P9912 – PE – Outdoor activities distance Course requirements and instructions Start of the course Choose your seminar group Outdoor mix (for cycling, running/jogging, in-line skating, hiking/Nordic walking). Install the mobile phone app STRAVA Run and Cycling Tracking. In the STRAVA app, search and apply for membership in the club MUNI Outdoor mix (only for p9912). If you use a nickname in the app, you must inform the teacher by e-mail. Students record their activities in the STRAVA app with their smartphone, smartwatch or other tracking devices (Garmin, Wahoo…). Students plan their activities, routes, duration, time by themselves. They can consult their plans with the teacher. To pass the course successfully, students have to: - complete all required activities, duration and distance from your chosen activities and record it correctly in the STRAVA app until the term given in syllabus of the course - upload minimum 2 selfies (1 photo for running) from each activity in two different locations on their route with their recognizable face (use STRAVA app to take pictures to save the location information) Students must complete the minimum total time OR total distance of one of their chosen activity: Cycling- min. 3x recorded activity, min. 20 h OR min. 250 km total (eg 10x120min, 5x240min,…) Running / Jogging - min. 6x recorded activity, min. 20 hours OR min. 150 km run (eg runs 20x60min,…) Inline skating - min. 6x recorded activity, min. 20 hours OR 200 km inline (eg inline 20x60min,…) Hiking / Nordic Walking - min.3x recorded activity, min. 20h OR min. 75 km walk (eg.5x15km,…), while minimum distance of one is 4km Outdoor mix - min. 20 hours of various activities (for cycling, running/jogging, in-line skating, hiking/Nordic walking) The student informs the teacher by email when he has fulfilled all the requirements until the term given in syllabus of the course. The teacher will check activities and give a credit. The teacher cannot approve the activity without added selfies.