bp1841 English For Physiotherapists

About the course

Course requirements:

  • attendance (you can be absent max. twice)
  • active participation in the seminars
  • final test in the last week
  • presentation on a chosen topic in one of the classes: min. two reliable English sources, max. 5 to 10-minute speech + 5 min answering questions 


Mgr. Daniela Dlabolová 

Office hours: Tuesday 11.45 - 12.30 UKB, A15/119 + any time arranged by email 

PhDr Renata Prucklová

Office hours Thu 10.00-12.00 or upon agreement

Pavilion A15/111

e-mail: prucklova@fsps.muni.cz 

Presentations schedule: Tue Group 15.00 - Please upload your ppt here:

date                          name(s)

1.10.                         D. Borýsek   - Resistance training in physical therapy

8.10.                         Brizgalová, Tkačová - Cryotherapy

15.10.                       Šando

22.10.                      Zaděláková, Masárová

29.10.                      Poskočilová, Mladá  - Physiotherapy Experts

5.11.                        Frass, Žigo - Kineziotaping


19.11.                     Škrabal, Petrišin  - History of physiotherapy

26.11.                     Kašubová, Dostálek, Nguyen