Senior Fitness Test Manual CHAIR SIT-AND-REACH TEST (continued) SC°Ztr the participant has had two practice trials on the preferred leg, administer two test trials, record both scores, then circle the better one. Measure the dls-tance from the tips of the middle fingers to the top of the shoe to the nearest half Inch (centimeter). The midpoint at the top of the shoe represents the zero point. If the reach Is short of this point, record the distance as a minus (-) score; If the middle fingers touch the toes, record a score of zero; and If the reach Is past the midpoint of the toes, record the distance as a plus (+) score. Safety Precautions: Place the chair securely against a wall so it doesn't slip during testing. Remind participants to exhale as they bend slowly forward and to avoid bouncing. Participants should stretch only to a point of slight discomfort, never to the point of pain. Do not administer the test to people with severe osteoporosis or to those who have pain when flexing forward.