Presentation Assessment Criteria Consider the following criteria before making your presentation: 1. Organisation - preparedness - logical sequence - introduction - purpose statement - sign-posting language - key points - conclusion - closure - timing 2. Content - topic coverage - relevant to humanities and social sciences - informative - understandable - interesting - entertaining 3. Language - appropriate to audience - explanation of jargon - voice - speed - volume - clarity - intonation - grammatical accuracy - correct pronunciation of key words 4. Body language - eye contact ( with the whole class, not only the teacher) - good use of notes; not reading large parts of the presentation - stance, enthusiasm 5. Visuals - appropriate - supportive - clear 6. Questions - handling of the discussion - clear, appropriate responses 7. Sources - reliability - bibliography format Bibliography Format Examples: BOOKS: author – title – place of publication – publisher – year of publication – pages Author (surname first). Title (underlined or in italics). Place: Publisher, year, pages. Gellner, Ernest. Thought and Change. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1964, pp. 6-8. JOURNAL ARTICLES: author – title of the article – full title of the journal – volume number – issue number – year of publication – pages Marotta, Emanuel: ‘Europol’s Role in Anti-Terrorism Policing’, Terrorism and Political Violence, 11/4, 1999, pp.15-18. INTERNET: author – title of the work – the Internet address – date of viewing– page Linz, J.J. and Montero, J.R.: The Party Systems of Spain: Old Cleavages and New Challenges,, viewed: 05/06/2003, p. 2.