Lecture 10 11 May 2006 Readings for Lecture 11 * Tonči Kuzmanić "Post-Socialism, Racism and the Reinvention of Politics" in Mojca Pajnik (ed.) Xenophobia and Post-Socialism (2002) * Michel Wieviorka "Racism in Europe: Unity and Diversity" in Guibernau & Rex (eds.) The Ethnicity Reader (1997) * From Racism (Bulmer & Solomos): * Robert C. Smith "Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era" * Pierre-Andre Taguieff "The New Cultural Racism in France" * Stephen Castles & Ellie Vasta "Multicultural or Multi-Racist Australia?" * Slavoj Žižek "Enjoy Your Nation as Yourself!" from Theories of Race and Racism (Back & Solomos) * Samuel Huntington "The Clash of Civilizations" (http://www.alamut.com/subj/economics/misc/clash.html) & Edward W. Said "The Clash of Ignorance" (http://www.thenation.com/doc/20011022/said) * Shada Islam "The Plot Thickens: Testing European Tolerance" (http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/display.article?id=4891) & "Headscarf Ban Misses the Point" (http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/display.article?id=3225) * PDF: John Rex "Multiculturalism in Europe and America" * PDF: Michel Wieviorka "Is Multiculturalism the Solution?"