RINGO Francisco José González Aranda 1 - WHAT IS RINGO? 1.1 A BIT OF HISTORY The game was invented in 1959 by a Polish fencer and journalist Włodzimierz Strzyżewski. The ringo was introduced to the general public during the 1968 Summer Olympics. The first Polish championship was held in 1973 . The Polish Ringo Federation was not founded until 1989 and the International Federation four years later. Originally the game supplemented its inventor's training, then it became a recreational sport accessible to all in all weather conditions. The sport is played in several countries around the world, among others: Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Armenia, the Czech Republic, Germany, the United States, and Kenya. 1.2. BUT… WHAT IS THE RINGO? Ringo is a split-court sport (teams play in different areas of a field divided into two). It can be practiced both individually and in team. It is played with a ring and the goal is to get that the ring falls in the opponent's field. 2. HOW TO PLAY RINGO? 2.1. OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME AND SCORING The goal of the game is to get 15 points, defending the own field and throwing the ring over the ringo net and getting it to fall in the opponent field area. If we tie at 14 points, the game continues until either side gets a 2-point advantage by changing the serve (service) to each point. If it is tied at 16 points, the The first player to get the 17th point will be victorious. 2.2. MATERIALS AND PLAYING AREA To play ringo we need: - A ringo (ring of about 20-25 cm in external diameter and 13-18 cm internal), with stable flight and enough soft as to avoid painful blows (can be self build). - A field 8-9 meters wide by 18 long. - A ringo net (same as volleyball) or a ribbon ringo (at least 1 cm wide where ties are placed every 20 cm, colored and 25 cm long), placed 2 ´43m high. - The field of the ringo is divided in two by the line "limit peace". 2.3. BASIC RULES 2.3.1. – Singles game The serve (serve) - The serve is performed after the referee's signal, behind the baseline and within the limits of the lateral lines. The captain serves first. In individual, possession of the service is changed every 3 points. - If in the singles game, after the service, the hoop touches the ringo (net) and lands on the opponent's half of the field, the service is repeated. However, another successive network implies the loss of 1 point. - You get a point when we get the ring to fall within the limits of the opposite field. The flight of the ring - The hoop should fly more or less parallel to the ground. Though the ringo can tremble during its flight, in no moment it can assume a vertical position. Then the team that threw the Ringo wrong loses a point (a point to the opposing team). The ring throw - The thrower must touch the ground, at least with some part of one foot (not doing so implies the loss of 1 point). Must thrown from the place where it was picked up or after performing the stopping step allowed when one of the feet touches the I usually. - Once the launch has started, you must continue in the same direction, and throw the hoop before putting the foot on the ground. - The throw must be made by the player who received the ringo, that is, you cannot go to a partner for him/her to throw hoop reception - It is allowed to pick up the hoop with either hand, even with a single finger, but on the condition that it be returned with the same. - If a hoop slips from the hand on the first try, can be picked up with it before it falls to the ground, or if it touches on a partner and is picked up by another. - Two partners can catch the hoop simultaneously but only one of they can return it. However, it is not allowed to take the two rings at the same time with the same hand. - The hoop held in the hand must not touch the body of the player or his teammates, neither the ground, nor the ringo line (net), nor the área under the. The receiving player can change the grip of the ringo as long as it touches the hand, but never change hands. Field change - To give equal opportunities and taking into account factors such as light or wind, players must change fields after one side arrives to 8 points (8+1, with two hoops). positions on the pitch. - Players can adopt any position in their basketball court. - The hoop can also be caught and thrown from outside the court, but always on the ringo line and within the limits of the central line established for each category. 2.3.2. – Doubles game The rules are basically the same as those for individual but with certain changes: - It is played with two hoops - In service the hoops are thrown simultaneously - If after the start signal, one of the rings reaches the center line while the other has not been thrown yet, this last team loses 1 point. - Service possession is changed every 5 points. - When playing with two hoops a throwing error of one of the two causes the loss of 1 point. However, the hoop that fell to the ground must remain there until the game ends with the other hoop. - In the doubles game, if one of the hoops touches the net, interrupt the game with the other or cause the loss of point, regardless of the number of successive networks. If the rings collide during the service or exchange of throws, it is penalized with the loss of 1 point team in whose half of the field the hoop fell or to that team whose ring fell out of bounds. - It is not allowed to take both rings at the same time with the same hand. 3. CLASS PLAN EXERCISES EXPLANATION TIME HISTORY, RULES, ETC. 5min WARM UP Joint mobility and dynamic stretching 5min EXERCISE 1 Each one individually launches the ringo and picks it up again before it falls, first with two hands and after that only with one, trying not to collide with their mates. 5min EXERCISE 1 We stand in pairs, facing each other at a distance. We perform the following exercises: 1. Each one individually launches the ringo and picks it up again before it falls 2. We throw the ringo trying to make it easy for our partner to receive it, he has to catch it with one hand. 3. We throw the ringo with the wrong hand and receive with the wrong hand. 9min 4. We mix both hands throwing with height and trying to make it difficult for our partner to catch the ringo. 5. We introduce 2 ringos and we spend them trying not to fall. 6. With two ringos we try to ensure that our partner cannot catch it. EXERCISE 2 We divide 2 teams, they stand in 1 row behind each end line. The first in a row starts by throwing the ringo to the other field and the opponent has to catch it before it falls following the rules. When he catches it quickly, he throws it again and the opponent has to receive it. The throwing player goes back to the end of the line. A point is added if the opposing team fails to take the ring or commits a foul. As a variant we can put 2 rows and 2 rings. 8min MATCH 1. 1vs1 in minifields 2. 2 teams and 2 ringos 20min CALM DOWN Static stretchings 3min