6. Irák: mezinárodní právo v troskách?
Povinná literatura
Legal basis for use of force against Iraq (zpráva Lorda Goldsmithe zkráceně, 1 strana)
Urbanová, V.: Otazníky nad vojenským zásahem v Kosovu a Iráku a nad tváří současného mezinárodního práva, Právník 1/2004, str. 16-37 (22 str.)
Doporučená literatura
Zpráva Lorda Goldsmithe (komentovaný originál)
Gerecht, R.,M.: A Necessary War, Weekly Standard, October 21, 2002, str. 19-22.
Mearsheimer, J.J.–Walt, S.M.: An Unnecessary War, Foreign Policy, Jan/Feb2003, str. 51-59, originál zde
ICRC: Occupied teritory – the legal issues
ASIL: Security Council Resolution 1441 on Iraq's Final Opportunity to Comply with Disarmament Obligations
Případ Al Skeini a další, House of Lords, UKHL 26, 2007; anotace z Guardianu
Kde se vzaly a kde se ztratily zbraně hromadného ničení?
Relevantní odkazy
1. předehra
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America
National Strategy for Victory in Iraq
Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq
U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002)
Iraq's weapons of mass destruction: the assessment of the british government
Report of Hans Blix on February 14, 2003
2. průběh
BBC NEWS | In Depth | Conflict with Iraq | Day by day coverage
Wikipedia: 2003 Invasion of Iraq
HRW: Off Target: The Conduct of the War and Civilian Casualties in Iraq
AI: Iraq Respecting International Humanitarian Law
International Humanitarian Law Research Initiative: Monitoring IHL in Iraq
3. perspektivy
Review of Intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction – Butler Report
Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD – Kay Report
Congresional Research Service: Iraq: Elections, Government and Constitution, November 20, 2006
Text of Draft Iraqi Constitution
Iraq Study Group, Baker Commission
4. různé
UNMOVIC - United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission
IAEA: INVO - Iraq Nuclear Verification Office
Human Rights Watch: Background on the Crisis in Iraq
BBC: Iraq - Five Years On
Bremer, P.: How I didn't dismantle Iraq's Army, NYT, September 6, 2007
Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents, anotace z tisku
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