Test Administration ■ 69 CHAIR SIT-AND-REACH TEST Figure 4.7 Purpose: To assess lower-body (primarily hamstring) flexibility Equipment: Folding chair with a seat height of 17 in. (43.18 cm) and with legs that angle forward to prevent tipping, and an 18-in. (45.72-cm) ruler (half a yardstick) Procedure: The participant sits on the edge of the chair as shown in figure 4.7. The crease between the top of the leg and the buttocks should be even with the front edge of the chair seat. One leg is bent with the foot flat on the floor. The other leg is extended as straight as possible in front of the hip. The heel is placed on the floor, with the foot flexed at approximately 90 degrees. With arms outstretched, hands overlapping, and middle fingers even, the participant slowly bends forward at the hip joint reaching as far forward as possible toward or past the toes. If the extended knee starts to bend, ask the participant to move slowly back until the knee is straight. The maximum reach must be held for two seconds. The participant should practice the test on both legs to see which is preferred (the one resulting in the better score)*. Only the preferred leg is used for scoring purposes (for comparison to norms). Once the preferred leg is determined, have the participant practice a couple more times for warm-up. i,^)0"* it 1» Important to work on flexibility for both sides of the body, for the sake of time only the better side was used •^Wishing norms.