Stem cells Student names redacted A potent future for stem cells | From reprogramming to creating ... [USEMAP] Can you imagine you, as a doctor, to be able to create a brand new, perfectly healthy organ? You would not need to wait for a donor or create organs using artificial materials which can often cause more harm than good. What are stem cells? uUndifferentiated cells uAbility to: uDIVIDE uDIFFERENTIATE u u Scientists confirm reprogrammed adult stem cells identical to ... [USEMAP] Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the ability to divide and evolve into a different cell types – they have ability to differentiate. They are undergoing multiple mitotic divisions, thus regenerating themselves. Daughter cells are often able to differentiate into more than one cell type. After a transplant, they are able to incorporate into their original tissue. In vivo, they are contributing to the formation of differentiated cellular populations. Types of stem cells 1.Embryonic stem cells – blastocyst >> pluripotent cells 2.Adult stem cells >> multipotent Embryonic Stem Cells | Stem Cell Gurus What Are Stem Cells? | What Works 4 U [USEMAP] We distinguish between two stem cell types – an embryonic cell found in a blastocyst and adult stem cells. The embryonic cells in blastocyst are undergoing differentiation into tissues of the developing human body. They may develop into any tissue found in the body, excluding umbilical cord or placenta – they are called pluripotent cells. The adult stem cells are found in different tissues, they are part of repairing mechanisms as they substitute dead cells. They are not able to transform into any tissue, just into the one they are part of, being called multipotent stem cells. Sources of stem cells uA bone marrow uAn adipose tissue uBlood u uUmbilical cord uAmniotic sac uSkin Osteoblastic stem cell sources. The potential sources of ... [USEMAP] There are 3 main sources of stem cells in the human body – a bone marrow (typically from femur or hip bone), an adipose tissue and blood. Other, less common sources are blood from the umbilical cord shortly after the delivery of a baby, stored for the baby, tissue from an amniotic sac in the placenta or a basal layer of the skin. How can we get stem cells? uTherapeutic cloning Creating ESC by therapeutic cloning from the Stem Cell Quick ... [USEMAP] There are a lot of ways how the stem cells may be useful in the clinical medicine. The therapeutic cloning starts with taking a sample of cells from the patient. The next step is putting them into an egg cell of a woman without the nucleus while embryo and later the blastocyst are formed. The stem cells are taken out of the blastocyst and are being cultivated. The differentiation may be controlled using chemical signals as cells are naturally reacting to these. This method is not used in the Czech Republic, but it is allowed in the South Korea or the Great Britain. uThe mesenchymal stem cells Mesenchymal Stem Cells: The 'Other' Bone Marrow Stem Cells [USEMAP] The mesenchymal stem cells are obtained by isolation from the desired tissue. Then the intercellular bonds are destroyed and cells are put into the cultivating containers where they are being cultivated while other differentiated cells are washed away. u Pin on IVF [USEMAP] Another way to obtain stem cells is using an embryo that was meant to be destroyed after in vitro fertilization. Some experiments are allowed in the Czech Republic. uInduced pluripotent stem cells [USEMAP] The induced pluripotent stem cells are cells that were originally adult stem cells, but scientists are able to transform them into totipotent stem cells in undifferentiated status. They use a vector – virus, into which a particular gene is put which induces the transformation of the cell. These cells are similar to the ones found in embryo. How can we use stem cells? uLymphoproliferative diseases uCancer of a bone marrow uNeuroblastoma 5 ESSENTIAL FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT LEUKEMIA | Leukemia and ... New drug offers hope for bone marrow cancer patients Neuroblastoma - Wikipedia [USEMAP] In a common therapy, we may use stem cells to treat lymphoproliferative diseases, which are cancerous diseases of lymphocytes, or inborn immunodeficient diseases. Also tissue from a pig may be used, however, not to replace damaged tissue, but to hold back its death and help to regenerate. Transplantation of a stem cell is recommended for a patient suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, cancer of a bone marrow or neuroblastoma. Cellthera Clinic Clinical trials u Klinika Cellthera | LinkedIn Cellthera - stem cells of the future - Domov | Facebook Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials | Stanford Online [USEMAP] Some centres, such as Cellthera Clinic, are offering cell therapies for patients suffering from heart conditions, brain diseases, diseases of blood vessels, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract or urinary system. There are clinical trials testing therapies of diabetes mellitus one, treatment of cerebral palsy, sclerosis multiplex or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Epidermolysis Bullosa - Dermatology Sydney Stem cells in action… uJunctional epidermolysis bullosa u Epidermolysis bullosa - Wikipedia Junctional epidermolysis bullosa - Genetics Home Reference - NIH Junctional epidermolysis bullosa [USEMAP] Heroes… Venia Legendi für Dr. Tobias Hirsch vom Bergmannsheil Tobias ROTHOEFT | Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum | RUB | Klinik ... GiovedìScienza | Cellule che curano - con Michele De Luca Professor Dr Tobias Hirsch Dr Tobias Rothoeft Prof. Michele De Luca [USEMAP] Breakthrough use of transgenic stem cells in treating ... Hard working… [USEMAP] Boy is given new skin thanks to gene therapy - Newsportal - Ruhr ... Hassan was close to death. Then doctors grew him a whole new skin ... Lab-Grown Skin Saves Dying Boy with Rare Disease | Live Science And happy ending uThe new skin will last his whole life. [USEMAP] > The future of medicine | TED Talks > The Future of Healthcare May Depend On Precision Medicine – Future ... > Can Stem Cells Help me? If So How Can They Help Me? Let’s take a look back at what we’ve spoken about… uAbility to divide uAbility to create more than one specific tissue u uStem cells: -Embryonic -Adult - [USEMAP] Thank you for your attention [USEMAP]