Beatriz Figueiredo (UCO: 532386) | Tomás Rego (UCO: 532627) KORFEBOL What is Korfball? • Korfball is a Dutch game that is rooted in both netball and basketball. It’s a team game and it’s played with eight players on each side, usually all female although it can be played with four females and four males. Scoring points (goals) is done by putting the ball through the opposition’s raised basket. What’s the history of Korfball? • The sport’s history stretches back to 1902 which is when the game was invented by Dutch schoolteacher Nico Broekhuysen. His inspiration was a Swedish game and he decided to formulate his own version and introduce it to the Netherlands. It courted controversy at the time because the game can be played in mixed sex teams and many people were offended by this. However, its popularity began to increase and it was even included at the Olympic Games in 1920 and 1928 as a demonstration sport, though it sadly never made it to becoming a regular Olympic activity. • A regular event at the World Games for sports not part of the Olympics, the two most successful nations in Korfball are the Netherlands and Belgium. What is the purpose of the game? • The object of Korfball is to score more goals than the opposition and win the game. Players do this by working as a team to move the ball upfield until they get into a position in which they can shoot the ball into their opposition's net. • Because it is a team game, a high degree of teamwork and communication is required for a team to be successful, as is a good level of physical fitness and ball skills. How is the team and equipment used? And what is the game time? • The court used should be 20m x 40m or if playing outdoors it should be 30m x 60m. Both nets should be mounted on top of a 3m pole. The field is marked into two zones—defense and attack—each occupied by two men and two women from both teams, their movement being restricted to their zone. • In terms of equipment, the ball used must be a round number 5 type ball that has been approved by the IKF, should weigh between 445g and 475 and have a circumference of between 68cm and 70.5cm. No other equipment is essential although individual leagues will almost certainly require teams to wear a suitable strip and training shoes. • An indoor game consists of two 30-minute halves, an outdoor game 35-minute halves with a 10 minute halftime break. Beatriz Figueiredo (UCO: 532386) | Tomás Rego (UCO: 532627) How is the field and teams divided? • The field is marked into two zones—defense and attack—each occupied by two men and two women from both teams, their movement being restricted to their zone. An indoor game consists of two 30-minute halves, an outdoor game 35minute halves with a 10 minute halftime break. How teams score? • The scoring system in Korfball is simple and contributes to the fast paced nature of the game. A goal is scored when the ball is thrown through the opposition's net. Both teams therefore are constantly trying to work the ball upfield to place themselves in an attacking position to shoot. However, a player may not try and take a shot if they have been ‘defended’. This is when the opposition player positions themselves in between the attacker and the net and within an arm’s length from them. Some rules: • On receiving the ball, a player may not dribble, walk or run with it but can move one foot with one remaining planted to the ground as in netball. • Tackling, blocking and holding are not allowed in Korfball. • Each team has four players in each half and during the match they cannot switch zones. Once two goals have been scored, the teams change zones, with attackers becoming defenders and vice versa. Teams also swap ends at half time. • The game begins once a coin toss has decided who shall begin. • The team with the most goals (points) at the end of the match are declared the winner. If both teams are on equal points at the end of the match, the game is declared a draw. • It is not allowed to shoot the net when covered (defended or marked). To be defended is to have a protector and defender of the same sex at arm's length, between you and the basket with the intention of preventing the shot. Beatriz Figueiredo (UCO: 532386) | Tomás Rego (UCO: 532627) Class Plan Exercises Explanation Time 1 Warm-up (mobilization, run) 5 min 2 Short passes (chest pass; bouce pass; shoulder pass) and long passes (shoulder pass) 10 min 3 Pass and cut- The athlete with the ball passes to the thrower, cuts to the basket, receives the ball and returns it to the thrower after he/she has made a lateral movement. He receives and throws. Then they switch lines. 15 min Legend of the scheme: 4 Half-court play- Play reduced to only half of the field with 4 players from each team in that part. It is an introductory level for students to better understand the rules of the game. 15 min 5 Match- Full-field game with all the rules included 15 min Student Ball Basket Pass Displacement Throw