Personality Dimensions and Criminal Arrest Jack Samuels, O. Joseph Bienvenu, Bernadette Cullen, Paul T. Costa Jr, William W. Eaton, and Gerald Nestadt Previous studies have implicated antisocial personal- ity disorder in criminal behavior, but little is known about the association between "normal" personality dimensions and arrest. We investigated the relation- ships between these personality dimensions and prior arrest in a sample of adults participating in a longitu- dinal epidemiological study. Between 1993 and 1999, psychiatrists re-examined subjects who were origi- nally interviewed in Baltimore in 1981 as part of the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study; the psychia- trists diagnosed axis I and axis II disorders according to DSM-IV criteria. A total of 611 subjects also com- pleted the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO- PI-R), which assesses five broad factors and 30 facets of normal personality. History of criminal arrest in Maryland in the period 1981 to 1993 was determined from the state criminal justice database. Student's t test and logistic regression were used to evaluate relationships between NEO personality scores and prior arrest. Controlling for demographic characteris- tics, alcohol or drug use disorders, and DSM-IV per- sonality disorder scores, the odds of prior arrest in- creased with scores on angry hostility, impulsiveness, and excitement-seeking dimensions. Prior arrest was inversely related to scores on trust, straightforward- ness, compliance, modesty, dutifulness, and deliber- ation dimensions. The results suggest that specific dimensions of normal personality are related to crim- inal arrest in the community. 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. CRIMINAL ACTIVITY is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States and adversely impacts the quality of life of com- munities in this country.1,2 The etiology of these behaviors appears complex, involving numerous individual, interpersonal, neighborhood, and com- munity factors.3,4 Results from several recent stud- ies in patients,5-9 arrestees,10-13 and members of birth cohorts14-17 suggest that individuals with psy- chiatric disorders--especially schizophrenia, alco- hol and drug use disorders, and antisocial person- ality disorder--are at increased risk of criminal arrest. Less is known about relationships between per- sonality dimensions and arrest. McMillen et al.18 found that individuals arrested multiple times for driving under the influence of alcohol scored sig- nificantly higher on scales of hostility, sensation seeking, and psychopathic deviance than did first- time offenders. Ulrich et al.19 reported that crimi- nal offenders scored significantly different than noncriminal controls on all ICD-10 personality dis- order dimensions. Johnson et al.20 found that, in a community-based sample of adolescents, paranoid, narcissistic, and passive-aggressive personality traits were associated with the self-reported com- mission of violent acts over the subsequent 10 years. The focus of these studies has been on clinical criteria for personality disorders. The overlap be- tween "abnormal" and "normal" conceptualiza- tions of personality is an area of active investiga- tion, and it has been proposed that normal personality dimensions may provide additional and sometimes richer clinical insight into an individu- al's strengths and potential problems.21 In the cur- rent study, we evaluated the relationship between personality dimensions and documented prior ar- rest in a sample of adults participating in a longi- tudinal epidemiological study. The aim was to de- termine if "normal" personality dimensions are related to criminal arrest and if these relationships are independent of other important demographic and clinical features, including DSM-IV personal- ity disorder dimensions. METHOD Sample Subjects participating in the Hopkins Epidemiology of Per- sonality Disorder Study were sampled from the Baltimore Ep- idemiological Catchment Area follow-up survey, as described previously.22 In brief, in 1981, a total of 3,481 adult household residents of east Baltimore were sampled probabilistically and From the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; Department of Mental Hygiene, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD; and the Gerontology Research Center, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD. Supported by Grant No. MH50616 and MH47447 from the National Institute on Mental Health, and a Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Clinical Scientist Award (to J.B.). Address correspondence to Jack Samuels, Ph.D., Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins Hospi- tal, Meyer 4-181, 600 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD 21287. 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 0010-440X/04/4504-0012$30.00/0 doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2004.03.013 Comprehensive Psychiatry, Vol. 45, No. 4 (July/August), 2004: pp 275-280 275 interviewed by lay interviewers using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS)23; 810 of these individuals also were examined by psychiatrists at that time. Between 1993 and 1996, a total of 1,920 (73%) of the surviving subjects were reinterviewed. From these 1,920 subjects, we invited for psychiatric examination subjects with a range of axis I psychopathology, including all those who were identified by the DIS as having a lifetime diagnosis of mania, depression, panic disorder, obsessive-com- pulsive disorder, alcohol use disorders, or drug use disorders at follow-up; had incident (i.e., between 1981 and follow-up) DIS-ascertained social phobia, agoraphobia, or cognitive im- pairment; or were examined by psychiatrists in 1981. In addi- tion, we randomly selected approximately 25% of the remaining subjects for examination so as to have a sufficient number of individuals not selected for psychopathology. After providing informed consent, 816 subjects received the psychiatric exam- ination between 1993 and 1999. The current study is restricted to the 611 subjects who com- pleted the normal personality inventory. The age of the subjects ranged from 30 to 87 years. Of these, 230 (38%) were men and 381(62%) were women; 378 (62%) were Caucasian and 230 belonged to other racial/ethnic groups. Subjects completing the inventory were slightly younger, on average, than the 205 who did not (mean ages, 47.5 and 50.5 years, respectively) (t8142 .7, P .01), but the gender distributions of the two groups were similar (62% and 69% female, respectively). Diagnostic Procedures The subjects were examined by psychiatrists using the World Health Organization Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neu- ropsychiatry (SCAN) to evaluate axis I disorders.24 The psy- chiatrists assessed axis II personality disorder criteria using the personality disorder section of Standardized Psychiatric Exam- ination (SPE)25 supplemented by DSM-IV axis II criteria26 that were not part of the original version; the reliability of the original instrument has been reported previously.27 All DSM-IV personality disorder criteria were included, and biographical information, emphasizing interpersonal relationships, was col- lected on each subject. The psychiatrist rated each personality criterion on a 3-point scale ranging from 0 (absent) to 2 (trait definitely present and has caused the subject distress and/or disruption of social and occupational functioning); a score of 1 meant that the feature was present but did not cause the subject substantial distress or dysfunction. A dimensional score was calculated for each of the 10 DSM-IV personality disorders by summing the scores for each constituent feature of the specific disorder.27 Normal personality was assessed with the self-completed paper-and-pencil form of the Revised NEO Personality Inven- tory (NEO PI-R).28 This instrument assesses the five domains of normal personality as construed by the Five-Factor Model: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and consci- entiousness. Each domain is represented by six specific facet scales. Neuroticism facets are anxiety, angry hostility, depres- sion, self-consciousness, impulsiveness, and vulnerability. Ex- traversion facets are warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, ac- tivity, excitement-seeking, and positive emotions. Openness facets are fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas, and val- ues. Agreeableness facets are trust, straightforwardness, altru- ism, compliance, modesty, and tender-mindedness. Conscien- tiousness facets are competence, order, dutifulness, achievement-striving, self-discipline, and deliberation. The t scores for the five domains and 30 facets were calculated according to the method of Costa and McCrae, which uses different reference means and standard deviations for men and women. These distributions have a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10. T-scores ranging from 45 to 55 are considered "average." Scores less than 45 are considered "low," and those greater than 55 are considered "high."28 Prior Arrest Arrest in Maryland between 1981 and 1994 was assessed using the State of Maryland Criminal Justice System database, a computerized file of all criminal records of individuals ar- rested, charged, and sentenced in the state of Maryland. The information includes the date of arrest, reporting court, citation number and description of the crime, verdict, and times of confinement, suspension, and probation. For this report, we categorized type of arrest charge into two groups: "violent" (assault, battery, murder, rape, or weapons violation) and "non- violent" (theft, burglary, possession of illicit substances, and other crimes against property but not against persons). We treated arrest over the follow-up period (1981 to 1994) as a dichotomy (ever/never). A subject may have been arrested mul- tiple times, for both violent and nonviolent crimes; if any of the arrests were for violent crimes, then this person was considered to have had a violent arrest. Most subjects with a violent arrest were also charged for nonviolent behaviors. If a subject was arrested only for nonviolent behaviors during the follow-up period, then he/she was considered to have a nonviolent-only arrest. Statistical Analysis The proportions of subjects with prior arrest were compared across demographic and axis I categories with the chi-square test. NEO personality scores in subjects with and without a prior arrest were compared using Student's t test; given the 35 sep- arate NEO dimensions, we considered P values less than .002 as statistically significant. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the relationships between DSM-IV personality disorder dimensions and prior arrest.29 Logistic regression also was used to evaluate the relationships between NEO personality scores and prior arrest, controlling for demographic characteristics, alcohol or drug use disorders, and DSM-IV personality disorder dimensions that were associated with prior arrest. RESULTS Correlates of Prior Arrest Of the 611 subjects, 79 (12.9%) had a history of arrest since 1981: 46 (7.5%) for a nonviolent-only crime, and 33 (5.4%) for a violent crime. The number of separate arrests ranged from 1 to 28 (mean, 2.9). As shown in Table 1, the proportion of subjects with a prior arrest was inversely related to current age, from 21% in 30- to 39-year-olds to 2% in those age 70 years and older. A greater propor- tion of men than women (19% v 9%), and a greater proportion of "others" than Caucasians (13% v 276 SAMUELS ET AL 5%), had been arrested. Subjects with a lifetime- ever diagnosis of schizophrenia or mania/hypoma- nia were not more likely to have been arrested; however, prior arrest was significantly greater in individuals who had ever had alcohol use disor- ders, and nearly 50% of subjects who had ever had other psychoactive drug use disorders had been arrested. Personality Disorder Scores and Prior Arrest Prior arrest was associated with scores on sev- eral personality disorder dimensions (Table 2). The odds of prior arrest increased with the score on the adult antisocial dimension (odds ratio [OR]1 .68), i.e., a 68% increase in odds of arrest per unit increase in the antisocial score. In addition, the odds of arrest increased with scores on paranoid, borderline, and narcissistic dimensions. In contrast, prior arrest was inversely related to obsessive- compulsive personality score. These odds did not change appreciably after controlling for age, sex, or race (data not shown). Controlling for alcohol/drug use disorders did not substantially change the odds ratios for antisocial score (OR 1.35; 95% confidence interval, 1.2 to 1.5, P .001) or obsessive compulsive score (OR 0.84 [0.7 to 0.99], P .04), but it did substantially reduce the magnitudes of the associ- ation for paranoid (OR 1.08 [0.9 to 1.2], P0 .30), borderline (OR 1.09 [0.96 to 1.2], P. 18), and narcissistic (OR 1.18 [0.9 to 1.5], P0 .19) scores. NEO Personality Dimensions and Prior Arrest As shown in Table 3, compared to subjects with- out prior arrest, arrested subjects had significantly higher mean scores on neuroticism and two neu- roticism facets, angry hostility and impulsiveness Arrested subjects also scored higher on excite- ment-seeking. In addition, arrested subjects scored lower on agreeableness and several of its facets: trust, straightforwardness, compliance, and mod- esty. Arrested subjects also scored low on dutiful- ness and deliberation. In the nonarrested subjects, the mean NEO scores all fell within the range (45 to 55) considered "average." In contrast, in the arrested subjects, mean scores on several of the NEO facets were either higher (angry hostility) or lower (warmth, trust, compliance, and dutifulness) than the average range. The odds of prior arrest increased from 4% to 7% per unit increase on neuroticism, angry hostil- ity, impulsiveness, and excitement-seeking dimen- sions, and decreased 4% to 5% per unit increase on agreeableness, trust, straightforwardness, compli- ance, modesty, dutifulness, and deliberation di- Table 2. Relationship between DSM-IV Personality Disorders Dimensions in 1993 to 1999 and Prior Arrest (1981 to 1993) Odds Ratio (95% CI) P Value Paranoid 1.24 (1.1-1.4) .001 Schizoid 1.07 (0.9-1.3) .42 Schizotypal 1.09 (0.98-1.2) .11 Antisocial 1.68 (1.5-1.9) .001 Borderline 1.39 (1.2-1.6) .001 Histrionic 1.09 (0.99-1.2) .08 Narcissistic 1.57 (1.2-2.0) .001 Avoidant 1.04 (0.8-1.3) .73 Dependent 0.87 (0.6-1.3) .45 Obsessive-compulsive 0.84 (0.7-0.98) .03 Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval. Table 1. Proportion of Subjects With Prior Arrest (1981 to 1993), by Demographic Features and Lifetime Ever Psychiatric Disorders in 1993 to 1999 Prior Arrest, N (%) Test Statistic P Value Age at interview (yr) 30-39 (n 194) 41 (21.1) 40-49 (n 217) 26 (12.0) 50-59 (n 86) 9 (10.5) 60-69 (n 55) 2 (3.6) 70 (n 59) 1 (1.7) 2 (trend) 21.0 .001 Sex Female (n 381) 35 (9.2) Male (n 230) 44 (19.1) 21 12.6 .001 Race White (n 388) 19 (5.2) Other (n 210) 27 (12.9) 21 10.8 .001 Schizophrenia No (n 602) 78 (13.0) Yes (n 9) 1 (11.1) 21 0.03 .87 Major depression No (n 468) 56 (12.0) Yes (n 138) 22 (15.9) 21 1.5 .22 Mania or hypomania No (n 582) 74 (12.7) Yes (n 20) 4 (20.0) 21 0.91 .34 Drug use disorders No (n 404) 17 (4.2) Alcohol only (n 99) 14 (14.1) Other drugs (n 102) 48 (47.1) 22 131.8 .001 PERSONALITY DIMENSIONS AND CRIMINAL ARREST 277 mensions (Table 4). The magnitudes of these rela- tionships did not appreciably change, when age, sex, race/ethnicity, alcohol/drug use disorders, or paranoid, antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, or ob- sessive-compulsive personality disorder scores were controlled in logistic regression models. Con- versely, the magnitude of the relationships between the personality disorder scores and arrest did not markedly change when included in these models. For almost all NEO scores, there were only small differences between subjects with a nonvio- lent-only or violent prior arrest (data not shown). However, violent arrestees had lower mean scores than nonviolent-only arrestees on gregariousness (45.8 v 52.0, P .02) and openness to feelings (42.2 v 49.2, P .004). DISCUSSION Major Findings We found that several "normal" personality di- mensions were associated with prior arrest over the preceding 13 years. Compared to those who had not been arrested, arrested subjects had signifi- cantly higher mean scores on NEO scales of angry hostility, impulsiveness, and excitement-seeking, and the odds of prior arrest increased between 4% and 7% per unit increase on these scales. This suggests that the likelihood of arrest increases, in a dimensional way, with readiness to experience an- ger (angry hostility), inability to control urges (im- pulsiveness), and craving excitement and stimula- tion (excitement-seeking).28 In contrast, arrested subjects had significantly lower mean scores on NEO scales of trust, straightforwardness, compli- ance, modesty, dutifulness, and deliberation, and the odds of prior arrest decreased 4% to 5% per unit increase on these scales. This suggests that the likelihood of arrest decreases dimensionally with the disposition to believe that others are honest and well-intentioned (trust), unwillingness to manipu- late others (straightforwardness), tendency to in- hibit aggression and to forgive others (compli- ance), degree of humility and self-effacement (modesty), extent to which one is governed by moral obligations (dutifulness), and tendency to think carefully before acting (deliberation).27 The association between scores on these NEO scales and prior arrest were independent of demo- Table 4. Relationship Between NEO Scores in 1993 to 1999 and Prior Arrest (1981 to 1993) Odds Ratio (95% CI) P Value Neuroticism 1.04 (1.01-1.06) .002 Angry hostility 1.06 (1.03-1.08) .001 Impulsiveness 1.04 (1.02-1.07) .002 Warmth 0.97 (0.95-0.99) .006 Excitement-seeking 1.07 (1.05-1.10) .001 Agreeableness 0.95 (0.93-0.98) .001 Trust 0.96 (0.95-0.99) .001 Straightforwardness 0.95 (0.93-0.98) .001 Compliance 0.95 (0.93-0.97) .001 Modesty 0.96 (0.94-0.99) .002 Dutifulness 0.96 (0.93-0.98) .001 Deliberation 0.96 (0.93-0.98) .001 Table 3. NEO Personality Scores in 1993 to 1999, by Prior Arrest (1981 to 1993) Prior Arrest Test Statistic (t609) P Value No (n 532) Yes (n 79) Neuroticism 49.9 53.6 3.09 .002 Anxiety 49.1 50.9 1.55 .12 Angry hostility 50.4 55.7 4.66 .001 Depression 50.9 53.5 2.06 .04 Self-consciousness 49.8 51.6 1.66 .10 Impulsiveness 48.6 52.0 3.15 .002 Vulnerability 50.7 51.9 0.91 .36 Extraversion 47.5 48.3 0.67 .50 Warmth 47.5 44.1 2.81 .005 Gregariousness 50.1 49.5 0.54 .59 Assertiveness 48.7 49.2 0.41 .68 Activity 47.5 48.5 0.93 .35 Excitement-seeking 48.0 52.9 4.83 .001 Positive emotions 47.7 47.6 0.11 .91 Openness 45.8 46.0 0.14 .89 Fantasy 48.3 47.3 0.93 .35 Aesthetics 48.7 49.8 0.93 .35 Feelings 47.7 46.2 1.24 .22 Actions 45.9 47.5 1.44 .15 Ideas 47.1 49.0 1.68 .09 Values 46.0 43.7 2.07 .04 Agreeableness 49.2 43.8 4.32 .001 Trust 46.6 42.2 3.42 .001 Straightforwardness 49.5 44.8 4.04 .001 Altruism 49.1 46.7 1.89 .06 Compliance 49.4 43.8 4.51 .001 Modesty 50.8 46.9 3.19 .001 Tender-mindedness 51.8 52.1 0.28 .78 Conscientiousness 47.0 44.3 2.31 .02 Competence 48.2 45.1 2.45 .02 Order 46.3 46.5 0.27 .79 Dutifulness 47.0 42.3 3.92 .001 Achievement-striving 46.9 46.4 0.42 .67 Self-discipline 46.3 46.0 0.23 .82 Deliberation 52.0 48.2 3.48 .001 278 SAMUELS ET AL graphic characteristics and alcohol or drug use disorders, which also were related to prior arrest. In addition, the relationships between these NEO dimensions and prior arrest were independent of DSM-IV personality disorder dimensions (para- noid, antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, and obses- sive-compulsive) that we found to be associated with arrest. Conversely, these personality disorder dimensions remained associated with arrest, even after controlling for the NEO dimensions; how- ever, only antisocial and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder dimensions were significantly related to arrest, after controlling for alcohol/drug use disorders. This suggests that the relationship between these NEO scales and arrest is not medi- ated by alcohol/drug use disorders or personality disorder dimensions, including antisocial personal- ity disorder. Thus, "normal" personality traits, as measured by the NEO, may provide insight into identifying individuals vulnerable to criminal ar- rest, apart from that provided by DSM-IV criteria for antisocial and other personality disorders. Strengths and Limitations The study has advantages not available to the few previous studies of the relationship between personality dimensions and arrest. The subjects were participants in an epidemiological follow-up survey in the community and were not selected for treatment or arrest. They underwent thorough eval- uation by psychiatrists of DSM-IV symptoms and personality disorder criteria. In addition, the deter- mination of their arrest history was based on the state criminal justice records, not on self-report. However, several potential limitations of the study must be addressed. First, because the state criminal justice database did not include arrests in states other than Maryland, we may have underes- timated the magnitude of the relationship between specific personality dimensions and arrest. Second, the assessment of personality dimensions was based on self-report and may have been misrepre- sented by some subjects, either deliberately or be- cause they lacked insight; it would have been use- ful to include information from the observer-report version of the NEO (Form R).28 Third, given that personality was assessed currently and arrest ret- rospectively, we cannot conclude definitively that NEO personality features predict arrest; longitudi- nal studies of the relationship are needed to more rigorously support the findings. However, there is evidence of the long-term stability of NEO person- ality features in individuals who are at least 30 years old.30 Fourth, it is important to note that arrest is not equivalent to criminal activity; a per- son engaging in a criminal act may not be arrested, whereas a person may be arrested for a crime that he/she did not commit. Sociodemographic and per- sonality characteristics could influence the likeli- hood of arrest, independently of criminal behav- ior.2 Implications Despite these potential limitations, our findings support the notion that specific "normal" person- ality dimensions are associated with arrest in the community. These relationships are independent of demographic characteristics, alcohol/drug use dis- orders, and DSM-IV axis II personality disorder dimensions, including antisocial personality scores. There is often an interest in clinical and other settings to identify individuals who, in cer- tain circumstances, may be at increased risk of criminal activities and arrest. Our findings suggest that scores on NEO facets may provide additional useful information for this task, beyond that pro- vided by evaluation of DSM-IV personality disor- der criteria. Moreover, in settings where trained clinicians are not available for a complete evalua- tion of axis II criteria, or time is limited, an assess- ment of antisocial personality criteria, as well as completion of the NEO, may be useful in evaluat- ing the proneness of individuals to criminal arrest. Additional research is needed to clarify the inter- action of personality features with environmental characteristics that promote or inhibit criminal in- volvement and arrest.31 Understanding these rela- tionships is important for developing strategies to reduce the likelihood of criminal activity and arrest in individuals with extreme scores on specific per- sonality dimensions. REFERENCES 1. Mercy JA, Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Zwi AB. Violence and health: the United States in a global perspective. Am J Publ Health 2003;92:256-261. 2. Freudenberg N. Jails, prisons, and the health of urban populations: a review of the impact of the correctional system on community health. 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