Performing under Pressure; on the Biology, Psychology and Sociology of stress in high-performance professions V - STRESS RELATED DISORDERS AND WHAT THEY CAN TEACH US ABOUT PERFORMANCE Disclaimer I am not a psychiatrist! I am a scientist! Especially if you are experiencing mental health issues, do NOT try anything we discuss today without first consulting your specialist. Non of the information discussed today reflects individual differences and your personal physician can judge much better than I ever can, how this information may affect you. Through the study of stress related disorders, we can gain knowledge of the stress system in healthy populations, that we would otherwise not be privy to. One example uAttention deficit / hyperactive disorder (ADHD) uDiminished dopamine signalling in the frontal cortex uShort bursts of hyper focus uMethylphenidate (Ritalin), a common neurotropic treatment for ADHD, also mitigates symptoms in PTSD uIf we can figure out how to hyper focus works in ADHD and can be reproduced, we can potentially increase cognitive and physical output out put in non ADHD individuals u Mehta, T. R., Monegro, A., Nene, Y., Fayyaz, M., & Bollu, P. C. (2019). Neurobiology of ADHD: A Review. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 6(4), 235–240. Antshel, K. M., Biederman, J., Spencer, T. J., & Faraone, S. V. (2016). The Neuropsychological Profile of Comorbid Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Adult ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 20(12), 1047–1055. Aga-Mizrachi, S., Cymerblit-Sabba, A., Gurman, O., Balan, A., Shwam, G., Deshe, R., … Avital, A. (2014). Methylphenidate and desipramine combined treatment improves PTSD symptomatology in a rat model. Translational Psychiatry, 4(9). The role of stress in mental disorders uStress plays a role in most mental disorders. Even in disorders where it does not play a causal role, it usually makes things much worse u uThree levels of analysis (which are completely artificial) uGenetics uEpigenetics uContext Genetic disruption of the stress system uAlthough there seem to be heritable components to stress sensitivity and there are specific genetic disorders in which the stress system is dysregulated, in general there is remarkably little evidence for genetic ‘determinism’. Potential exceptions: uA polymorphism on the OPRM1 (protects against PTDS but increases sensitivity to addiction) uDAT Polymorphisms in major depression u uRather many genes which code for components of the stress system express dysfunctional if, and only if, certain conditions are met (i.e. epigenetics). Opmeer, E. M., Kortekaas, R., & Aleman, A. (2010). Depression and the role of genes involved in dopamine metabolism and signalling. Progress in Neurobiology, 92(2), 112–133. Gelernter, J., & Polimanti, R. (2021). Genetics of substance use disorders in the era of big data. Nature Reviews Genetics, 22(11), 712–729. Nugent, N. R., Lally, M. A., Brown, L., Knopik, V. S., & McGeary, J. E. (2012). OPRM1 and diagnosis-related posttraumatic stress disorder in binge-drinking patients living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior, 16(8), 2171–2180. Heritability uMany mental disorders come with a certain level of heritability. However this may not necessarily derive from genetic predispositions alone. u uPrenatal influences (see lecture 3) u uParental behaviour u uSocietal interactions Contextual influences on mental disorders uSometimes, mental disorders are mostly the result of circumstances. Of course, however, a certain susceptibility is required, so genetics and epigenetics do play a role. uPost-traumatic stress disorder uTriggered by trauma u uMultiple personality disorder (nowadays dissociative Identity disorder) and the satanic panic Mulhern, S. (2008). Satanism , Ritual Abuse , and Multiple Personality Disorder : A Sociohistorical Perspective SATANISM , RITUAL ABUSE , AND MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER : 7144. Spanos, N. P. (1994). Multiple Identity Enactments and Multiple Personality Disorder : A Sociocognitive Perspective. II(1), 143–165. Mac Gillavry, D. W., & Ullrich, D. (2020). A novel theory on the predictive value of variation in the β-endorphin system on the risk and severity of PTSD. Military Psychology, 1–14. Stress in mental disorders I: It does not cause it, but does make everything much worse. uSchizotypal episodes uSchizophrenia uDelusions (usually auditory hallucinations) (dopaminergic component) uDisordered thought uHighly disturbing and stressful u uSchizotypal experiences uReligious visions uRandom, usually non-stressful, experiences Smith, L., Riley, S., & Peters, E. R. (2009). Schizotypy, delusional ideation and well-being in an American new religious movement population. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 16(6), 479–484. Howes, O., McCutcheon, R., & Stone, J. (2015). Glutamate and dopamine in schizophrenia: An update for the 21st century. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29(2), 97–115. Stress in mental disorders II: the trigger and accelerator uMajor depression u uStrong evidence for a genetic predisposition u uStress triggers the disorder (3-4 episodes of severe prolonged stress) u uAfter the first episode it becomes much easier to trigger the next one u American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th. In American Journal of Psychiatry. Symptoms and importance to stress research uThe inability to get back on your feet after a period of grieving u uSymptom clusters uPsychomotor retardation (noradrenergic disruption) uAnhedonia (dopaminergic disruption) uThe inability to find comfort (serotonergic disruption) u Moret, C., & Briley, M. (2011). The importance of norepinephrine in depression. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 7(SUPPL.), 9–13. Lutz, P. (2018). The opioid system and the social brain : implications for depression and suicide. (February), 1–13. Weele, C. M. V., Siciliano, C. A., & Tye, K. M. (2019). Dopamine tunes prefrontal outputs to orchestrate aversive processing. Brain Research, 1713(August 2018), 16–31. Kilpatrick, D. G., Ph, D., Koenen, K. C., Ph, D., Ruggiero, K. J., Ph, D., … Gelernter, J. (2007). The Serotonin Transporter Genotype and Social Support and Moderation of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression in Hurricane-Exposed Adults. American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(November), 1693–1699. Stress induced mental disorders III: disorders in which stress is the defining feature uPost-traumatic stress disorder uReaction to extreme stressor uAcute or repeated exposure uHypervigilance uFlashbacks and intrusive thoughts uNightmares u u u u American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th. In American Journal of Psychiatry. World Health Organization. (1993). The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders: Diagnostic criteria for research (pp. 155–157). pp. 155–157.<201::AID-EVAN2>3.3.CO;2-P Neuromodulators involved in PTSD uNoradrenaline & the locus coeruleus u uDopamine u uβ-endorphin uMorphine uPost-combat delayed onset u uOxytocin van Zuiden, M., Frijling, J. L., Nawijn, L., Koch, S. B. J., Goslings, J. C., Luitse, J. S., … Olff, M. (2017). Intranasal Oxytocin to Prevent Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Emergency Department Patients. Biological Psychiatry, 81(12), 1030–1040. Ullrich, D., & Mac Gillavry, D. W. (2021). Mini-review : A possible role for galanin in post-traumatic stress disorder. Neuroscience Letters, 756(May), 135980. Lee, J. C., Wang, L. P., & Tsien, J. Z. (2016). Dopamine rebound-excitation theory: Putting brakes on PTSD. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7(SEP). Pan, X., Kaminga, A. C., Wen, S. W., & Liu, A. (2018). Catecholamines in post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 11(December). Relevance to peak performance uMost mental disorders, except perhaps under certain specific circumstances PTSD, are detrimental to peak performance. u uDopamine and noradrenaline disruption can massively affect physical and mental output. u uConversely, practices that raise reactivity or sensitivity of these neuromodulators can thus protect or even boost output uCold exposure (see lecture 6) uNutritional solutions (see lecture 9) uBehavioural practices uPhysical exercise uCommunal synchronisation uMeditation