World Culture in the World Polity: A century of International Non -- Governmental Organization John Boli and George M.Thomas Introduction I'm going to answer following questions: What is INGO ? How is the development of INGO's ? How is the relation between INGO and the nation state? What are the principles of INGO's ? INGO's as agents of world culture 0M World culture is embedded in the social organizations operating on the global level 0M Boli and Thomas decided to complete an historical overview of the INGO'S 0M The historical pattern is: rising figure of organisations in the periods of expansion and declining figure in times of crisis INGO's and the nation - state 0M Simultaneously with the heyday of nationalism began the proliferation of the INGO's. 0M Lots of IGO's are influenced in the area of policy, expertise, information and decision - making by INGO's. The principles of INGO's 0M INGO's operate under norms of open membership and democratic decision -- making 0M The main pillar is volunteering 0M We can speak about tje ideology of INGO's 0M They have five principles: universalism, individualism, rational voluntaristic authority, human purposes or rationalizing progress, world citizenship. UNIVERSALISM 0M Everyone can become an active member of INGO's and everyone everywhere is a potential beneficiary of INGO activity. 0M It means that the purposes and activity are meningful everywhere, aren't country -- specific, are simply universal. INDIVIDUALISM 0M INGO's accept as members only individuals 0M One person presents one vote 0M Clash with traditions of collectivity embedded in family and nation 0M Universalistic collectivity - HUMANITY. RATIONAL VOLUNTARISTIC AUTHORITY 0M They create rules and except their following 0M They have decentralized character of formal authority HUMAN PURPOSES OR RATIONALIZING PROGRESS 0M INGO'S have formalized structures 0M Clear purposes 0M Rely on science, expertise, professionalization 0M They work in name of HUMAN GOOD and so they take share on creating the ideology of progress WORLD CITIZENSHIP 0M Everyone has rights and obligations 0M Everyone is a citizen of a world polity 0M World citizenship is egalitarien 0M It is codified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Final Question What do you think about the relation between the relying on rationalization of the INGO's activity on the ano hand and the thought of useability of their form of help all aroud the world (universalism) on the other hand?