SOC146 Sociology of Globalisation Lecture 2 1 March 2006 What is globalisation? * G is a multidimensional set of social processes * It is impossible to confine these various processes to a single thematic framework * G is connected with and influences the economic, political, cultural, technological and ecological dimensions of contemporary social life How to study globalisation? * The so-called `globalisation studies' represent a new field that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries => interdisciplinarity * G is not only an objective process for us to study; it is the buzzword of our time: `everybody is talking about it', everyone has some sort of opinion on it Provisional course outline Experiencing globalisation * G is a variety of changing economic, political, cultural, ideological and environmental processes * As such, it has an indirect or direct influence on all of us (even though nobody experiences its entire complexity) * "G is real to almost everyone." * How does G restructure your daily life? Experiencing globalisation * G transforms our sense of time and space * G challenges our identities * Are our experiences of G a one-way process? * What is the relation between the global and the local? * There is no one experience of G -- it affects us all in various ways and we respond to it differently. "McDonald's in Hong Kong" * Excerpt from Golden Arches East: McDonald's in East Asia. James L. Watson, 1997 * How introduction of a transnational company influences or changes the local customs * Globalism versus local culture? Busy streets of Hong Kong "McDonald's in Hong Kong" * Hong Kong is culturally very heterogeneous * In Hong Kong the transnational is the local * Cultural differences and adapting to change * Acceptance of transnational `global' formula but with `localizing' adaptations * Local identity is not lost, but it is becoming redefined Big Mac imperialism? * Most commonly listed representatives of the global corporate hegemony: * Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, KFC, Nike, Pepsi... * 9 of the top 10 global brands were American in 2001 * America, its foreign policy and its corporate brands seem like one thing McDonald's * A closer look at McDonald's: * Fact: McDonald's franchises around the world are predominantly locally owned: "We are a confederation of very local companies." (McDonald's spokesman) * But: many people don't believe that -- to them, McDonald's is the American symbol! * McDonald's tries to appeal to local taste and customs - country specifics (McFelafel, Maharaja Mac...) "Makdonalds" in Moscow McDonald's Menu in India McDonalds in Indonesia McDonald's in Dubai Next week's readings * From The Globalization Reader (Lechner & Boli): * The World Unified E. J. Hobsbawm -- presentation! * (The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System, Immanuel Wallerstein)