Sociologie kultury


Zkouška trvá 45 minut a obsahuje 2 otevřené otazky.

Modelová otázka

Vašim úkolem je: (a) Srhnutí hlavních myšlenek zadaného textu (viz níže) včetně zařazení do tematického bloku. (b) Vysvětlení dvou klíčových sociologických pojmů tematického bloku, kam citovaný text patří. (c) Uvedení vlastního příkladu vztahující se k tematickému bloku.

"The diversity of culture results not only from the ease with which societies elaborate, or reject possible aspects of existence. It is due even more to a complex interweaving of cultural traits. The final form of any traditional institution, as we have just said, goes far beyond the original human impulse. In great measure this final form depends upon the way in which the trait has merged with other traits from different fields of experience. A widespread trait may be saturated with religious beliefs among one people and function as an important aspect of their religion. In another area it may be wholly a matter of economic transfer and be therefore an aspect of their monetary arrangements. The possibilities are endless and tlie adjustments are often bizarre. The nature of the trait will be quite different in tlie different areas according to the elements with which it has combined." (Ruth Benedict, The Diversity of Cultures)

