Tennis vocabulary KEY Supply the correct solution and its Czech equivalent : Another word for tie in tennis: deuce shoda What follows after the score is 6-6: tie breaker zkrácená hra When you toss the ball into the air and strike it is: serve podání, servis The serve that touches the net: let neplatný míč A valid serve not reached by the opponent: ace eso The situation in which the player strikes the ball before landing: volley volej Hitting the ball high and deep into the opponent's court to force the oponent to retreat: lob - lob A fault caused by the server stepping across his base line or the center line before striking the ball: foot fault – chyba nohou Hitting a fault on the second service: double fault – dvojchyba (The server loses the point.) A serve that is touched by the opponent, but not returned - Service winner – vítězný míč z podání