1 / 1PagePrinted 28.11.2024 11:23:14 © zebris Medical GmbH Fakulta sportovních studií Stance Report Record: 28.11.2024 11:23, Stance Analysis, stoj Person: Kristýna Kriegelová, 20.06.2000 Stance parameters Stance, average 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 N/cm² Parameters Analysis time, sec 30,0 40 sec 95% confidence ellipse area, mm² 422 500 mm² COP path length, mm 186 200 mm COP average velocity, mm/sec 6 7 mm/sec Parameters advanced Length of minor axis, mm 15,6 40 mm Length of major axis, mm 34,6 40 mm Angle btw. Y and major axis, deg 76,5 90 deg Deviation X, mm 21,0 40 mm Deviation Y, mm 4,2 40 mm Force (N) 100 200 300 NLeft forefoot 100 200 300 NLeft backfoot 5 10 15 20 25 s 100 200 300 NRight forefoot 100 200 300 NRight backfoot 5 10 15 20 25 s Average Forces (%) Left Forefoot 49 100% Backfoot 51 Total 30 Right Forefoot59100% Backfoot41 Total70