C0-HD-TOP.png Physiology of Sport and Exercise (e028) wOndřej Sitek wondrasitek@mail.muni.cz wMartina Bernaciková w22647@mail.muni.cz wMondays 14.00–15.40 wSeminar room C15/207 (Faculty of Natural Science w(Laboratory room 130 – Faculty of Sports Studies) C0-HD-TOP.png Course accomplishment wCompulsory attendance at the lectures (up to 2 excused absences), wactive participation during the lectures, wfinal test (Dec 2021). w C0-HD-TOP.png wBERNACIKOVÁ, Martina. Physiology. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012. ISBN 978-80-210-5844-6, wMCARDLE, William D., Frank I. KATCH & Victor L. KATCH. Exercise physiology: energy, nutrition, and human performance. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007. xxi, 1068 p. ISBN 9780781749909, wSport and exercise physiology testing guidelines: the British Association of sport and exercise sciences guide. Edited by Edward M. Winter. 1st ed. London: Routledge, 2007. 364 p. ISBN 9780415361415, wWILMORE, Jack H., David L. COSTILL & W. Larry KENNEY. Physiology of sport and exercise. 4th ed. Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics, 2008. xvii, 574 p. ISBN 9780736055833, wMCARDLE, William D., Frank I. KATCH & Victor L. KATCH. Essentials of exercise physiology. Fifth edition. Philadelphia: Sage, 2016. xx, 702 p. ISBN 9781496309099. C0-HD-TOP.png 1.Introductory seminar 2.Anthropometry (body height, weight, skinfolds) + Somatotype 3.Skeletal muscle + Nervous system 4.Metabolism + Energy + Basal metabolism 5.Cardiovascular system + Blood pressure + Heart rate 6.Respiratory system + Spirometry 7.Cardiovascular and respirational adaptations 8.Thermoregulation 9.Endocrine glands and their hormones 10.Anaerobic and Aerobic ability (W170, Wingate test) 11.Ventilatory threshold (Conconi test) 12.Spiroergometry (aerobic capacity, maximum oxygen uptake) 13.Reserve lecture (revision, protocols check, extra topic) 14.Final lecture, test w C0-HD-TOP.png Some random notes wPractical character of the most lectures – please come in aware, representative and comfortable state and clothing wAnthropometry, stress tests, et cetera wThe last 3 lectures are physically demanding (yet fun), get yourselves ready w w w C0-HD-TOP.png C0-HD-BTM.png I N T R O D U C T I O N AN INTRODUCTION TO EXERCISE AND SPORT PHYSIOLOGY C0-HD-TOP.png Learning Objectives w Learn to differentiate exercise physiology and sport physiology. w Note the differences between acute responses to exercise and chronic adaptations to training. C0-HD-TOP.png Learning Objectives w Learn what factors affect the body's acute response to exercise. w Understand the six basic principles of training. w Learn whether cross-sectional studies or longitudinal studies are more accurate. C0-HD-TOP.png Exercise physiology studies how the body’s structures and functions are altered when exposed to acute and chronic bouts of exercise. Sport physiology applies exercise physiology concepts to an athlete's training and performance. Exercise Physiology vs Sport Physiology C0-HD-TOP.png Acute responses to training involve how the body responds to one bout of exercise. Chronic physiological adaptations to training mark how the body responds over time to the stress of repeated exercise bouts. Acute Responses vs Chronic Adaptations C0-HD-TOP.png Cycle Ergometer w Makes it easier to assess blood pressure and collect blood because upper body is relatively immobile w Results are not greatly affected by body weight or changes in body weight C0-HD-TOP.png Treadmill w Results in generally higher maximal physiological values—heart rate, ventila- tion, and oxygen uptake— than cycle ergometer C0-HD-TOP.png w Allows swimmers to closely simulate their natural swimming strokes while researchers collect data Swimming Flume C0-HD-TOP.png Key Points w Control environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, light, and noise. w Account for diurnal cycles, menstrual cycles, and sleep patterns. w Use ergometers to measure physical work in standardized conditions. Acute Responses to Exercise w Match the mode of testing to the type of activity the subject usually performs. C0-HD-TOP.png Supercompensation § Process of increasing the energetic potential after load § Optimal period for addition of another training load § Load Time C0-HD-TOP.png C0-HD-BTM.png An Example of Diurnal Variations in Heart Rate at Rest and During Exercise Condition Heart rate (beats/min) Resting 65 69 73 74 72 69 Light exercise 100 103 109 109 105 104 Moderate exercise 130 131 138 139 135 134 Maximal exercise 179 179 183 184 181 181 Recovery, 3 min 118 122 129 128 128 125 Time of day 2 a.m. 6 a.m. 10 a.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 10 p.m. Data from Reilly and Brooks (1990). C0-HD-TOP.png READING AND INTERPRETING GRAPHS C0-HD-TOP.png READING AND INTERPRETING GRAPHS 82951/e2862 0001EBDFDenise ABA78158: C0-HD-TOP.png Key Points w Longitudinal research tests the same subjects and compares results over time. w Cross-sectional research collects data from a diverse population and compares the data for each group in that population. Research Methodology w Longitudinal studies are often more accurate than cross-sectional studies, but they can’t always be done. (continued) C0-HD-TOP.png Key Points w Laboratory research allows investigators to carefully control variables and use accurate equipment. w Field research allows for less control of variables and equipment, but participant’s activities are often more natural. Research Methodology C0-HD-TOP.png CROSS-SECTIONAL RESEARCH 82952/e2862 0001EBDFDenise ABA78158: C0-HD-TOP.png LONGITUDINAL RESEARCH 82954/e2862 0001EBDFDenise ABA78158: