Visualising the Degree: A PhD Calendar The Early Phase: Provisional Registration Dr Frances Kelly (2003), Doctoral Programme, Student Learning Centre, The University of Auckland Based on the PhD Calendar by Stella Clark and Richard James, The University of Melbourne (2002) Reviewed by Board of Graduate Studies September 2010 Start Developing your topic Keep your work on track by setting yourself achievable tasks and goals Report / Take stock The Final Phase Give sections to supervisor/s Report / Take stock The Mid Phase Get supervision off the ground Submit full research proposal Navigate the literature review Start writing Apply to Ethics Committee Develop particular skills Give a seminar or conference paper Collect and organise data Keep writing Maintain contact with supervisor/s Plan a submission date Editing Hand in the penultimate draft Submit thesis Publish articles Prepare for the oral examination Supervising a PhD: Supervisor’s Calendar Pre-enrolment Start The Early Phase: Provisional Registration Barbara Grant (2003), CAD, The University of Auckland Based on the PhD Calendar by Stella Clark and Richard James The University of Melbourne (2002) Start Keep your work on track by setting yourself achievable tasks and goals Notes 1 Download Checklist for Staff from current-pg/cs-current-pg-policies/cs-pg-supervision-tools.html. 2 PhD Development Guide is sent by the Graduate Centre to students and supervisors at time of registration. 3 Doctoral Provisional Year Review Form may be downloaded from 4 DOC6 may be downloaded from 5 Under PBRF, most of the funding for research students is dependent on successful completion. 6 Doctoral Annual Reports are sent to students, supervisors and departmental administrators by the Graduate Centre on the anniversary of registration. 7 Refer to the Guide to Theses and Dissertations distributed by the Graduate Centre or download it from 8 The DOC3 Nomination form may be downloaded from doctoral-forms. 9 Refer to the relevant Statute for guidelines on the responsibilities of the supervisor in thesis examination Approved by Board of Graduate Studies October 2010 Last updated 21.07.14 Deciding to supervise: - meet student several times (in person, by Skype/videoconference) - discuss their previous work - read previous theses/publications - student develops preliminary research proposal (length varies by dept) Establish agreement for supervision including role of other supervisor1 (set additional goals for provisional year) Set up overall timeframe for thesis with student: Min 3yrs (full-time) / 6yrs (part time) Max 4yrs (full-time) / 8yrs (part time) Negotiate authorship and IP issues Ethics Approvals: assist student and sign off application Discuss Doctoral Supervision Development Guide with student by 6 months2 Receive full research proposal and forward to Departmental Committee Give feedback on draft chapters Maintain regular contact, monitor progress Complete Doctoral Provisional Year Review Form3 - review provisional goals - set further goals -extend provisional registration or confirm full registration End of 1 st year The Mid Phase Maintain regular contact, monitor progress Give feedback on draft chapters Changes to registration needed? Use DOC6 Change of Conditions form4 - supervisors, suspensions, absence, part-time/full-time registration Study leave for supervisor pending? Make arrangements for supervision cover Student disappears? - actively follow up; if no response, let Graduate Centre know5 Advise student of upcoming conferences and sign off PReSS account request Give feedback on draft chaptersSupervision difficulties? - address directly with student - document issues and strategies tried - if unsuccessful go to dept Grad Adviser, Graduate Centre for advice Doctoral Annual Report6 - fill out every year from now on - review goals/set goals - continue registration with/without conditions Give feedback on draft chapters Read penultimate draft – give full feedback on thesis as a whole (ensure supervisor and/or co-supervisor are available at this time) Advise student on readiness of thesis for submission Advise student of protocol for submission 7 Apply for extension if needed. Use DOC6 Change of Conditions form4 Nominate examiners using DOC3 Nomination Form8 Submission Read examiners’ reports and make response9 Attend oral examination if invited by student The Final Phase