PhDr. Michal Vašečka, Ph.D. Mgr. Radka Klvaňová SOC 710 2008/ 2009 - letní semestr Pátek 15.5.2009 14.00-15.10 Fakulta sociálních studií Masarykova Univerzita Brno Národ a nacionalizmus n Západný model – východný model n Kultursnation – Staatsnation (Meinecke) n Civic – ethnic model n Primordializmus – konstruktivizmus (Gellner) n Definícia kultúrna a voluntaristická n Príčiny úspechu národnej mobilizácie v 19. storočí (A. Smith) n Národ ako imaginárna komunita (Anderson) n Etnicita a sociálna súdržnosť (Vertovec) Preconditions for Ethnic Migration Teritorizácia národnej identity n 19. storočie – nacionálna doba – nevyhnutnosť vybrať si z identít n Po roku 1918 – opevňovanie sa v hraniciach národných štátov n Po roku 1945 – dokončenie budovania homogénnych štátov v priestore strednej Európy, reeimigrácia n Po roku 1989 – zjednocovanie „národa“ ponad hranice národného štátu (starostlivosť o tzv. krajanov) n Rozpor s moderným chápaním občianstva Diaspory n Etnické komunity odtrhnuté od pôvodnej zeme, v dôsledku traumatického zážitku, so snahou o návrat do krajiny pôvodu n Definícia diaspory: n Sú rozprášení po svete do minimálne 2 vzdialených miest n Udržujú si pamäť, vízie, resp. mýty o pôvodnej domovine n Domnievajú sa, že nie sú plne akceptovaní v krajine súčasného pobytu n Pôvodný domov považujú za svoj domov, do ktorého sa vrátia, keď bude „správny čas“ n Sú oddaní myšlienke obnovenia svojej domoviny n Vedomie a solidarita je definovaná prostredníctvom pokračujúceho vzťahu s domovinou Core group a out group (Alexander) n Národy založené skupinami, ktorých členovia zdieľali určité vlastnosti a rysy, na ktorých sa štrukturovala ich solidarita. Pozostatky „jadrovej“ solidarity pretrvávajú. n Každá core-group potrebuje out-group n Spoločenskú inklúziu migrantov možno merať pomocou kontinua medzi občianskosťou (sprostredkované, menej emocionálne, vedome budované väzby) a primordialitou (preferencia rasových, teritoriálnych, príbuzenských, náboženských väzieb) 5 možných postojov k migrantskej skupine zo strany „core-group“ n Rasistický segregacionizmus - upiera menšine schopnosť sa kultúrne adaptovať, nežiada to po nej a odmieta jej členom zapojenie sa do širšej spoločnosti. n Kultúrny segregacionizmus - odlišujúce rysy nie sú vnímané striktne iba ako dané, ale aj ako sociálne skonštruované n Rasistický paradox - menšiny sú považované za neasimilovateľné a väčšina by ich nikdy neprijala. Napriek tomu sú však k asimilácii, či integrácii vyzývané, alebo priamo nútené n Liberálny asimilacionizmus - je univerzalistický a inkluzivistický, napriek tomu sa nevyhýba rôznym nepriaznivým efektom asimilacionizmu. n Liberálny pluralizmus - je postojom, ktorý akceptuje možnosť rozvíjať svojbytnosť u každého jedného politického spoločenstva za predpokladu, že rešpektujú základné ústavné slobody a práva všetkých obyvateľov a že žiadna z nich sa neuzavrie do tej miery, že by nenechala priestor pre vnútorný nesúhlas, zmenu príslušnosti, či individuálne kontakty medzi skupinami. Zmeny, ktoré prináša globalizácia n Zhora – národný štát má limitujúce možnosti ovplyvňovať migračné toky n Zvnútra – objavovanie sa a posilňovanie nových a partikulárnych identít, fragmentarizácia triednych identít, „imaginárna komunita“ je vystavená výzve n Imigranti – výzva pre sociálnu kohéziu moderných národných štátov Potreba redefinície národných identít n Potreba prejsť od etnicko-kultúrnej ku právno-politickej definícii n Jurgen Habermas – ústavný patriotizmus ako možnosť prekonania pasce rasistického paradoxu Dimenzie moderného občianstva (Brubaker) n Egalitárne n Demokratické n Sociálne podmienené n Posvätné n Kultúrne podmienené n Výnimočné, jediné možné Nationalized Citizenship in Central European Countries n Modern national states create a „coctail“ of civic and ethnic traditions n V4 countries are rather ethnically defined with many differences in constitutional codifications of a nation n Citizenship in V4 is a mixture of ius soli and ius sanguini principles, but understood rather in ethnic terms: n - Modes of acquisition of citizenship n - Ex-patriots policies n Lack of thinking in terms of post-national citizenship B. V4 constitutional codifications of a nation n Citizenship in V4 is a mixture of ius soli and ius sanguini principles, but understood rather in ethnic terms. n 1. Civic Codification (Czech republic) n 2. Patriotic mixture of ethnic and civic codifications (Poland) n 3. Civic codification combined with externally focused ethnic codification (Hungary) n 4. Ethnic codification that defines sovereignty of a „volk“ as a participation and cooperation between ethnic majority and minorities (Slovakia) Modes of Acquisition of Nationality Birthright-based modes of acquisition at birth (ex-lege or non-automatic) ê Ius sanguinis at birth : 1. Acquisition by person born to nationals of country A Modes of Acquisition of Nationality n Birthright-based modes of acquisition at birth (ex-lege or non-automatic) n ê n Ius soli at birth : n 1. Acquisition by person born in country A n 2. Acquisition by persons who are foundlings, by persons born in country A with unclear nationality or persons born in country A who would otherwise be stateless Modes of Acquisition of Nationality n Modes of acquisition after birth (ex-lege or non-automatic) n ê n Birthright-based modes : n 1. Ius sanguini after birth: acquisition by persons whose relevant parent were country A nationals at the time of their birth n 2. Ius soli after birth: acquisition by persons born in country A Modes of Acquisition of Nationality n Modes of acquisition after birth (ex-lege or non-automatic) n ê n Basic residence-based modes : n 1. Residence-based acquisition by persons with a certain period of residence in country A without any other special status n 2. Socialization-based acquisition by persons raised in country A Modes of Acquisition of Nationality n Modes of acquisition after birth (ex-lege or non-automatic) n ê n Family relation-based modes (automatic or non-automatic): n 1. Transfer of nationality to spouses of nationals of country A (spousal transfer) n 2. Transfer of nationality to children of persons who are now, but were not nationals of country at the child´s birth, or whose nationality at that time is irrelevant (filial tranfer) n 3. Transfer of nationality to adopted children of nationals of country A n 4. Transfer of nationality to other relatives of nationals of country A n 5. Transfer of nationality to relatives (spouse, child, grandchild) of former or deceased nationals of country A n 6. Extension of acquisition to spouses of foreign nationals who acquire nationality of country A (spousal extension) n 7. Extension of acquisition to children of foreign nationals who acquire nationality of country A (filial extension) n 8. Extension of acquisition to other relatives of foreign nationals who acquire nationality of country A Modes of Acquisition of Nationality n Modes of acquisition after birth (ex-lege or non-automatic) n ê n Afinity-based modes: n 1. Reacquisition by former nationals of country A n 2. Acquisition by special nationals with restricted citizenship n 3. Acquisition by persons with nationality of country B n 4. Acquisition by persons with cultural affinity to country A (special ethnicity, mother-tongue, or religion) n 5. Acquisition by persons who acted as nationals of country A in good faith and/or were presumed to be country A´s nationals for some time n 6. Acquisition by persons with other special connections to country A Modes of Acquisition of Nationality n Modes of acquisition after birth (ex-lege or non-automatic) n ê n Other targeted modes: n 1. Acquisition by recognized refugees n 2. Acquisition by stateless persons or persons with uncler nationality n 3. Acquisition by persons with special achievements for country A n 4. Acquisition by persons in the public (military or non-military) service of country A n 5. Acquisition by persons with special financial assets and/or who invest money in country A n 6. Other modes of acquisition Understanding of Citizenship in CEE n Citizenship can be thick and thin n Answers to challenges to modern citizenship brought by globalization 1. Citizenship traditionalism; 2. Convergence across states toward postnational membership schemes; 3. De-ethnization of citizenship. n De-etnicized citizenship in CEE - what does it mean? Paradox of the globalized era n Appearance and strengthening of new and particular identities, fragmentarization of class identities, „imaginative community“ is facing serious challenge n But – banal nationalism and tribal understanding of citizenship are preventing to move toward post-national citizenship (Yasemin Soysal, Keith Faulks, Stephen Castels, Alastair Davidson) Developments in EU-15 and EU approach toward minorities not helpful to possible changes in CEE n Focus on legal protection of minority rights n Shift from multicultural policies to individual civic integration n Significant differences in integration policies among EU-27 n One-dimensional integration policies of marginalised minorities in most of EU-27 How to continue with integration policies? Continuation of today´s policies is useless as far as inclusion of minorities into the „core“ part of respective nations in CEE is concerned. 1. Inter-ethnic relations toward minorities matter more than any integration policy. 2. Integration policies toward minorities are being in place more because of existence of a pressure from outside the country than due to interest of officials or public. 3. The most important question remains whether minorities in CEE have where to integrate without full assimilation. What should be done? How to Overcome Historical Determinism in CEE? n Need of transfer from ethno-cultural to legal-political definition of nations in CEE, or to shift from cultural definition of a nation to voluntaristic one? n Need of redefinition of the core solidarity based on ethnicity to core solidarity based on modern citizenship. n Need to move toward post-national citizenship. n Need to define clearly short-term and long-term goals of policies toward minorities. n Need to understand inclusion multidimensionaly, not only in its economic dimension. n Need to support particular and universalistic identities that are in place. n Challenge - how to „sell“ constitutional patriotism (Jurgen Habermas) to people who are locked in the cage of banal nationalism?