Introduction to Regression (linear, logistic, multivariate, nonlinear) and a message at the end Martin Sebera Magdeburg, January 2024 Content •I. Linear regression •II. Logistic regression •III. Multivariate Regression •IV. Nonlinear regression - Neural net What it is regression? •statistical method that helps us understand the relationship between variables. •exploring how one variable affects another. •In a sports setting, we can use linear regression to predict outcomes or analyze performances. Let's demonstrate this with three examples: History of regression •The term regression comes from the works of anthropologist and meteorologist Francis Galton, which he presented to the public between 1877 and 1885. •The question of heredity and specifically the relationship between the height of fathers and their first-born sons. •The "return tendency" of the next generation towards the mean was called regression by Galton (he originally called this phenomenon reversion, which he later changed to regression = a step back). •Although the current concept of regression analysis has little in common with Galton's original intention, the idea of accessing empirical data has remained, and the term regression has become so accepted that it is still used today Correlation •Correlation - the mutual relationship between two variables. •If there is a correlation between two variables, it is likely that they depend on each other, but this does not mean that one of them must be the cause and the other the effect. The correlation alone does not allow to decide. Procedure •Model design, where we choose the appropriate shape of the regression function. If the theoretical model is not known, we analyze the point diagram and the graph of conditional averages. •Estimation of regression parameters and tests of their significance. •Regression diagnostics, when we perform residual analysis and identification of influential points. •Assessment of model quality. The result is either the acceptance of the proposed model or the design of another model. Regression procedure •Working with regression models is actually much more difficult. •It is necessary to test many assumptions (normality, homogeneity of variances, multicollinearity), choose an appropriate method (method of least squares, maximum likelihood), test residuals, analyze the quality of the model (residual variance, index of determination, Akaike information criterion, ROC curve, Gain graph), etc. . •The following examples are more emotive, which are intended to show the possibilities of regression. I. Linear regression •Linear regression analysis is used to predict the value of a variable based on the value of another variable. The variable you want to predict is called the dependent variable. The variable you are using to predict the other variable's value is called the independent variable. •It mathematically models the unknown or dependent variable and the known or independent variable as a linear equation. • The most frequently used functions Example 1 •dependence of performance in the long jump on performance in the 100 m run •LJ = -0,98 * 100m + 17,94 • •Geometrically speaking, the coefficient of the independent variable is the tangent of the angle the line makes with the x-axis. •arctg(-0,9796) = -45° Example 2 • • • • • • •Linear and quadratic linear regression models. •Quadratic regression has a slightly higher quality (both models are very accurate, because R2 → 1). The quadratic model takes into account "fatigue" - the decrease in speed during the sprint Example 3 - Shooting success in basketball •If the horizontal distance of the basketball player from the basket increases, the percentage of shooting success decreases with this distance • foot m % 3 0,9 62 6 1,8 52 9 2,7 40 12 3,7 32 15 4,6 28 18 5,5 24 21 6,4 21 24 7,3 20 27 8,2 18 30 9,1 17 40 12 13 Example 3 - Shooting success in basketball •However, the best regression model will be a power model. Why? See how the curve would behave with further distance… foot m % 3 0,9 62 6 1,8 52 9 2,7 40 12 3,7 32 15 4,6 28 18 5,5 24 21 6,4 21 24 7,3 20 27 8,2 18 30 9,1 17 40 12 13 Example 3 - Shooting success in basketball in SPSS •The chosen type of regression function must first of all respect the logical and objective connections of the phenomena and their regularities •SPSS → Analyze → Regression → Curve estimation • Example 4 – height, weight •We take the measures of people in the class and try to estimate the shape of the regression curve II. Logistic regression •Logistic regression is a statistical method used to analyze data where the dependent variable is categorical, usually binary (ie has two possible values, such as yes/no, success/failure, 0/1). •The main goal of logistic regression is to model the probability that a given input sample belongs to one of two categories. •Example: –Pollard, R., & Reep, C. (1997). Measuring the Effectiveness of Playing Strategies at Soccer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series D (The Statistician), 46(4), 541–550. • Logistic regression - example •Pollard and Reep (1997) used logistic regression to investigate the effectiveness of different strategies in soccer and their effect on the probability of scoring a goal. They wanted to discover how certain characteristics of the situation affect the probability of a goal being scored. As the basic event (dependent variable), they chose a situation that ended with a shot on goal. There were 489 of these events. They also identified the characteristics of the situations that could affect the outcome of the event. They chose as predictors: •distance from the goal in meters (DIST); •the angle (ANGLE) to the nearest goal post; •measure of how many touches the player had with the ball before shooting: one (TOUCH = 0), more than one (TOUCH = 1); •distance measure of the closest opponent: less than one meter (TIGHTNESS = 0), more than one meter (TIGHTNESS = 1); •origin of ball acquisition: from play (GAIN = 0), free kick or throw from the sideline (GAIN = 1). Logistic regression - example •The available information made it possible to complete these variables for all 489 events. Head shots and kick shots were analyzed in particular. For 410 kick shots, the regression equation was found: •Ln(goal chance) = 1.245 - 0.219 DIST - 1.578 ANGLE + 0.947 TIGHTNESS - 1.069 GAIN •This formula allows you to calculate the probability of scoring a goal in different situations. •For example, let's assume a kick from 15 meters (DIST=15) directly in front of the goal (ANGLE=0) with an opponent less than one meter away (TIGHTNESS=0) when the player got to the ball after a free kick (GAIN=0). The value of Ln(goal chance) = y = 3.109. The probability is calculated according to the formula Logistic regression - example Pollard, R., & Reep, C. (1997). Measuring the Effectiveness of Playing Strategies at Soccer. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society., 46(4), 541–550. III. Multivariate Regression •Multivariate Regression is a method used to measure the degree at which more than one independent variable (predictors) and more than one dependent variable (responses), are linearly related. Multivariate Regression - example •For twenty selected households, data on quarterly expenditure on food and beverages (y), quarterly household income (x1), number of children (x2), average age of earning household members (x3) and number of household members (x4) were obtained. •Decide which variables contribute significantly to explaining the variability in quarterly spending values. • •Try to guess which independent variables what will they be? Multivariate Regression - example x1 x2 x3 x4 y 11172 0 55 1 3464 8868 0 21 1 1982 17414 0 49 1 3228 10730 0 22 1 3034 24110 0 62,5 2 10146 38530 0 57 2 8202 22902 0 54,5 2 9332 25448 0 57,5 2 7096 20326 0 28 2 6248 39186 1 38,5 3 13816 28758 1 45,5 3 10328 33658 1 28,5 3 4786 24272 1 36 3 9710 30386 2 35 4 10778 31750 2 30,5 4 10568 39456 2 32,5 4 14260 48458 2 38 4 10934 37990 2 37 4 6388 24920 2 33,5 4 8584 40064 3 47 5 16950 Multivariate Regression – example •y = - 4027 + 0.042063 x1 - 1348.3 x2 + 84.188 x3 + 3353.4 x4 •with the adjusted coefficient of determination, which takes into account the number of independent variables, R2 = 0.629 and the residual standard deviation se = 2448.5. IV. Nonlinear regression - Neural net •assumptions: normality of data, homogenity of variances (® parametric vs. nonparametric methods) nominal, ordinal, categorical variables cannot be combined in model •often these conditions are not met •Many inputs generate an output that is a nonlinear function of the weighted sum of these inputs. •The weights assigned to each of the inputs are obtained on the basis of a learning process, where the generated outputs are compared with the so-called target outputs. •The obtained deviations between the known values and the obtained outputs serve as feedback for the adjustment of the weights. Nonlinear regression - Neural net •NN is a method in artificial intelligence •NN teaches computers to process data in a way that is inspired by the human brain. •It is a type of machine learning process, called deep learning, that uses interconnected nodes or neurons in a layered structure that resembles the human brain. •In other words, it is a very complex regression, where I have one dependent and many independent Nonlinear regression - Neural net •Multilayer Perceptron (MLP): class of feed-forward neural networks •3 types of layers - the input layer, output layer and hidden layer •Activation Functions: defines how the weighted sum of the input is transformed into an output from a node or nodes in a layer of the network Example Overtraining •Bernacikova, M., Kumstat, M., Buresova, I., Kapounkova, K., Struhar, I., ☺ Sebera, M., & Paludo, A. C. (2022). Preventing chronic fatigue in Czech young athletes: The features description of the “SmartTraining” mobile application. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, 13, 919982. A picture containing text, screenshot, businesscard Description automatically generated •How to get variables that are numerical, categorical, nominal ordinal into one regression model? •The assumptions of data normality, homogeneity of variances, etc. are not met. Example Overtraining Figure 1 – A Simple Neural Network MLP 30-11-1 A neural network with 30 inputs, one hidden layer with 11 hidden neurons and 1 output neuron. Example Overtraining The most important predictors of overtraining •Amount of regeneration (active regeneration) •Sleep (pasive regeneration) •Number of tournaments/races per year •Type of sport •… CONCLUSION How to fight disinformation and conspiracy? How to fight disinformation and conspiracy? How to fight disinformation and conspiracy? How to fight disinformation and conspiracy? How to fight disinformation and conspiracy? How to fight disinformation and conspiracy? •Verifying Claims and Sources: •This involves analyzing data sets that can confirm or disprove certain claims. •Recognition and detection of data manipulation: •Statistics offers tools for identifying unusual or improbable patterns in data, which may signal an attempt at disinformation. •Use of predictive regression models: •Statistical modeling and machine learning can help predict the spread of misinformation and identify potential new misinformation before it spreads. •Statistics Education Initiative: •Which teach the public how to interpret data and statistical results. This helps people better understand how data is used to support different arguments. •Promoting data transparency and openness •so that the public can verify information and conduct independent analysis. How to fight disinformation and conspiracy? •1. Dezinformace o vakcínách: •Tvrzení: "Úmrtnost na očkování je mnohem vyšší než na samotný COVID-19." •• Statistická metoda: Porovnání incidence nežádoucích účinků po očkování s incidencí a mortalitou COVID-19. •• Analýza: Použití metod k výpočtu relativního rizika, odhadování intervalů spolehlivosti a kontrola zkreslení (např. nereprezentativní výběr dat). • 2. Dezinformace o imigraci: •Tvrzení: "Imigranti způsobují rapidní nárůst kriminality v ČR." •• Statistická metoda: Analýza dat z kriminálních statistik, porovnání kriminality mezi migranty a místní populací po zohlednění klíčových faktorů (věk, příjem, vzdělání). •• Analýza: Použití regresní analýzy ke kontrole vlivu různých faktorů a testování statistické významnosti. • •3. Dezinformace o změně klimatu: •Tvrzení: "Globální oteplování je jen přirozený cyklus a není způsobeno lidskou činností." •• Statistická metoda: Analýza dlouhodobých teplotních trendů a jejich korelace s emisemi skleníkových plynů. •• Analýza: Použití modelování časových řad a kauzálních analýz k potvrzení vztahu mezi emisemi a teplotou. • •4. Dezinformace o volebních podvodech: •Tvrzení: "Ve volbách byly miliony hlasů zmanipulovány." •• Statistická metoda: Ověření volebních výsledků pomocí forenzní analýzy (analýza anomálií v distribuci hlasů). •• Analýza: Testování pravděpodobnosti vzorů, které by naznačovaly manipulaci, oproti přirozeně očekávaným trendům. • •5. Dezinformace o ekonomice: •Tvrzení: "Inflace je způsobena pouze vládními výdaji." •• Statistická metoda: Analýza vlivu jednotlivých faktorů na inflaci pomocí vícerozměrné regresní analýzy (vládní výdaje, ceny energií, globální ekonomické faktory). •• Analýza: Vyvrácení zjednodušení a propojení vícero zdrojů dat.