Tactical Human Optimization, Rapid Rehabilitation and Reconditioning (THOR3) 10 WEEK PROGRAM USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM USAJFKSWCS THOR3 CHRISTI M. LOGAN, RD, CSSD, LDN NOV12 Performance Nutrition: How to Optimize Performance SOF Operators often seek out their SOF Performance Dietitians for guidance on how to enhance performance during training and missions. More often than not, many Operators are using only water during physical events lasting more than 60 minutes, and the amounts consumed tend to still be inadequate to mitigate performance deficits caused by dehydration. Many Operators also do not carry adequate carbohydrate, electrolyte or protein sources, if they pack them at all. Studies show that fueling appropriately during physical events lasting over 60 minutes, will increase endurance potential and time to exhaustion, maintain desired pace longer (especially during events longer than 90 minutes), as well as help maintain a higher intensity for longer durations. Consuming carbohydrates during events lasting >1 hour will extend endurance performance, but the physiologic mechanisms for processing carbohydrates will change as the event intensity and duration change. Most forms of carbohydrate can be tolerated up to the 2 hour mark; after that time focusing on the type of carbohydrate can be important. Utilizing easily digested carbohydrate sources, like glucose, glucose plus fructose, other simple sugars and maltodextrin seem effective. However, when event duration is 2-3 hours, focusing on glucose or maltodextrin, which are rapidly digested, optimizes the absorption of dietary carbohydrates during the event. When event duration is expected to extend beyond 2.5 hours, consuming carbohydrates in the form of glucose plus fructose versus glucose alone can enhance your carbohydrate digestion as well as aid in tolerating the higher ingestion rates of carbohydrates needed for these durations. Subsequently, the glucose plus fructose combination will aid in enhancing fluid absorption, may reduce gastrointestinal stress and can even enhance performance more than when ingesting glucose alone. Mixing and matching carbohydrate sources via bars, gels, or fluids can also be done as the carbohydrates contained within these forms are all digested similarly. Be cautious of consuming fructose alone as a carbohydrate source, this may adversely cause diarrhea issues. Ensuring adequate, but not excessive, hydration and maintaining an appropriate electrolyte balance can further optimize performance. Performance deficits can begin with as little as a 2-3% loss of body weight due to sweat. On a hot humid day, an Operator might sweat 1-2 liters per hour with some Operators sweating as much as 2-3 liters per hour. Additionally, the sodium lost through sweat can range from 575-1725 milligrams per liter. Including a sodium source during events aids in reducing electrolyte imbalances and preventing hyponatremia. Combining sodium appropriately with fluids during events, can also aid in preventing both hypo- and hypernatremia. It may not be practical to test for sodium losses in sweat, therefore Operators experiencing muscle cramps, white residue on their clothes, stinging eyes from sweat during training or whose skin is gritty after training most likely are "salty sweaters". These Operators should ensure adequate salt intake throughout the day by consuming high sodium foods or by lightly salting their foods during meals and snacks. Additionally, "salty sweaters" may want to aim for 800mg sodium per liter of fluid per hour during events lasting >60 minutes. In general, most Operators should aim for 400mg sodium per liter of fluid per hour for events lasting 1-3 hours, increasing to 800mg sodium per liter of fluid per hour when event duration is expected to exceed 3 hours. Because many SOF Operators carry kit and/or ruck loads during training and missions, it is important to consume protein during prolonged events to prevent or minimize lean mass losses. Total event duration is not always known in advance, therefore when it becomes apparent that events will exceed 3 hours, it is recommended to consume no more than 0.2g protein/Kg/hour, (i.e. ~ 15-20g protein per hour for both males and females, however Operators weighing >200 lbs may need more). Consuming a protein source that contains 20-25g protein every 2-3 hours is also sufficient. Lastly, within the 60 minutes immediately following training or missions, it is recommended to consume 20-25g protein in a liquid form that is high in leucine (i.e. milk or whey) to optimize muscle synthesis. Coupling posttraining/mission protein with carbohydrate will also accelerate the replacement of muscle carbohydrate stores and can spare ingested protein for use in muscle recovery, repair and building. Nutrition is a powerful performance enhancer, exploit this performance edge. See chart provided for summary of recommendations to optimize performance with nutrition. USAJFKSWCS THOR3 CHRISTI M. LOGAN, RD, CSSD, LDN NOV12 Performance Nutrition: Fueling Requirements Day to Day Timing Fluid Needs Electrolyte Needs Carbohydrate Needs Protein Needs Fat Needs Everyday Nutrition Drink to prevent dry mouth Lightly salt foods or consume sodium containing foods throughout the day Aim for 3-8g/kg daily 1.5-2g/Kg daily 0.7-1g/Kg daily Before, During and After Training/Missions Timing Fluid Needs Electrolyte Needs Carbohydrate Needs Protein Needs Fat Needs During the 24-72 hours before endurance events lasting >90 Drink to prevent dry mouth Lightly salt foods or consume sodium containing foods throughout the day Aim for 10g/Kg/day 20g protein spaced 5-6x daily ~20-30% of total daily energy intake 2+ hours before event 16-24oz fluid N/A Consume a meal that provides carbohydrates, proteins and fats. 30 min before event 5-10oz fluid N/A 30g N/A N/A <30 minute events 5-10oz every 15 minutes N/A N/A N/A N/A <30-75 minute Events 5-10oz every 15 minutes N/A Rinse mouth with sports drink or use a hard candy. Most forms of carbs are tolerated. N/A N/A 1-2 hour events 5-10oz every 15 minutes 400-800mg sodium/liter of fluid/hour Up to 30g/hour. Most forms of carbs are tolerated. N/A N/A 2-3 hour events 5-10oz every 15 minutes 400-800mg sodium/liter of fluid/hour 30 to 60g/hour. Focus on rapidly digested carbs (i.e. glucose, maltodextrin, or glucose + fructose). 20-25g If fat is consumed, ensure <10% saturated and trans fats. 3+ hour events 5-10oz every 15 minutes 800mg sodium/Liter of fluid/hour 60-90g/hour. Focus on rapidly transportable carbs (i.e. glucose + fructose). 20-25g every 3 hrs If fat is consumed, ensure <10% saturated and trans fats. Within 60 minutes post event During the 2-4 hours post-physical activity, replace 24oz fluid for every pound of weight lost during event. Ensure ~400mg sodium/liter of fluids or salt your foods to optimize retention of posttraining fluids. Consume 1g/Kg. (i.e. ~60-90g carbs) Particularly important when recovery period is <8 hours. 20-25g If fat is consumed, ensure <10% saturated and trans fats. USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 1 DAY 1 APFT PUSH-UPS: AMRAP IN 2 MINUTES SIT-UPS: AMRAP IN 2 MINUTES RUN: 2 MILES FOR TIME DAY 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 3 RUN: 5 MINUTE WARM-UP (EASY) RUN: 2 MINUTES JOG: 1 MINUTE REPEAT 4X 5 MINUTE COOLDOWN (EASY) DAY 4 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 5 RUN: 5 MILE TIME TRIAL (AS FAST AS POSSIBLE) DAY 6 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 2 DAY 1 RUN: 6 X 400 METERS 3 MIN REST BETWEEN REPS DAY 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 3 RUN: 5 MINUTE WARM-UP (EASY) RUN: 3 MINUTES JOG: 1 MINUTE REPEAT 4X 5 MINUTE COOLDOWN (EASY) DAY 4 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 5 RUN: 5 MILE TEMPO (RUN AT A PACE 60-90 SECONDS SLOWER /MILE THAN TIME TRIAL PACE OR USE MCMILLAN CALCULATOR TO DETERMINE PACE BASED ON PREVIOUS TIME TRIAL) http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/index.php/calcUsage/calculate DAY 6 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 3 DAY 1 RUN: 4 X 800 METERS 4 MIN REST BETWEEN REPS DAY 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 3 RUN: 12 Km TIME TRIAL (AS FAST AS POSSIBLE) DAY 4 SESSION 1 NON-IMPACT CONDITIONING (ROWER, JACOBS LADDER, VERSA CLIMBER, BIKE, ETC): 3 X 8 MINUTES REST 5 MINUTES BETWEEN SETS SESSION 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 5 REST DAY 6 RUCK: LOAD: 20% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 5 MILES PACE: MODERATE DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 4 DAY 1 RUN: 6 X 800 METERS 4 MIN REST BETWEEN REPS DAY 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 3 RUN: 12 Km TEMPO (RUN AT A PACE 60-90 SECONDS SLOWER /MILE THAN TIME TRIAL PACE OR USE MCMILLAN CALCULATOR TO DETERMINE PACE BASED ON PREVIOUS TIME TRIAL) http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/index.php/calcUsage/calculate DAY 4 SESSION 1 NON-IMPACT CONDITIONING (ROWER, JACOBS LADDER, VERSA CLIMBER, BIKE, ETC): 3 X 10 MINUTES REST 5 MINUTES BETWEEN SETS SESSION 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 5 REST DAY 6 RUCK: LOAD: 25% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 5 MILES PACE: MODERATE DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 5 DAY 1 WALK: 2.5 MILES DAY 2 RUCK: LOAD: 30% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 2.5 MILES PACE: FAST DAY 3 NON-IMPACT CONDITIONING (ROWER, JACOBS LADDER, VERSA CLIMBER, BIKE, ETC): 5 x 5 MINUTES, REST 5 MINUTES BETWEEN SETS DAY 4 SESSION 1 RUN: 5 MIN WARM-UP (EASY) 1600 METERS (HARD) 400 METER RECOVERY JOG 1200 METERS (HARD) 400 METER RECOVERY JOG 800 METERS (HARD) 400 METER RECOVERY JOG 400 METERS (HARD) 5 MINUTE COOLDOWN (EASY) SESSION 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 5 REST DAY 6 RUCK: LOAD: 30% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 5 MILES PACE: MODERATE DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 6 DAY 1 WALK: 4 MILES DAY 2 RUCK: LOAD: 30% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 4 MILES PACE: FAST DAY 3 NON-IMPACT CONDITIONING (ROWER, JACOBS LADDER, VERSA CLIMBER, BIKE, ETC): 5 x 8 MINUTES, REST 5 MINUTES BETWEEN SETS DAY 4 SESSION 1 RUN: 5 MINUTE WARM-UP (EASY) 75 SEC (HARD) 150 SEC (EASY) 60 SEC (HARD) 120 SEC (EASY) REPEAT 3X 5 MINUTE COOLDOWN (EASY) SESSION 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 5 REST DAY 6 RUCK: LOAD: 30% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 8 MILES PACE: MODERATE DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 7 DAY 1 WALK: 5 MILES DAY 2 RUCK: LOAD: 35% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 4 MILES PACE: FAST DAY 3 NON-IMPACT CONDITIONING (ROWER, JACOBS LADDER, VERSA CLIMBER, BIKE, ETC): 5 x 10 MINUTES, REST 5 MINUTES BETWEEN SETS DAY 4 SESSION 1 RUN: 5 MINUTE WARM-UP (EASY) 5 X 1 MINUTE (HARD), 1 MINUTE (EASY) 5 MINUTES (EASY) 5 X 1 MINUTE (HARD), 1 MINUTE (EASY) 5 MINUTE COOL-DOWN (EASY) SESSION 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 5 REST DAY 6 RUCK: LOAD: 35% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 8 MILES PACE: MODERATE DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 8 DAY 1 APFT PUSH-UPS: AMRAP IN 2 MINUTES SIT-UPS: AMRAP IN 2 MINUTES RUN: 2 MILES FOR TIME DAY 2 RUCK: LOAD: 35% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 5 MILES PACE: FAST DAY 3 NON-IMPACT CONDITIONING (ROWER, JACOBS LADDER, VERSA CLIMBER, BIKE, ETC): 4 x 12 MINUTES, REST 5 MINUTES BETWEEN SETS DAY 4 SESSION 1 RUN: 20 MINUTES SESSION 2 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 5 REST DAY 6 RUCK: LOAD: 35% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 10 MILES PACE: MODERATE DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 9 DAY 1 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 2 RUN: 30 MINUTES (EASY) DAY 3 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 4 BIKE: 3 ROUNDS X 10 MINUTES AT THRESHOLD PACE 2 MINUTES REST BETWEEN ROUNDS DAY 5 REST DAY 6 RUCK: LOAD: 25% OF BODYWEIGHT (DRY) DISTANCE: 5 MILES PACE: MODERATE DAY 7 REST USAJFKSWCS SPECIAL FORCES ASSESSMENT AND SELECTION PREPARATION PROGRAM 10 WEEK WEEK 10 DAY 1 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 2 RUN: 20 MINUTES (EASY) DAY 3 STRENGTH TRAINING (SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DAY 4 BIKE: 3 ROUNDS X 5 MINUTES AT THRESHOLD PACE 2 MINUTES REST BETWEEN ROUNDS DAY 5 REST DAY 6 REST DAY 7 REST WEEK 11 ***SELECTION*** Name:______________________________ USAJFKSWCS 10 Week SFAS PREPARATION PROGRAM SFAS 10 Week Program DAY 1 A Dynamic Warm-Up Exercise Rest Reps Wt Reps Wt Reps Wt Reps Wt B Front Squat 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 B Lat Pulldown 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 1:30 15 12 10 8 C Barbell Split Squat 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea C Barbell Bent-Over Row 12 12 10 10 12 12 10 10 12 12 10 10 C Seated Medball Side to Side Twists 12 ea 12 ea 12 ea 12 ea 12 ea 12 ea 12 ea 12 ea 1:00 12 ea 12 ea 12 ea 12 ea D Single Leg Piston Squats to Bench 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea D Pull-Ups 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ MAX MAX MAX MAX D Push-Ups 20+ 20+ 20+ 20+ 20+ 20+ 20+ 20+ 0:30 MAX MAX MAX MAX E Back Extension 10 12 12 15 10 12 12 15 10 12 12 15 E DB Combo Raise 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 E Planks (Front, Left Side, Right Side) 0:30 0:40 0:50 1:00 0:30 0:40 0:50 1:00 0:30 0:30 0:40 0:50 1:00 F FOAM ROLLING & STRETCHING 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Name:______________________________ USAJFKSWCS 10 Week SFAS PREPARATION PROGRAM DAY 2 A Dynamic Warm-Up Exercise Rest Reps Wt Reps Wt Reps Wt Reps Wt B Kettle Bell Deadlift 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 B DB Flat Bench Press 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 1:30 15 12 10 8 C Hamstring Curls 12 12 10 10 12 12 10 10 12 12 10 10 C Single Arm DB Incline Bench Press 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea C Standing Oblique DB Crunch 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 1:00 12 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea D DB Single Arm Shoulder Press 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea D Hanging Knee Tucks to Chest 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 D Glute Hip Bridges 10 10 10 10 w/3 second holds 10 10 10 10 0:30 10 10 10 10 E Sit-Ups 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Max Max Max Max E Chin-Ups 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Max Max Max Max E Dips 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0:30 Max Max Max Max F FOAM ROLLING & STRETCHING 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Name:______________________________ USAJFKSWCS 10 Week SFAS PREPARATION PROGRAM Day 3 A Dynamic Warm-Up Work Capacity Circuit Rest B Rowing/Burpee Ladder 100m 1 Burp 100m 4 Burp 500m 5 Burp 1000m 10 Burp 200m 2 Burp 200m 4 Burp 250m 5 Burp 900m 9 Burp 300m 3 Burp 300m 4 Burp 500m 5 Burp 800m 8 Burp 400m 4 Burp 400m 4 Burp 250m 5 Burp 700m 7 Burp 500m 5 Burp 500m 4 Burp 500m 5 Burp 600m 6 Burp 500m 5 Burp 500m 4 Burp 250m 5 Burp 500m 5 Burp 400m 4 Burp 400m 4 Burp 500m 5 Burp 400m 4 Burp 300m 3 Burp 300m 4 Burp 250m 5 Burp 300m 3 Burp 200m 2 Burp 200m 4 Burp 500m 5 Burp 200m 2 Burp None 100m 1 Burp 100m 4 Burp 250m 5 Burp 100m 1 Burp F FOAM ROLLING & STRETCHING 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 Week 4 Reps Reps Reps Reps Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Name:______________________________ USAJFKSWCS 10 Week SFAS PREPARATION PROGRAM DAY 1 A Dynamic Warm-Up Exercise Rest Reps Wt Reps Wt Reps Wt Reps Wt B Back Squat 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 B Squat Jump (BODYWEIGHT) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1:30 5 5 5 5 C Pull-Ups MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX C DB Step-Ups 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 8 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 8 ea 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 8 ea 1:00 12 ea 10 ea 10 ea 8 ea D Inverted Rows 10 12 12 15 10 12 12 15 MAX MAX MAX MAX D Lunges 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea D Push-Ups MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX 0:30 MAX MAX MAX MAX E DB Single Arm Bent-Over Row 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea E DB Shoulder Circuit 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea E Planks (Front, Left Side, Right Side) 0:30 ea 0:40 ea 0:50 ea 1:00 ea 0:30 ea 0:40 ea 0:50 ea 1:00 ea 0:30 0:30 ea 0:40 ea 0:50 ea 1:00 ea F FOAM ROLLING & STRETCHING 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 Week 8Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Name:______________________________ USAJFKSWCS 10 Week SFAS PREPARATION PROGRAM DAY 2 A Dynamic Warm-Up Exercise Rest Reps Wt Reps Wt Reps Wt Reps Wt B Deadlift 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 15 12 10 8 B Medicine Ball Overhead Slam 8 8 10 10 8 8 10 10 8 8 10 10 1:30 8 8 10 10 C Barbell or Dumbell Bench Press 12 10 10 8 12 10 10 8 12 10 10 8 12 10 10 8 C Plyometric Push-Up (CLAPPING) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1:00 5 5 5 5 D Dumbell Incline Bench 10 12 12 15 10 12 12 15 10 12 12 15 D Glute-Ham Raises 10 12 12 15 10 12 12 15 10 12 12 15 D Sit-Ups MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX 0:30 MAX MAX MAX MAX E DB Shoulder Press 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea 10 ea E DB Lateral Lunges 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea 8 ea E Hanging Leg Lowers 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 E Dips MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX 0:30 MAX MAX MAX MAX F FOAM ROLLING & STRETCHING 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 Week 7 Week 8Week 5 Week 6 Name:______________________________ USAJFKSWCS 10 Week SFAS PREPARATION PROGRAM DAY 1 A Dynamic Warm-Up Dumbell Circuit Day Reps Wt Reps Wt B DB Upright Row 10 10 DB Step-Ups 10 ea 10 ea DB Lateral Shoulder Raise 10 10 DB Alternate PushUp/Row 10 10 DB Alternate Lunges 10 ea 10 ea DB Squats 10 10 DB Bent-Over Rows 10 10 DB Single Leg RDL's 10 ea 10 ea DB Lateral Step-Ups 10 ea 10 ea DB Alt. Curl to Press 10 ea 10 ea DB X-Over Step-Ups 10 ea 10 ea DB Overhead Tricep Extension 10 10 DB Lateral Lunges 10 ea 10 ea *Rest 2-3 mins Between Rounds C PLANKS (Front, Left Side, Right Side) 0:45 ea 0:45 ea 0:45 ea 0:45 ea 0:45 ea 0:45 ea 0:45 ea 0:45 ea D FOAM ROLLING & STRETCHING 10:00 10:00 *USE Dumbells that are 10% of your Body Weight in each hand. Week 9 Week 10 3 Rounds 2 Rounds Name:______________________________ USAJFKSWCS 10 Week SFAS PREPARATION PROGRAM Day 2 A Dynamic Warm-Up PULL/PUSH/SIT Circuit Reps Wt Reps Wt B Pull-Ups 3 3 Push-Ups 10 10 Sit-Ups 10 10 *No Rest Between Exercises or Rounds C FOAM ROLLING & STRETCHING 10:00 10:00 Week 9 Week 10 10 Rounds 10 Rounds Dynamic Warm-Up (perform movements over 10-15 yards) Walking Lunge w/Twist Walking Lunge w/Overhead Reach Lateral Lunge Walking Lunge>Elbow to Instep>Twisting Overhead Reach Carioca High Knee Run Power Skipping T, Y, W & L's x 10 each Knee Pull to Chest Heel Pull to Butt Leg Cradle Frankensteins Lateral Shuffle