MODAL VERBS EXERCISES: 1. Read the rules of the Fitness Centre. Complete what the instructor says with must/n´t/, need/n´t/, or should/n´t/. SPORTS CLUB NOTICE: * It is vital to have a health check before using the gym for the first time. * It isn´t necessary for members to pay for towels, but guests are charged USD1 per towel. * It is recommended that you begin with light exercises to warm up. * It is not recommended that you exercise after a heavy meal. * It is a good idea to ask a member of staff if you´re not sure how to use the equipment. * It is forbidden to use the Fitness Centre against the advice of the staff. You................have a health check before using the gym for the first time. for towels, but your guests USD 1. You ..........................begin with light exercises to warm up. You............................exercise after a heavy meal. You............................ask a member of staff if you´re not sure how to use the equipment. You..........................use the Fitness Centre against the advice of the staff. 2. Read what James did. Then complete the sentences with mustn´t, needn´t, or shouldn´t: James became a member of the Sports Club yesterday. He used the gym without having a health check. He paid for a towel. He didn´t begin with light exercises. He exercised soon after eating a big lunch. He didn´t ask a member of staff how to use the equipment. His back is very painful today. James..............................have used the gym without having a health check. He......................................have paid for a towel. He................................have begun with light exercises. He................................have exercised soon after lunch. He.................................have asked a member of staff how to use the equipment. He................................have injured his back. 3. Rewrite the following sentences using may, may not, can´t and must without changing the meaning /there may be more possibilities/: 1. It is possible they don´t live here any longer. 2. It is sure there is some mistake. 3. I am certain that they sold all the tickets. 4. It is possible that they are not married. 5. I am not quite sure if she gave up her job. 6. Maybe they did not finish the work. 7. He certainly did not give his speech yesterday. 4. What can you deduce from the following situations? Example: Alice is on her hands and knees. – She might be looking for something. She might have dropped a contact lens. * The neighbours are making a lot of noise. * Penny´s phone bill is enormous. * Peter has got a black eye. * John has lost a lot of weight recently. * A car is found crushed into a tree, with the driver unconscious at the wheel. 5. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences: 1. In most countries motorcyclists must..................................................................... 2. Lots of friends passed the exam, so it can´t be ........................................................ 3. If you really want to get fit, you should................................................................... 4. We were so short of money we had to..................................................................... 5. I don´t know why you didn´t get my letter. It must have.......................................... 6. The car broke down but luckily we were able to...................................................... 7. I could...............................when I was ten, but I couldn´t ........................................ Modální slovesa přehled MUST – muset opis – HAVE TO I must do it musím to udělat I mustn ´t do it nesmím to dělat I don´t have to do it / I don´t need to do it/ I needn´t do it nemusím to dělat Vyjádření JISTOTY: must =určitě He must know on určitě ví, He must have known on určitě věděl CAN – moci opis – BE ABLE TO Podmínka COULD – mohl, mohl by I can do it můžu, umím to udělat I can´t do it nemůžu, neumím to udělat Vyjádření JISTOTY: can, could= možná can´t = určitě ne He can´t know určitě neví He can´t have known určitě nevěděl MAY – smět opis BE ALLOWED TO Podmínka MIGHT směl bych, možná bych I may do it smím to udělat I may not do it nesmím to udělat /hlavně jako odpověď na :May I? – No, you may not/ Vyjádření JISTOTY may =možná, might = možná, snad may not = možná ne He may know možná ví He may not know možná neví He may have known možná věděl He may not have known možná nevěděl SHOULD /OUGHT TO/ = měl bych I should do it – měl bych to udělat SHOULD + MIN INFINITIV = měl jsem I should have done it – měl jsem to udělat