Performing under Pressure; on the Biology, Psychology and Sociology of stress in high-performance professions IX – NUTRITION, STRESS AND PERFORMANCE On the chaos that is Nutrition Science uEveryone has their favourite diet and tests it against the standard American diet (MacDonald’s, Burger king and worse). uVery few randomised trails uExtremely complicated to get people to follow a diet uAnimal studies usually do not translate well uMostly self-report data (highly unreliable) u uMostly aimed at the treatment of disease rather than optimum function uHeart disease, obesity, diabetes uWith the exception of sport’s science, longevity research u u The first question to ask:What are you aims? uNutrition is probably not a question of ‘optimal’ function, but of optimisation for a specific outcome. uLongevity uPeak performance uPsychological stability u u u uStress resilience and peak performance? The second question: what else are you doing/willing to do? uNutrition does not exist in a vacuum. uPhysical exercise uLink with carbohydrate consumption uSleep uAffects leptin levels, amongst other endocrine and neuroendocrine systems. uMental health uYour mental state may influence metabolism and vice versa. u The natural starting point: What did we evolve to eat? How far back do we go? uWhich ancestral species? uThe further back you go the more fruit and leaves based diet gets (humans are believed to have first appeared between 300 and 500 thousand years ago). uAfter the advent of meat eating (at least 2.6 million years ago) uEnergy surplus uAfter the advent of cooking (300 000 – 2 million years ago) uEnergy surplus + gut-size reduction uAfter the agricultural revolution (+/- 11 700 years ago) uRise in population, organisation and culture Wrangham, R. (2009). Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human. New York: Basic Books. Thompson, J. C., Carvalho, S., Marean, C. W., & Alemseged, Z. (2019). Origins of the human predatory pattern: The transition to large-animal exploitation by early hominins. Current Anthropology, 60(1), 1–23. Diamond, J. (2003). Guns, Germs, and Steel in 2003. Antipode, 35(4), 829–831. Changes in the food supply uMany of the foods of the time do no longer exist u uSelective breeding of food stuffs u uAll year round access u uClimate change & the disappearance of species u Changes in consumption culture u3 meals a day with snacks uThroughout most of pre-agricultural history people went often through short periods (a few days) of food deprivation, but rarely through starvation. u uNon-stop availability uObesity and diabetes u uHigh levels of food-processing uExcess levels of salt, sugar and unhealthy fats u u What do we actually know about prehistoric diet? uAtkins, paleo, raw, vegan, carnivore, keto … ???? u uWe actually know surprisingly little uGeneralist (all types of food stuffs) uAn aim at digestibility (cooking) u uBut!!!! This diet was consumed in a highly physically active context! u Start of meat eating uClimate change: more grass lands. uHunting is dangerous and hard. How do you start eating meat? uScavenging (also rather dangerous but….. BONE MARROW!!!!) uRemains fresh for a few days because its encaged in a handy little box (bone) uDoesn’t take complicated tools (a stone) uHigh in fat u Thompson, J. C., Carvalho, S., Marean, C. W., & Alemseged, Z. (2019). Origins of the human predatory pattern: The transition to large-animal exploitation by early hominins. Current Anthropology, 60(1), 1–23. Thompson, J. C., McPherron, S. P., Bobe, R., Reed, D., Barr, W. A., Wynn, J. G., … Alemseged, Z. (2015). Taphonomy of fossils from the hominin-bearing deposits at Dikika, Ethiopia. Journal of Human Evolution, 86, 112–135. Hunting & endurance running uBig game overheats quicker u uIf you can cool more easily, hunting becomes easy. uNo need for sophisticated tools uNo need for extreme physical output Pickering, T. R., & Bunn, H. T. (2007). The endurance running hypothesis and hunting and scavenging in savanna-woodlands. Journal of Human Evolution, 53, 434–437. Key nutrients uMacronutrients u uCarbohydrates (4cal/gram) uProtein (4cal/gram)* uFat (9cal/gram)* u uMicronutrients u uVitamins uMinerals u Micronutrients uDeficiencies, and in some cases excess, of a micronutrient may affect both the stress response and resilience. Regular bloodwork should tell you if you are deficient in anything. uCommon deficiencies uIodine uCalcium uMagnesium uVitamins A, B12, D uIron uOthers to pay attention to: uOmega 3 fatty acids (anti-inflammatory) uAntioxidants u Macronutrients uThe main sources of fuel and building materials u uFat and protein are essential u uWe can survive without carbohydrates uEndogenous production of glucose for the brain The digestive system has specific sensors for different nutrients uSugars uWe like sweet things even if you numb taste buds uStimulates endorphin secretion uAmino acids (building blocks of protein) uWe will eat until we have enough, not until we are full uL-tyrocine (dopamine precursor) uChicken, turkey, fish, milk, yoghurt and almonds uTryptophan (serotonin precursor) uFats (lipids) The system simplified uWhat you do not use, you store. But, not all macronutrients are stored the same way. uInsulin uFat metabolism u uStress releases stored energy uCortisol u uStress for no real reason uYou dump a lot of energy on the system, remove it, dump it back in, remove it, etc. u Serotonin: the relax neuromodulator uCarbohydrates stimulate serotonin secretion uRest and digest – relax uSSRIs – Common anti-depressants but serious side-effects uBlunted emotions uDiminished motivation uDiminished hunger uDiminished sex-drive Fasting uAutophagy uketosis u uLongevity u uRegulation of insulin levels u uNeurogenesis u u Mattson, M. P., Longo, V. D., & Harvie, M. (2017). Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes. Ageing Research Reviews, 39, 46–58. Longo, V. D., Mitteldorf, J., & Skulachev, V. P. (2005). Opinion: Programmed and altruistic ageing. Nature Reviews Genetics, 6(11), 866–872.