Original research articles Original research articles Continued Articles – in general Definitions and delineations Articles – in general • Means of publishing results of research or development to the community • Claims, proves, argues, implies • Aims at impact on the academic community (offers concepts, methods, explanations, etc.) • Main type of academic writing Articles • original research articles • short communications (Research notes) • reviews: narrative and systematic reviews • case reports/case series • technical notes • letters to the editor, correspondences • editorials, commentaries • pictorial essays • grey literature - ??? What is an original research article? • An original research article (also called primary scientific literature) will follow the scientific format, undergo peer review and be published in academic journals. However, not everything that meets those criteria is an original research article. If you aren't sure if something is an original research article, consider its purpose, author and audience. Source: North Dakota State University, USA: https://library.ndsu.edu/guides/finding-and-identifying-original-research-articles-sciences Purpose • An original research article is an article that is reporting original research about new data or theories that have not been previously published. That might be the results of new experiments, or newly derived models or simulations. The article will include a detailed description of the methods used to produce them, so that other researchers can verify them. This description is often found in a section called methods or materials and methods or similar. Similarly, the results will generally be described in great detail, often in a section called results. Source: North Dakota State University, USA: https://library.ndsu.edu/guides/finding-and-identifying-original-research-articles-sciences Author • Since the original research article is reporting the results of new research, the authors should be the scientists who conducted that research. They will have expertise in the field, and will usually be employed by a university or research lab. • In comparison, a newspaper or magazine article (such as in The New York Times or National Geographic) will usually be written by a journalist reporting on the actions of someone else. Source: North Dakota State University, USA: https://library.ndsu.edu/guides/finding-and-identifying-original-research-articles-sciences Audience • An original research article will be written by and for scientists who study related topics. As such, the article should use precise, technical language to ensure that other researchers have an exact understanding of what was done, how to do it, and why it matters. There will be plentiful citations to previous work, helping place the research article in a broader context. The article will be published in an academic journal, follow a scientific format, and undergo peer-review. Source: North Dakota State University, USA: https://library.ndsu.edu/guides/finding-and-identifying-original-research-articles-sciences What is Original Research? Original research is considered a primary source. An article is considered original research if... • it is the report of a study written by the researchers who actually did the study. • the researchers describe their hypothesis or research question and the purpose of the study. • the researchers detail their research methods. • the results of the research are reported. • the researchers interpret their results and discuss possible implications. Why to publish? Scientist as creator and user of scientific information You want to be published but … You also want to be widely read and cited! (Hirsh index, citation index, etc.) Tips: • Write always simple • Write to express not to impress • Consider your audience – they may be not from your field KISS Keep It Simple and Stupid KISS, an acronym for keep it simple, stupid, is a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle or Keep It Simple and Short Simplicity “If you can’t explain something simply, you didn’t understand it well enough” Albert Einstein My recommendations: • Simplicity • Consistency • Cogency How to write original research articles? Workshops, articles, publishers • Publishing Campus by Elsevier – • https://www.elsevier.com/connect/publishing-campus-provides-free-online-skills- training-for-researchers now Research Academy: • https://researcheracademy.elsevier.com/ • Nature (journal): • https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/campaigns/writing-a-manuscript Journals authors guidelines • Nature: https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/scientific-papers-13815490/ https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-02404-4 Articles about how to write scientific articles https://pdcrodas.webs.ull.es/informatica/HowToWriteAScientificArticle.pdf Structure • IMRaD • Introduction • Methods • Results and • Discussion Structure • Title • Abstract • Keywords • Introduction (literature review or background or conceptual framework) • Methods • Results • Discussion • Conclusions, conflict of interest statement, etc. • Acknowledgments • References Structure - variations • Human Movement Science – Highlights • https://www.elsevier.com/journals/human-movement-science/0167- 9457/guide-for-authors Highlights: 1. Bayesian model was used to characterize the shot performance curve and fit data 2. Motor and visual systems were analyzed separately in visual occlusion condition 3. Visual occlusion influenced motor system rather than visual in especial skill 4. Noise in motor system may influence players’ confidence https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0 167945715300245 Structure – variations - submission • Manuscripts for submission may differ from the written once: e.g. Journal of Motor Behavior https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructio ns&journalCode=vjmb20#structure Recommended order for writing a manuscript: • Materials and Methods • Results • Introduction • Discussion • Conclusion • Title • Abstract Source: https://www.springernature.com/gp/authors/campaigns/writing-a-manuscript/structuring-your-manuscript Other recommendations • Include all tables and figures in the text in the order they should appeared in a printed/online version • You may adjust the manuscript while submitting according to the specific journal requirements (figures at the end of a manuscript or in separate files, similarly tables, blind title page, etc.) • Write a manuscript in a general form (IMRaD) and then amend it according to the guidelines Structure in details The most interesting part ahead of us ;-)) IMRaD • Introduction – why did your study need to be done? • Methods - what did you do? • Results - what did you find? and • Discussion - how will your study advance the field? Source: Step-by-step guide to prepare a successful paper for publication by Dr. Nabil Khélifi – provided by SpringerNature Source: Step-by-step guide to prepare a successful paper for publication by Dr. Nabil Khélifi – provided by SpringerNature