Raw Score: This score is used to denote right and left side scoring. The right and left sides are scored in five of the seven tests and both are documented in this space. Final Score: This score is used to denote the overall score for the test. The lowest score for the raw score (each side) is carried over to give a final score for the test. A person who scores a three on the right and a two on the left would receive a final score of two. The final score is then summarized and used as a total score. Clearing Test: A positive indicates pain. A negative indicates no pain. If pain is present (+),the score for that test would result in a 0. FUNCTIONAL MOVEMENT SCREEN SCORE SHEET ADDRESS: SCHOOL/AFFILIATION: HEIGHT: WEIGHT: AGE: GENDER: PRIMARY SPORT: PRIMARY POSITION: HAND/LEG DOMINANCE: TEST DEEP SQUAT TOTAL SCREEN SCORE HURDLE STEP INLINE LUNGE SHOULDER MOBILITY SHOULDER CLEARING TEST FLEXION CLEARING TEST ACTIVE STRAIGHT-LEG RAISE TRUNK STABILITY PUSHUP EXTENSION CLEARING TEST ROTARY STABILITY L L L L L L R R R R R R +/- +/- +/- +/RAW SCORE FINAL SCORE COMMENTS PREVIOUS TEST SCORE: NAME: DATE: DOB: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: