Bollywood versus Hollywood The Battle of the Dream Factories Author: Heather Tyrell What is Bollywood ? n North Indian film factory n The most prolific film factory in the world n Connection of two words - Bombay and Hollywood n B. produces about 800 films/year First Cinema x Third Cinema n Commercial n Mainstream n Dominant n Culturally-imperialistic n Non-commercial n Indigenous n National n Politicised n Democratic n Serious content Bolly vs Holly n Bolly earns big amount of money -> Holly wants it n Holly tries to infiltrate into Indian market or replace Bolly -> No success, Bolly survives Question: Why did Bollywood survive? Answer: Because of the culture. Result of the battle: As for culture Bolly is the winner x economically Holly is the winner Typical of Bollywood film is ... n Mixture of everything (comedy, tragedy, musical, melodrama, song and dance sequences) n Lenght (3 hours) n Music (popular music=film music) n Religious iconography of actors Cultural globalization n Style the film is made in n Changing of languages (Hindi and English) n Western way of clothing n Films are settled in USA Conclusion n Competing between Bollywood and Hollywood has become popular n Bollywood is under western and domestic pressure at the same time n Bollywood uses some features of western cinema but as a whole it is different than Hollywood Thank you for your attention If you want to know more about Bollywood : Book : Bollywood Cinema (N1 -- 202)