PSY466 Knowledge management Spring 2007 Lecturer: Mgr. Ondřej Čapka Mgr. Ladislav Koubek Email: Structure of the Course “Experience is something you always get just a moment after you needed it.” Lecture 1 – Intro, What is KM?, Where Does KM Come From? - Introduction, structure of the course, - What is KM - Sources and Development of KM Lecture 2 – From Vision to Reality, Strategy - SBU - Vision Statement - Strategy Lecture 3 – Knowledge processes and tools - combination, integration, socialization, externalization - knowledge markets - Development plans Lecture 4 – System dynamics basics - Cancelled – Easter Monday! Have nice Easter and be kind to the girls! (if you are not from CZ, ask the others what does it meanJ) - (You can study Principles of SD, Archetypes, Consequences of SD thinking) Lecture 5 – Management(?) of Knowledge, Organizational Culture, Cases to decide - Leadership styles - Organizational culture - HRD - Cases to decide (CRM, e-learning, Lecture 6 – Presentation of the Final Project Presentations - all members should actively and verbally participate on presentation (technical support is not a participation ;) ) Final Project Project is to be created in teams of 3-4 members. Several topics are offered (see below) but final design is a matter of discussion with the lecturer. Teams are to be formed and topics selected until the end of March. E-learning course design Goal: To create a design of e-learning course with its features. There is many LMS on world markets. Your mission in this projects is to define what features would be useful and apply your abstract definition on selected domain. This project does not need to result in full course but all important “social scientific” (i.e. you don’t need to be IT specialist) decisions should be made. Analysis of KM in selected organization Goal: To map features of organizations culture, climate, rules, structure etc. in respect of knowledge processes. Analysis should include SWOT and proposals for change. Note that proposals should form a meaningful and coherent whole. Knowledge in physical space Goal: To map a physical space in respect of knowledge processes. (Where does participants share, gain, present... their knowledge? - existing and missing places, attributes, features and elements.) Where do the features of the places come from? What makes them attractive? (Photo)graphic presentation warmly welcomed. Feedbackloop diagram of selected topic Assessment To complete the course one needs to: - Attend (one absence is tolerated) - Actively participate in discussions, seminar work and final project - Actively participate in project presentation Literature and learning resources are available at: www: name/login: same like IS