MAIN DECISION-MAKING FLOWS EU AND MEMBER-COUNTRIES LAWMAKING EU LEVEL NAT. LEVEL SECONDARY LAW 'draft phase' COMMISSION College/ Cabinet recruitment DGs consultations expert committees lobbying 'consultation' (all) EP/ESC/COREG 'co-decision' (EP) EP commissions and recruitment intergroups hearings EESC sections consultations COREG sections lobbying '(co-)decision' COUNCIL Coreper PR delegations working groups recruitment General Secretariat lobbying pm: PILLAR II/III g'ment co-ordination (<15%) SECONDARY LAW DELEGATED LAW NP Private groups DISCRETIONARY 'implementation' COMMISSION (detailed legislation) DGs ‘implementation’ comitology (instrumental legislation) 'inspection' agencies law enforcement (>85%) DELEGATED LAW JURISDICTION COURT Nat. Courts