Final written test structure 1.Fill in missing endings (15) rete canal__ nerv___ hypogloss___ (rete canalis nervi hypoglossi) 2. Form comparative and superlative forms of given adjectives / prepositions. (5) Complete the following phrases using one of the forms: magnus, a, um : cornu __________ ossis hyoidei (cornu maius ossis hyoidei) supra: labium _______________ (labium superius) 3. Translate: (15) death after infarction of the anterior wall of the right ventricle of the heart (exitus/mors post infarctum septi anterioris ventriculi cordis dextri) 4. Form new terms using prefixes, suffixes with the given meaning: (5) Brachium – forearm (antebrachium) Nasus – referring to nose (adjective) – (nasalis) Osteon – malignant bone tumor (osteoma) 5. Give opposites: exogenes – (endogenes) (3) 6. Match the definition with an appropriate term: (5) inflammation of several joints monarthritis – polyarthritis – panarthritis 7. Derive diminutives of the given words: (2) Vena – venula Top score: Passmark: 60 % = 30points