Essay on Ideology and Social Constructionism
Essay on Ideology and Social Constructionism
Due May 28
For this assignment you have a choice of three topics. Choose ONE of the following topics and write a 1000-1500 word essay in response. You should follow the essay-writing guidelines explained in the “Writing Resources” section of the Interactive Syllabus. The essay is due by 23.59 on May 28. Submit your essay by uploading it to the IS. Essays that are late will receive reduced grades. Essays that refer to course materials (such as the textbook, lectures, videos, and literature) and that are based on your own independent research will receive higher grades.
1) Your environment. American ecologist Rachel Carson wrote about how many modern people have lost a “sense of wonder” about the natural world. Others have pointed out that people today are often out of contact with their environment. This essay will require you to do some research. I encourage you to search for information wherever you can find it – including talking with other people who may have the knowledge. Just be sure to properly cite all sources of information in your essay. (For a guide to proper citation for almost any kind of information source, including interviews, TV programs, newspapers, etc., please see the Writing Resources section.)
How much do you know about your local environment? Answer the following questions in reference to your hometown:
- What is the name and location of your hometown?
- What are the main soil types in your town?
- What crops grow best in the local soil types?
- In what phase is the moon this week, and from what direction is it rising?
- When is sunset and sunrise today?
- From what direction do storms usually come to your town?
- What is the source of your drinking water?
- How do you heat your home, and where does the fuel come from?
Also, answer these questions:
- Was it difficult for you to find this information?
- Did you already know the answers to all the questions, or did you have to do research? If you did not know the answers already, why do you think this kind of information is not common knowledge for people today?
2) Environmental attitudes. Interview a minimum of 10 people – classmates, colleagues, relatives, anyone – about the topic of global climate change. Ask them,
- Where do you get information about climate change?
- Do you believe climate change is happening? Why or why not?
- Do you think climate change will influence your daily life? If yes, how?
- Do you believe that, as an individual, you should do something to stop climate change?
- Do you believe that, as a society, the CzechRepublic should do something to stop climate change?
Briefly describe your methods for collecting the information, and then present the results of your research. Based on the results, do you think that sources of information (such as the news media) have any effect on what people believe about global climate change?
3) Solutions to global climate change. Recently you watched An Inconvenient Truth and read about some different perspectives on global climate change. Compare the two lists made by Gore and Monbiot about 10 things you can do to mitigate climate change, and answer:
- How are the two lists similar or different?
- Which list seems to propose the most realistic solutions to climate change?
- Based on their advice, which changes should you make in your life to reduce climate change?
- What is the most difficult change for you to make, and why?
Also, you analysis should answer this question:
Ecological Modernization theorists are commonly described as being technological optimists. In other words, they theorize that new technologies will make production cleaner and more efficient – which they say is good for the environment and good for business. Do you share the optimism of EMT that new technology and ways of doing business can solve the problem of climate change?
Submit your essay by uploading it to the IS folder linked below.