Oneway Descriptives celkovy pocet bodu na didakticke testy 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum velkomesta 202 47,4257 15,67953 1,10321 45,2504 49,6011 6,00 76,00 mesta 1013 51,9082 14,48798 ,45520 51,0149 52,8014 10,00 85,00 vesnice 475 46,6484 14,91355 ,68428 45,3038 47,9930 4,00 80,00 Total 1690 49,8941 14,95214 ,36371 49,1807 50,6075 4,00 85,00 Test of Homogeneity of Variances celkovy pocet bodu na didakticke testy Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 1,252 2 1687 ,286 ANOVA celkovy pocet bodu na didakticke testy Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 10343,906 2 5171,953 23,757 ,000 Within Groups 367260,134 1687 217,700 Total 377604,041 1689 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: celkovy pocet bodu na didakticke testy Bonferroni 95% Confidence Interval (I) typ obce (J) typ obce Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound velkomesta mesta -4,48245(*) 1,13694 ,000 -7,2070 -1,7579 vesnice ,77732 1,23937 1,000 -2,1927 3,7473 mesta velkomesta 4,48245(*) 1,13694 ,000 1,7579 7,2070 vesnice 5,25977(*) ,82050 ,000 3,2935 7,2260 vesnice velkomesta -,77732 1,23937 1,000 -3,7473 2,1927 mesta -5,25977(*) ,82050 ,000 -7,2260 -3,2935 * The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. Means Plots Univariate Analysis of Variance Between-Subjects Factors Value Label N typ obce 1 velkomesta 202 2 mesta 1013 3 vesnice 475 skupina 1 experimentalni 1231 2 kontrolni 459 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: celkovy pocet bodu na didakticke testy typ obce skupina Mean Std. Deviation N velkomesta experimentalni 47,7786 16,29785 131 kontrolni 46,7746 14,55943 71 Total 47,4257 15,67953 202 mesta experimentalni 51,6483 14,40625 745 kontrolni 52,6306 14,71584 268 Total 51,9082 14,48798 1013 vesnice experimentalni 45,4535 14,98851 355 kontrolni 50,1833 14,16884 120 Total 46,6484 14,91355 475 Total experimentalni 49,4500 15,03667 1231 kontrolni 51,0850 14,67298 459 Total 49,8941 14,95214 1690 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: celkovy pocet bodu na didakticke testy Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 12586,827(a) 5 2517,365 11,614 ,000 Intercept 2285386,204 1 2285386,204 10543,586 ,000 obec 6560,298 2 3280,149 15,133 ,000 skupina 584,216 1 584,216 2,695 ,101 obec * skupina 1261,365 2 630,683 2,910 ,055 Error 365017,214 1684 216,756 Total 4584723,000 1690 Corrected Total 377604,041 1689 a R Squared = ,033 (Adjusted R Squared = ,030) Profile Plots Oneway Descriptives neuropsychicka zatez pri praci 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 1 32 2,5344 ,72228 ,12768 2,2740 2,7948 1,30 4,20 2 25 2,4520 ,57018 ,11404 2,2166 2,6874 1,40 3,50 3 30 2,5867 ,72050 ,13155 2,3176 2,8557 1,10 4,00 Total 87 2,5287 ,67581 ,07245 2,3847 2,6728 1,10 4,20 Test of Homogeneity of Variances neuropsychicka zatez pri praci Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. ,917 2 84 ,404 ANOVA neuropsychicka zatez pri praci Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups ,249 2 ,124 ,268 ,766 Within Groups 39,029 84 ,465 Total 39,278 86 Means Plots Univariate Analysis of Variance Between-Subjects Factors Value Label N Respondent's Sex 1 Male 636 2 Female 848 Respondents Astrological Sign 1 Aries 130 2 Taurus 99 3 Gemini 133 4 Cancer 143 5 Leo 145 6 Virgo 113 7 Libra 109 8 Scorpio 111 9 Sagittarius 120 10 Capricorn 114 11 Aquarius 119 12 Pisces 148 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Highest Year of School Completed Respondent's Sex Respondents Astrological Sign Mean Std. Deviation N Male Aries 12,32 3,699 53 Taurus 13,37 3,193 46 Gemini 13,48 3,427 52 Cancer 13,28 3,249 64 Leo 13,20 3,595 61 Virgo 12,82 3,768 49 Libra 13,16 3,060 37 Scorpio 13,22 3,800 54 Sagittarius 13,45 2,558 49 Capricorn 12,91 3,283 53 Aquarius 13,31 3,229 49 Pisces 13,61 3,219 69 Total 13,19 3,355 636 Female Aries 13,25 2,782 77 Taurus 12,77 2,985 53 Gemini 12,74 2,871 81 Cancer 12,65 3,089 79 Leo 13,36 2,462 84 Virgo 12,77 2,736 64 Libra 12,90 3,026 72 Scorpio 13,49 2,953 57 Sagittarius 12,46 2,787 71 Capricorn 13,05 2,941 61 Aquarius 12,41 2,705 70 Pisces 13,30 2,738 79 Total 12,93 2,838 848 Total Aries 12,87 3,207 130 Taurus 13,05 3,082 99 Gemini 13,03 3,109 133 Cancer 12,93 3,166 143 Leo 13,29 2,981 145 Virgo 12,79 3,208 113 Libra 12,99 3,026 109 Scorpio 13,36 3,379 111 Sagittarius 12,87 2,728 120 Capricorn 12,98 3,091 114 Aquarius 12,78 2,952 119 Pisces 13,45 2,965 148 Total 13,04 3,071 1484 Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Highest Year of School Completed Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 196,699(a) 23 8,552 ,905 ,592 Intercept 242185,882 1 242185,882 25634,093 ,000 sex 21,676 1 21,676 2,294 ,130 zodiac 65,496 11 5,954 ,630 ,804 sex * zodiac 105,736 11 9,612 1,017 ,428 Error 13793,794 1460 9,448 Total 266375,000 1484 Corrected Total 13990,493 1483 a R Squared = ,014 (Adjusted R Squared = -,001) Profile Plots General Linear Model Between-Subjects Factors Value Label N SEX 1 male 230 2 female 242 Descriptive Statistics SEX Mean Std. Deviation N VALUE1 values (personally fulfilling job) male 3,09 1,766 230 female 3,27 1,619 242 Total 3,18 1,693 472 VALUE2 values (lot of money) male 4,43 2,069 230 female 4,91 1,964 242 Total 4,68 2,028 472 VALUE3 values (have fun/enjoy life) male 3,81 1,917 230 female 4,36 1,749 242 Total 4,09 1,851 472 VALUE4 values (make contribution to society) male 5,25 2,012 230 female 5,78 1,559 242 Total 5,52 1,812 472 VALUE5 values (maintain close relations w/ family) male 3,77 1,858 230 female 3,32 1,781 242 Total 3,54 1,831 472 VALUE6 values (have suitable life partner) male 2,51 1,723 230 female 2,27 1,553 242 Total 2,39 1,641 472 VALUE7 values (have close friends) male 3,42 1,795 230 female 2,89 1,545 242 Total 3,15 1,691 472 Multivariate Tests(b) Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Intercept Pillai's Trace ,970 2146,472(a) 7,000 464,000 ,000 Wilks' Lambda ,030 2146,472(a) 7,000 464,000 ,000 Hotelling's Trace 32,382 2146,472(a) 7,000 464,000 ,000 Roy's Largest Root 32,382 2146,472(a) 7,000 464,000 ,000 SEX Pillai's Trace ,081 5,840(a) 7,000 464,000 ,000 Wilks' Lambda ,919 5,840(a) 7,000 464,000 ,000 Hotelling's Trace ,088 5,840(a) 7,000 464,000 ,000 Roy's Largest Root ,088 5,840(a) 7,000 464,000 ,000 a Exact statistic b Design: Intercept+SEX Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Type III Sum of Source Dependent Variable Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model VALUE1 values (personally 4,070(a) 1 4,070 1,421 ,234 fulfilling job) VALUE2 values (lot of money) 26,993(b) 1 26,993 6,643 ,010 VALUE3 values (have fun/enjoy 35,242(c) 1 35,242 10,490 ,001 life) VALUE4 values (make 33,004(d) 1 33,004 10,254 ,001 contribution to society) VALUE5 values (maintain close 24,492(e) 1 24,492 7,404 ,007 relations w/ family) VALUE6 values (have suitable 7,047(f) 1 7,047 2,626 ,106 life partner) VALUE7 values (have close 33,022(g) 1 33,022 11,818 ,001 friends) Intercept VALUE1 values (personally 4769,493 1 4769,493 1665,102 ,000 fulfilling job) VALUE2 values (lot of money) 10304,790 1 10304,790 2536,133 ,000 VALUE3 values (have fun/enjoy 7859,852 1 7859,852 2339,507 ,000 life) VALUE4 values (make 14332,885 1 14332,885 4452,900 ,000 contribution to society) VALUE5 values (maintain close 5931,305 1 5931,305 1793,038 ,000 relations w/ family) VALUE6 values (have suitable 2696,216 1 2696,216 1004,932 ,000 life partner) VALUE7 values (have close 4701,666 1 4701,666 1682,621 ,000 friends) SEX VALUE1 values (personally 4,070 1 4,070 1,421 ,234 fulfilling job) VALUE2 values (lot of money) 26,993 1 26,993 6,643 ,010 VALUE3 values (have fun/enjoy 35,242 1 35,242 10,490 ,001 life) VALUE4 values (make 33,004 1 33,004 10,254 ,001 contribution to society) VALUE5 values (maintain close 24,492 1 24,492 7,404 ,007 relations w/ family) VALUE6 values (have suitable 7,047 1 7,047 2,626 ,106 life partner) VALUE7 values (have close 33,022 1 33,022 11,818 ,001 friends) Error VALUE1 values (personally 1346,261 470 2,864 fulfilling job) VALUE2 values (lot of money) 1909,699 470 4,063 VALUE3 values (have fun/enjoy 1579,021 470 3,360 life) VALUE4 values (make 1512,824 470 3,219 contribution to society) VALUE5 values (maintain close 1554,743 470 3,308 relations w/ family) VALUE6 values (have suitable 1261,002 470 2,683 life partner) VALUE7 values (have close 1313,298 470 2,794 friends) Total VALUE1 values (personally 6130,000 472 fulfilling job) VALUE2 values (lot of money) 12275,000 472 VALUE3 values (have fun/enjoy 9506,000 472 life) VALUE4 values (make 15923,000 472 contribution to society) VALUE5 values (maintain close 7495,000 472 relations w/ family) VALUE6 values (have suitable 3959,000 472 life partner) VALUE7 values (have close 6031,000 472 friends) Corrected Total VALUE1 values (personally 1350,331 471 fulfilling job) VALUE2 values (lot of money) 1936,693 471 VALUE3 values (have fun/enjoy 1614,263 471 life) VALUE4 values (make 1545,828 471 contribution to society) VALUE5 values (maintain close 1579,235 471 relations w/ family) VALUE6 values (have suitable 1268,049 471 life partner) VALUE7 values (have close 1346,320 471 friends) a R Squared = ,003 (Adjusted R Squared = ,001) b R Squared = ,014 (Adjusted R Squared = ,012) c R Squared = ,022 (Adjusted R Squared = ,020) d R Squared = ,021 (Adjusted R Squared = ,019) e R Squared = ,016 (Adjusted R Squared = ,013) f R Squared = ,006 (Adjusted R Squared = ,003) g R Squared = ,025 (Adjusted R Squared = ,022) Profile Plots VALUE1 values (personally fulfilling job) VALUE2 values (lot of money) VALUE3 values (have fun/enjoy life) VALUE4 values (make contribution to society) VALUE5 values (maintain close relations w/ family) VALUE6 values (have suitable life partner) VALUE7 values (have close friends) General Linear Model Between-Subjects Factors Value Label N POHLAVI 0 zena 60 1 muz 27 Descriptive Statistics POHLAVI Mean Std. Deviation N NEUROTIC neuroticismus NEO-FFI zena 31,23 7,228 60 muz 32,37 9,153 27 Total 31,59 7,839 87 EXTRAVER extraverze NEO-FFI zena 43,37 7,629 60 muz 43,56 5,951 27 Total 43,43 7,116 87 OTEVREN otevrenost NEO-FFI zena 40,15 5,897 60 muz 39,74 7,341 27 Total 40,02 6,339 87 PRIVETIV privetivost NEO-FFI zena 45,68 5,616 60 muz 43,48 5,388 27 Total 45,00 5,609 87 SVEDOMIT svedomitost NEO-FFI zena 44,55 7,294 60 muz 43,59 7,612 27 Total 44,25 7,363 87 Multivariate Tests(b) Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Intercept Pillai's Trace ,995 3382,976(a) 5,000 81,000 ,000 Wilks' Lambda ,005 3382,976(a) 5,000 81,000 ,000 Hotelling's Trace 208,826 3382,976(a) 5,000 81,000 ,000 Roy's Largest Root 208,826 3382,976(a) 5,000 81,000 ,000 POHLAVI Pillai's Trace ,038 ,639(a) 5,000 81,000 ,670 Wilks' Lambda ,962 ,639(a) 5,000 81,000 ,670 Hotelling's Trace ,039 ,639(a) 5,000 81,000 ,670 Roy's Largest Root ,039 ,639(a) 5,000 81,000 ,670 a Exact statistic b Design: Intercept+POHLAVI Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Type III Sum of Source Dependent Variable Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model NEUROTIC neuroticismus 24,074(a) 1 24,074 ,389 ,535 NEO-FFI EXTRAVER extraverze NEO-FFI ,664(b) 1 ,664 ,013 ,910 OTEVREN otevrenost NEO-FFI 3,119(c) 1 3,119 ,077 ,782 PRIVETIV privetivost 90,276(d) 1 90,276 2,934 ,090 NEO-FFI SVEDOMIT svedomitost 17,068(e) 1 17,068 ,312 ,578 NEO-FFI Intercept NEUROTIC neuroticismus 75328,717 1 75328,717 1217,051 ,000 NEO-FFI EXTRAVER extraverze NEO-FFI 140688,113 1 140688,113 2746,174 ,000 OTEVREN otevrenost NEO-FFI 118847,119 1 118847,119 2925,713 ,000 PRIVETIV privetivost 148041,264 1 148041,264 4810,717 ,000 NEO-FFI SVEDOMIT svedomitost 144666,310 1 144666,310 2647,074 ,000 NEO-FFI POHLAVI NEUROTIC neuroticismus 24,074 1 24,074 ,389 ,535 NEO-FFI EXTRAVER extraverze NEO-FFI ,664 1 ,664 ,013 ,910 OTEVREN otevrenost NEO-FFI 3,119 1 3,119 ,077 ,782 PRIVETIV privetivost 90,276 1 90,276 2,934 ,090 NEO-FFI SVEDOMIT svedomitost 17,068 1 17,068 ,312 ,578 NEO-FFI Error NEUROTIC neuroticismus 5261,030 85 61,894 NEO-FFI EXTRAVER extraverze NEO-FFI 4354,600 85 51,231 OTEVREN otevrenost NEO-FFI 3452,835 85 40,622 PRIVETIV privetivost 2615,724 85 30,773 NEO-FFI SVEDOMIT svedomitost 4645,369 85 54,651 NEO-FFI Total NEUROTIC neuroticismus 92084,000 87 NEO-FFI EXTRAVER extraverze NEO-FFI 168416,000 87 OTEVREN otevrenost NEO-FFI 142816,000 87 PRIVETIV privetivost 178881,000 87 NEO-FFI SVEDOMIT svedomitost 175036,000 87 NEO-FFI Corrected Total NEUROTIC neuroticismus 5285,103 86 NEO-FFI EXTRAVER extraverze NEO-FFI 4355,264 86 OTEVREN otevrenost NEO-FFI 3455,954 86 PRIVETIV privetivost 2706,000 86 NEO-FFI SVEDOMIT svedomitost 4662,437 86 NEO-FFI a R Squared = ,005 (Adjusted R Squared = -,007) b R Squared = ,000 (Adjusted R Squared = -,012) c R Squared = ,001 (Adjusted R Squared = -,011) d R Squared = ,033 (Adjusted R Squared = ,022) e R Squared = ,004 (Adjusted R Squared = -,008)