M M M L M M H M H M Figure 12.6 Annual training plan tor an American university soccer team. Dates / Months Week starting I 3 Competitions / November 17 24 Training phase Subphase Macrocycles Competition phase 1 Comp. Transition phase 1 Transition 18 January 26 Preparation phase 2 General preparation Specific preparation Precompetitive 10 Competition phase 2 11 12 Competitive 13 14 30 31 Technique 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Strength endurance Maximal strength Power Speed Endurance development Speed and agility M M Speed and agility endurance Figure 12.6 (continued) Annual training plan tor an American university soccer team. Note H = high emphasis, m - moderate emphasis. L = low emphasis. ■ - nol trained; SA = speed and agility Adapted trom Gray and Stone 2008 (38) Figure 12.8 Microcycle structure for a 14-week sequenced preparation phase of training plan for university or professional American football. ST = strength training; SA= speed agility, SE= speed endurance, and SPE= special endurance. On days when multiple activities are scheduled, the activities must be separated so that one factor is addressed in a morning session and the other at least 4 hr later If time constraints dictate that both factors must be trained in the same session the priority item should be addressed first. On days when SA and ST occur, the ST generally for this session focuses on upper-body activities. Adapted Irom Plisk 2008 (91) and Half et al. 2004 (39). SUMMARY OF MAJOR CONCEPTS The development of speed, agility, and speed endurance is important for rhe majority 2""° rrP°rtant r" Performan« Characterises must be integrated Zloomen "of h rT'™! lonS-d'^ fining methods will impede the SaS^^S ,agll'ty 3nd Sh°uld be ^ided when attempting to program for athletes who are actemP np d J* *" ,nte«rated StrenSth trainmg Some very specf.c movementmecnan maX'mi2e SPeed PerformanCe' speed of movement (see Plisk 91) and f I esSentlal to maximizing an athlete's speed plays a role in change-of-du-ec^ tatechange"of'dlTectlon activities. Although ity activities must be included in the m Pe'f0rmance' change-of-direction or agil-stra.ght-line running will not significInPHed training Plan. Simply practicing amounts of time performing straight I 'mProv,; agility. Many athletes spend large use morechange-of-direction tasks th^r !Usks' buc >( may be warranted to in direction, and reacceleration J^^^*****™**,deceleration,changes ■mplements used in competition (e s IT' u ^ be ""ranted to include the "leg., soccer ball, basketball) Typ* Chart ot the Annual Plan _Year: Athlete's name Training objectives Tests/Standards Physical prep Technical prep Psychological prep Dates M." ":!'■- Domestic International : Competitions Location I • ill Trarnmq phase c Strenqth o Endurance IB SDeed T3 o Psvcholoqical I Nutrition Q. Macrocvcles Microcycles ■ 1 70111 |l?|l3|li » 22 1 .'312i\25t 26l 27l 2fll 29| 3ol 3ll321 ■ -■■ P( lakipg index Testmrj dales Medical conirol dates Camp/Semicamp Training factors . %100 Volume .... Intensity so • •' * Peaking Physprep Tech prep w „ Tact prep 30 S/f Psych prep 20 ■ 1 '■■ £ From T.O. Bompa and G.G. Halt, 2009. Periodization: Theory and methodology of training 5th ed. (Champaign, IL. Human Kinetics). Chart of the Annual Plan Chart ol the Annual Plan Year Peaking index Volume " • Intensity »• • Peaking Phys prep Tech prep Tact prep >OC* Psych prep 11 From T.O. Bompa and G.G. Had. 2009. Penodizatton: Theory and methodology ol training 5th ed. (Champaign. IL. Human Kinetics)