Performing under Pressure; on the Biology, Psychology and Sociology of stress in high-performance professions VII – PERFORMANCE UNDER STRESS How do you utilise the stress response to facilitate optimal performance? uPrepare the system for stress (See lecture 6) u uManaging the acute stress response u uOptimising the acute stress response uIncrease dopamine uIncrease feelings of control u u u Almost all of the most effective mechanisms to reduce or control the acute stress response involve feedback loops uIt is hard to control uThoughts uEmotions uPhysiological states u uBehaviour is much easier and that will alter all the above u uStress often requires an expression to movement (be that physiological or psychological – behaviour is the key!) Managing the acute stress response Feedback loops as a means to manipulate the stress system uNeurotropic substances uBenzodiazepams u uBehavioural manipulations uBreath work uVisual system control uVisualisation u u u Breath work uDouble sigh uOff load much more carbon dioxide u uRespiratory sinus arrhythmia uInhales: diaphragm moves down, more space for the heart, brain sends a signal to speed up to keep blood pressure steady. uBasis for Heart Rave Variability (HRV) Feldman JL. Neurobiology of breathing control. Where to look and what to look for.. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 1995. Visual control: Can you use the eyes to control stress? uEyes – 2 functions u uDetecting shapes, colours, etc. (vision) u uCommunicate to the brain – active or inactive (Cues about time of day, stressors, etc.) (YES! Another feedback loop!!) uRelaxed (panoramic vision) uStressed (focussed vision) u u Left-brain / right brain cross talk uOver activity in the left side of the brain may lead to overthinking u uActivity with the left hand, which cross talks to the right hemisphere, leads to an overall downregulation of brain activity Mesagno, C., Beckmann, J., Wergin, V. V., & Gröpel, P. (2019). Primed to perform: Comparing different pre-performance routine interventions to improve accuracy in closed, self-paced motor tasks. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43(January), 73–81. Mesagno, C., & Beckmann, J. (2017). Choking under pressure: theoretical models and interventions. Current Opinion in Psychology, 16(June), 170–175. Optimising the acute stress response Forward movement: The nucleus reuniens uA small nucleus in the thalamus u uSecretes dopamine in response to forward movement u uBehaviour effects uIn rats it increases willingness to fight harder uIn people… Zimmerman, E. C., & Grace, A. A. (2016). The nucleus reuniens of the midline thalamus gates prefrontal-hippocampal modulation of ventral tegmental area dopamine neuron activity. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(34), 8977–8984. Nutrition uCertain foods stimulate the endorphin and dopamine systems. uSugar uAlcohol uCacao uEtc. u uCareful! Many have a secondary detrimental effect. u u Internal reward uExternal rewards seem to be transient and unreliable. There is significantly greater value in internal rewards u uSlice time to fit your motivational needs u uConnect reward to accomplishment not something you get upon finishing u uDon’t engage in too many behaviours that release dopamine for little effort Altruism: just a strange observation u uI have no data to support this, but there seems to be a strong link between resilience and altruism. Individuals who take up the responsibility to pull others through appear better at handling extreme stress u uSpecial forces selection procedures