e027 Nontraditional Games


1. Ringo is played with a hollow rubber ring with an external diameter of 17 cm and a weight of 165 grams. The goal of the game is to place the ring in the opponent´s course.
2. This game is played in singles, doubles, mixed triples (2 men and 1 woman or vice versa) and mixed doubles.
3. Doubles, mixed triples and mixed doubles are played on the court with dimensions of 9 × 18 metres, divided by net (wire or flags) attached at the height of 243 cm. The singles are played on the court with dimensions of 8 × 18 m; for children, we can build a court with dimensions 6 x 12 m with a net height of 224 cm.
4. The singles are played with one ring, doubles, mixed triples and the mixed doubles are played with two rings. Points are calculated for each circle, i.e. that one team can get two points at one time, or each team can earn 1 point.
5. The game begins with the service of one of the players. The service can be performed from anywhere beyond the end line of the own half of the pitch. At the time of the throw, at least one foot must be on the ground, i.e. it is not allowed to throw from the jump (this includes not only the service, but all throws from any place of court). Just after the service, it is allowed to run into any place of the player´s own half of the pitch. In doubles, mixed doubles and mixed triplets, each team serves one ring. The service must happen at the same time, at the referee´s signal.
6. For singles, each player serves 5 times in succession, the change of service follows at the moment, when the sum of points can be divided by five. In doubles, mixed triplets and mixed doubles, the service changes in a similar way, but only after having played both rings.
7. When the serving player plays a net ball, but the ring fell to the opponent´s pitch, the serving player has the right to repeat the service without losing a point. Any following net ball means the loss of a point. The serving player loses the point also if the ring after the net ball goes off the court. During doubles, mixed triples and mixed doubles, the ring that hit the net and fell on the opponent´s half does not count and the game continues only with the remaining ring. After this ring falls on the ground, one of the teams scores 1 point. If the ring, which hit the net, falls out of the opponent´s half, the serving player loses the point.
8. Ringo matches are played up to 15 points, and one point difference is sufficient for victory, i.e. the match can end with score 15:14. Changing the court sides follows as soon as one of the players (one of the teams) gets 8 points (in doubles and mixed triplets only after falling of the second ring on the ground).
9. Players take whichever position they want in their half of the court. The ring may be caught and pitched also from outside the court, but then the ring must pass over the net.
10. In doubles and mixed triples, each player must play the gripped ring over the net on their own, without passes to the teammates. The ring can be gripped by two players at the same time, but only one can play it.
11. The ring can be caught with either hand, but it must be thrown with the very same hand. Putting the ring into the other hand means losing the point.
12. If the player drops the ring from their hand, they can catch it again with the same hand. Touching the ring with the second hand means the loss of a point. If the ring falls out of the player´s hand in double or mixed triple, the teammate can catch it with either hand. More than 2 touches of the ring by one team means the loss of a point.
13. The ring can be caught on the spot, in the jump, run, or in jump on the ground. After catching the ring on the spot or in the jump, the player can make one and a half step before throwing it. After catching the ring by jumping to the ground, the player can first stand still and then throw the ring. If a player grabs the ring while running, they can make a maximum of 3 steps before they stop, and must not increase the speed and not prolong the steps towards the net. The ring can be thrown during mentioned 3 steps, or after the full stop in the same way as gripping on the spot.
14. The time for holding the ring is not restricted, as long as the referee does not start to count 3 seconds, during which the player must throw the ring. A player, who fails to do so, loses the point.
15. It is not allowed to touch with the ring held in the player´s hand any part of one's own body, the body of a teammate, playground or net.
16. The flight of the ring should be similar to the flight of the disc, i.e. it must not be thrown vertically and it must not rotate around the horizontal axis.
17. The player, who throws the ring out off the court or into the net, loses the point.
18. The movement of the hand holding the ring must be smooth, the movement of the hand must continue in the same direction. Tricking with the body or free hand is permitted.
19. During the match, players are not permitted to exceed the dividing line of the pitch by any part of the body nor exceed it with their hand above the net.
20. Points are gained or lost for every mistake, regardless of who was serving.