Protocol - Physiology Name: ………...............................……………………………………….... BASAL METABOLISM RATE (BMR) 1. To determine BMR (Harris-Benedict method) – theoretical assesment F[1] – Factor for age and height: ………………… F[2] – Factor for body mass:………...……………. F[1 ]+ F[2] = …………………..……..…..kJ*24h^-1 (= BMR for 24 h.) = …………………….kJ/h^-1 ENERGY EXPENDITURE (EE) 2. To calculate the whole day energy expenditure, using Fleisch tables: EE (kJ) = time of activity (h) * % BMR * your BMR (kJ*h^-1) 100 Time (h) Activity % BMR Calculation EE (kJ) My whole day energy expenditure (EE) is…………………………………………………….kJ*24h^-1