Analyzing social science data The overall aims of the book are: * to assist researchers in mastering the art of data analysis and to help students recognize that quantitative analysis is far more than the routine application of statistical tests; * to identify some of the most common problems that are encountered in the analysis of quantitative social science data; ., . * to outline ways of detecting whether these problems exist ill a gIven data set; * to provide a range of ways of dealing with t~ese ~nd assistance with deciding which solution is best suited to the situation. xxiv Part one How to Prepare Data for Analysis 1 "How to Code Data What is the Problem? Coding is a method of representing categories and values of a variable so that: * responses are converted to a form suited to statistical analysis; * data become more manageable by grouping similar responses. Since coding produces the raw material for data analysis it can fundamentally affect the quality of the analysis. The two central problems of coding are: * deciding on coding schemes; * minimizing coding errors. Howto Structure andStore Codes Since coding is designed to facilitate computer-based statistical analysis, the codes have to be stored in such a way that computer programs can access and interpret them. Most statistical analysis programs require coded data to be stored in a particular form which I call a variable-by-case data grid. The main characteristics of such a grid are: * Each column represents a variable. * Each row represents a case. * Each cell contains the response (or value) of a particular case to a specific variable. * Responses are represented as a code: an abbreviated representation of the response for that case on that variable. z de Vaus: Analyzing social science data: 50 key problems in data analysis.Sage, 2002. Analyzing social science data marital divorce age sex race region srcbelt vote92 pres92 cappun I 283 NEVER MARRIE NAP 18-33 FEMALE WHITE Midwest Suburbs DID NOTVOTE NAP FAVOR 284 MARRIED NO 18-33 FEMALE WHITE Midwest Suburbs VOTED PEROT FAVOR 265 DIVORCED NAP 34-49 MALE WHITE Midwest Smallertown VOTED CUNTON FAVOR 200 MARRIED NO 50 and older MALE WHITE Midwest Smallertown VOTED BUSH FAVOR 2ff1 MARRIED NO 34-49 FEMALE WHITE Midwest Smallertown VOTED BUSH FAVOR 288 NEVER MARRIE NAP 18-33 FEMALE WHITE South Suburbs NAP FAVOR 2B9 MARRIED YES 34-49 MALE BLACK South Suburbs VOTED CUNTON FAVOR ..~ DIVORCED NAP 50 andolder FEMALE WHITE South Largercity VOTED CUNTON FAVOR Figure 1.1 Variable-by-case datagrid with labels 11 marital 11 divorce age sex race region Irsrcbelt vote92 11 pres92 ,rcappunf ,.. 283 5 0 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 1 ,.~ 284 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 .... 285 3 0 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 jiiiii'2tl6 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 28'7 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 200 5 0 1 2 1 3 2 0 1 289 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 ~ 3 0 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 Figure 1.2 Variable-by-case data grid with codes * Each case must have a 'response' or value for each variable. * Each case has one and only one value (code) per variable. * The order of the variables in the file containing coded responses will be the same for every case. * The same set of codes will be used for all cases on a given variable. Figure 1.1 provides an example of a variable-by-case data grid in which the actual responses are entered in each cell. The data grid is a small part of the data grid for the US General Social Survey. It indicates actual responses for eight cases (rows) for ten variables. Each cell contains the actual responses for each case. Notice that for case 288 there is a dot rather than an actual value for the variable VOTE92 - this is the 'code' given to a non-response to this question. Figure 1.2 presents the same grid but numeric codes replace the actual answers. Decisions to Make Translating answers into numeric codes requires a series of decisions including: * the type of codes to use - numericor alphanumeric (words and letters); * when to produce a coding system - before or after collecting data; * how to code non-responses; * methods of coding multipleanswers to the one question; 2 How to code data * the method of coding open-ended questions - whether to u se a pre-established coding scheme or to create one from the responses; * how many codes for the variable - the level of detail to which responses will be coded. Should Numeric orAlphanumeric Coding be Used? Numeric coding involves allocating numbers to responses, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. Alphanumeric coding may use letters such as A, B, C, D, E rather than numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. More often, however, alphanumeric coding involves the use of words (e.g. Yes, No; Male, Female; or I voted for X because ...). In nearly all cases where variables are to be used for statistical analysis responses are coded numerically. Should Codes be Produced Before orAfter Collecting Data? When data are collected using a predetermined set of categories, codes can be allocated to these answers before collecting the data. This precoding can eliminate the need to manually code later and can improve the accuracy of data entry (see p. 9). Figure 1.3 provides examples of precoded questions. HowShould 'Non-Responses' be Coded? Since every case must have a code for each variable, a system must be developed for coding non-responses to questions. Non-responses may occur because people: * were not required to answer (question did not apply); * refused; * provided an illegible answer; * responded'don't know'. You may wish to distinguish between different types of non-response by allocating separate codes to each type. This provides maximum flexibility during later data analysis . To avoid confusion, distinctive codes are allocated to non-responses. For variables where only single-digit codes are required, non-responses are often coded 8, 9 or - 1. For variables that require two-digit codes (e.g. age), nonresponses are given codes such as 98, 99, - 1. The important thing with allocating codes for missing or invalid responses is to: * make them distinctive; * make them as consistent as possible across questions (e.g. always - 1 or always 9 for single-digit variables, always 99 for two-digit variables). 3 Analyzing social science data Howto codedata Whether to Use Other Peoples Codes or Develop Your Own Some excellent coding schemes have been developed for common demographic variables. Where these exist it normally makes sense to use them, since they have been carefully developed and enable comparisons between your results and those from other studies. Many established classification schemes (e.g. Table 1.1) employ a multilevel coding scheme which allows the variable to be coded to different levels of detail. Table 1.1 gives a scheme for classifying religions. At the first, most Table 1.1 Three-level codingscheme for religion Level 1: Level 2 Broad Narrow groups (single-digit codes) (three-digit codes) 223 Orthodox 2231 Albanian Orthodox 2232 Antiochian Orthodox 2233 Greek Orthodox Autocephalic Greek Orthodox Church of Australia Greek Orthodox (Australian Archdiocese) Greek Orthodox (Old Calendar) 2234 Macedonian Orthodox 2235 Romanian Orthodox The Lord's Army 2236 Russian Orthodox Orthodox Church in America (Australian Mission) Russian Orthodox (Ecumenical Patriarchate) Russian Orthodox (Moscow Patriarchate) 2237 Serbian Orthodox 2238 Ukrainian Orthodox Ukrainian Autocephalic Orthodox Church 2239 Orthodox, not elsewhere classified Byelorussian Autocephalic Orthodox Church Old Believers (Russian) Old Orthodox Church of the Holy Nativity Polish Orthodox Level 3 Detailed classification (four-digit codes) 2 Christianity 201 Anglican 203 Baptist 205 Brethren 207 Catholic 211 Churches of Christ 213 [ehovah's Witnesses 215 Latter Day Saints 217 Lutheran 221 Oriental Christian 223 Orthodox 225 Presbyterian and Reformed 227 Salvation Army 231 Seventh-day Adventist 233 Uniting Church 240 Pentecostal 280 Other Protestant 290 Other Christian 1 Buddhism 2 Chris tianity 3 Hinduism 4 Islam 5 [udaism 6 Other religions 7 No religion Neither Strongly agreenor Strongly agree Agree disagree Disagree disagree Thedeathpenaltyshouldbe reintroduced for murder. 0 1 g2 0 3 0 4 0 5 Thesmoking of marijuanashould NOT be a criminal offence. 0 1 O2 0 3 0 4 g5 Figure 1.3 Examples of precodedquestions Approaches to Coding Open-ended Questions Respondents might give several responses to the same question. For example, in response to a question about the anticipated major problem facing the world in 10 years' time a person may identify several possibilities. Problem 2 (see p. 10) discusses methods of coding this type of question. How to Code MultipleAnswersto theOne auestion Here are some statements about general social concerns. Please saywhetheryou stronglyagree, agree, disagree or stronglydisagree with eachof these statements. - -------..,----------- Open-ended questions are not so readily precoded. Open questions fall into four categories: * closed questions with an open-ended category (e.g. Other, please specify); * open-ended questions to which there is a defined range of possible responses (e.g. religious group, country of birth, occupation); * self-coding open questions (e.g. age, number of children); * open-ended questions to which there is a wide and undefined range of possible responses (e.g. What, in your opinion, is the most important problem facing the world today?). For open questions of the first two types a set of codes can be developed before collecting data. Self-coding variables are numeric variables, such as income in dollars and age, where the answer is already in numeric form. Answers to these questions are suitable for statistical analysis and do not require further coding. To code the fourth type of open question it is best to look at answers before developing a coding system (see pp. 15-16). 4 5 Analyzing social science data How to code data Table 1.3 First-andsecond-levelcodesin an opencodingscheme . Table 1.2 Examples of codingand classification schemes for core demographic variables First-level codes Second-level codes general, level we have the major world religions, along with a ~e~eral .code for other religions and for no religion. The second level between the main groupings within a specific religion (e.g. within Christianity we can code different Christian groups). The third leve~ of co~ing provides most detail. The extract in Table 1.1 makes fine-~ramed distinctions between different types of Orthodox Christianity. Notice the structure of the numerical codes that accompany this classification: the first digit in all the codes indicates the first-level classificat~o~ (~ = Christian), the second and third digits indicate the second-level classification (223 =Orthodox), while the fourth digit indicates the third-level classification (2237 = Serbian Orthodox). The decision about the level of detail at which to code depends on various factors, including the likely make-up of the sample, the sample si~e and.the way in which the data will be used. If the likely to consist ma~y of Christians we would want to code beyond the first level to enable the dIStinction to be made between religious affiliations. If everyone belonged to the one group the variable would be of little value in later data ana!ysis (see pp. 48-53). If the sample is fairly small it is unlikel~ to be worth codmg at the third level since these fine distinctions are unlikely to be of much use. However, this would depend on the nature of the sample. If the sample consisted of migrants from eastern Europe these finer distinctions might be important for the analysis. There are many excellent coding schemes available. Some of these can be found on the websites listed in Table 1.2. Fixed coding schemes are inappropriate for some open questions. Suppose that you have asked people what they think will be the major problem facing their country in 10 years' time. Since you do not want to impose your range of possibilities on respondents, you have asked an open-ended question. To code the responses you should examine the first 50-100 responses (or more if you keep finding new responses). Try classifying these responses into broad groupings. This will require some trial and error. Once these broad headings are developed, you should assign a code to each broad grouping. Then, examining the specific responses, see if there are some distinctions that you should make within each broad grouping. Assign specific codes to these subcategories, but make sure that you retain the broad-level code as the first digit of the code. You might possibly then develop a third-level classification and codes. Table 1.3 illustrates a set of first-level codes that might emerge from an examination of responses to the major problems question. One type of problem might be broadly classified as 'environmental'. The table illustrates some of the possible subcategories within the environmental grouping. The end product of developing a coding scheme from responses to open-ended questions should have a similar structure to the pre-existing coding schemes. When developing codes, try to make the categories and codes flexible so that additional codes can be added later as more questionnaires are examined. Use multiple-digit codes so that there are plenty of spare codes if they are Variable Standard Occupational Classification (SOC)(USA) Employment status (UN) Industry (VI<) Diseases and Related Health Problems (UN) Education (UN) Race and Ethnicity (USA) Countries (Australia) Languages (Australia) Religion (Australia) Crime/Offences (Australia) Causes of Death (Australia) URL soc_home.htm icse.htm /nsbase/themes/ compendia_reference/ Articles/ downloads/ structur.pdf directive 15.html abs@.nsf/StatsLibrary? Open View then select link to ABS classifications and select catalogue 1269.0 abs@.nsf/Stats Library? Open View then select link to ABS classifications and select catalogue 1267.0 http://www. OpenView then select link to ABS classifications and select catalogue 1266.0 /ausstats/ abs@.nsf/StatsLibrary? Open View then select link to ABS classifications and select catalogue 1224.0 Codes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Broad type of problem Social Economic Moral Military Environmental Political Religious etc. Codes 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 Specific environmental problem Overcrowding Air quality Water quality Scarcity of resources Extinction of species Greenhouse problems Ozone problems Salinity Deforestation etc. 6 7 Analyzing social science data needed. For example, allow two digits for specific environmental problems so that you can have up to 99 different codes. HowDetailed Should the Coding be? There is no simple answer to this question. The fineness of the coding scheme will depend on the: * size of the sample; * importance of making particular distinctions; * way in which the data will be analysed; * likely distribution of cases within the sample. However, the general guideline is to code for more rather than less detail. This is particularly true if you are not quite sure how you will analyse the data or how many cases will belong to anyone category. The main rationale for detailed coding is that you can always collapse categories at a later stage (see pp. 34-38) but you cannot expand broad categories to reveal finer detail if you have only coded at the broad level. HowtoMinimize Coding Error The best way of reducing coding error is to reduce the number of steps involved in coding and data entry. The fewer the steps, the smaller the chance of error. Howto Reduce Coding Mistakes A number of procedures can help increase the accuracy of coding: * Include codes next to responses to fixed-choice questions. Data entry operators can then enter data directly from questionnaires (see Figure 1.3). * Use automated coding programs. For complex coding, such as occupational coding, computer programs are available to allocate codes based on descriptive information. * Develop written coding schemes and continually update these with guidelines and decisions that are made while coding. * Use several coders arid introduce consistency checks. * Where electronic data collection methods are used (e.g. Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing - CATI, web-based surveys, e-mail surveys), they can be programmed to disallow responses outside a 8 How to code data specified range o~ codes and to disallow the wrong type of response code (e:g..alph~umenc ~at~e~ than n~eric). While these safeguards cannot eliminate mcorrect Within-range responses they can eliminate J out-ofrange' errors. * EI~ctronic data collection methods automatically code responses and bmld a database, thus eliminating the need to code at all. Howto Reduce Data Entry Errors A number of procedures can help improve the accuracy of data entry: * Automate the data entry by using electronic data collection methods. * Use a data entry template. Some electronic questionnaires that do not automatically code and create a data file will still automatically generate a data entry form that simplifies manual data entry. (e.g. SPSS Data Entry). * Use pr~fessional data entry personnel. If manual data entry is required, use tramed people who are much more likely to enter data accurately than inexperienced people. * Use double data entry methods. This involves entering data from the same questionn~ire twice. Where the second attempt differs in any way from the first attempt, the data entry operator is alerted to the discrepancy. * Choose data entry software correctly. If a special data entry program such as SPSSData Entry is unavailable, then more common software can assist ~ith data entry. Avoid entering codes into a text file or word-processing file. A spreadsheet can be useful since the layout of a spreadsheet is the same as the variable-by-case data grid. Even better are database programs. These can be programmed easily to create a data entry form for each person. These forms provide an intuitive method for entering codes and can be programmed to build in data integrity checks. 9 How to code questions with multiple answers Table 2.1 Closed multiresponsequestion From the list below select the main pressures on your life at the moment (select all that apply). 2 How to Code Questions with Multiple Answers o Financial o Job insecurity o Uncertainty about the future o Health o Relationship with my partner o Relationship with my children o Relationships with people at work o Housing problems o What the future holds for my children o Education What is the Problem? When coding any variable a case must belong to one and only one categonJ of the variable. However, some questions allow respondents to provide more than one answer. The problem then is how we code multiple answers to a single question. What are Multiple-Response Questions? To identify a solution it is helpful to examine first how the problem arises. There are four main types of question that are widely used in questionnaires and produce multiple responses: * Closed question - select as many answers as apply. This question provides respondents with a single question, but instead of asking them to select only one response allows them to select all that apply (Table 2.1). * Closed question - ranking responses. A different type of multiresponse closed question asks respondents to rank the set of responses (Table 2.2). Rather than selecting some responses, this method requires that each possible answer receives a response. * Open questions - limited number of responses. Open-ended questions that allow a set number of responses (Table 2.3) can produce a large number of possible answers which require particular strategies for coding and analysis. * Open questions - unlimited number of responses. This type of question is similar to the previous type except that there is no limit on the number of responses that can be given (Table 2.4). The solution to the problem of coding multiple responses to a single question lies in distinguishing between a question and a variable. While an answer to a single question often only requires a single variable to contain the response code, a single question can produce a number of variables. Table 2.2 Closedmultiresponse question requiring ranking The list below describes various features of jobs. When looking for a job, what are the things you look for most and least? Please rank each of the job features below from most important to least important. Place a 1 in the square next to the most important; a 2 in the square for the second most important; a 3 in the third most important; and a 4 in the square for the job feature that is least important to you. Please place a number in each square and do not use the same number more than once. D A good income so that you do not have any worries about money o A safe job with no risk of closing down or unemployment o Working with people you like o Doing an important job which gives you a feeling of accomplishment Table 2.3 Open question with a limited number of responses Thinking about the future, what do you think will be the three most important problems facing this coun try in ten years' time? 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ Where respondents provide several responses to a question, the solution is to create a set of variables to 'hold' those responses to the question. There are two approaches to developing these sets of variables: * multiple-dichotomy method; * multiple-response method. The application of these two approaches can be explained in relation to each of the four question types outlined above. 11 Analyzing social science data Table 2.4 Open question with the optionof unlimitedresponses per person Thinking about the future, what do you think will be the main problems facing this country in ten years' time . (You can mention more than one problem.) How to Code MultipleResponsestoa Closed Question When respondents can 'select as many answers as apply' the multiple answers can be coded using the multiple-dichotomy and multiple-response methods. Using the Multiple-Dichotomy Method Using this method, each of the possible responses is treated as a separate variable to which respondents provide either a yes answer (by selecting it) or an implied no answer (by not selecting it). For the life pressures question in Table 2.1, this method results in 10 separate variables (Table 2.5). Respondents are then coded for each of the 10 variables. If they selected all 10 variables they would receive a yes code for each variable. If they selected just two options they would receive a yes code for those two variables and a no code for the remaining eight. Using the Multiple-Response Method Instead of creating a separate variable for each response category, this approach involves creating a separate variable to contain each of the responses provided by an individual. Since most people will only select two or three responses to the pressures question and no one will probably select all ten pressures, we do not need to create ten variables. The multipleresponse method involves the following steps: 1. Determine the maximum number of responses given by any person (for this example assume that no one selected more than four pressures). 2. Create four variables. Let us call them PRES1, PRES2, PRES3, PRES4. 3. Create 10 categories for each variable. Each category will represent the ten different pressures. Use the same set of categories for each of the four variables. Because each variable will contain all ten pressures this is called the multiple-response method (as opposed to a simple dichotomous yes / no coding). 12 How to codequestions with multiple answers Table 2.5 Multiple-dichotomymethodfor multiple-response questions Variable number Is this a pressure? No (code =0) Yes (code =1) Total N 1 Financial 380 620 1000 2 Job insecurity 630 370 1000 3 Uncertainty about the future 680 320 1000 4 Health 640 360 1000 5 Relationship with my partner 710 290 1000 6 Relationship with my children 650 350 1000 7 Relationships with people at work 850 150 1000 8 Housing problems 880 120 1000 9 What the future holds for my children 550 450 1000 10 Education 780 220 1000 Table 2.6 Coding multipleresponsesfor three cases CASE PRES1 PRES2 PRES3 PRES4 A 2 8 -1 - 1 B 5 - 1 - 1 - 1 C 2 5 6 10 4. For each case code the responses into the four pressure variables. This can be illustrated with the examples of three cases in Table 2.6. Case A nominated two pressures Gob insecurity and housing problems). This person's two responses would be coded into the first two pressure variables (PRES1, PRES2). The remaining two pressure variables (PRES3,PRES4) would be coded - 1 to indicate that no information was coded to those variables for this case. Case B nominated only one pressure. This response would be coded into PRES1, with the remaining pressure variables being coded - 1. Case C listed four pressures Gob insecurity, relationship with partner, relationship with children, and education). These four responses would require the use of all four PRES variables. Table 2.7 illustrates the coding and distributions of the same 1000 cases as were coded using the multiple-dichotomy method (Table 2.5). In this table these same cases are coded into the four PRES variables using the multipleresponse method. Notice that the number of people who indicated a particular pressure is the same as with the multiple-dichotomy method. The selections of a particular pressure are simply represented in a different way using the two methods. 13 Analyzing social science data How to code questionswith multiple answers Table 2.7 Multiple-response method for multiple-response questions Table 2.9 Multiple-response coding for ranking questions Code Is this a pressure? PRESl PRES2 PRES3 PRES4 Variables 1 Financial 270 160 110 80 FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH 2 Job insecurity 120 140 65 45 ranked ranked ranked ranked 3 Uncertainty about the future 90 100 85 45 Codes characteristic characteristic characteristic characteristic 4 Health 90 200 50 20 5 Relationship with my partner 70 70 130 20 Income 400 300 200 100 6 Relationship with my children 90 80 125 55 Job security 250 250 200 300 7 Relationships with people at work 30 50 35 35 Nice people at work 200 300 400 100 8 Housing problems 20 60 30 10 Feeling of 150 150 200 500 9 What the future holds for my children 120 65 195 70 accomplishment 10 Education 100 40 45 35 -1 No response 0 35 130 585 N 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total N 1000 1000 1000 1000 Table 2.8 Multiple 'dichotomy' codingfor rankingquestions Variables Codes INCOME SECURITY PEOPLE ACCOMP Ranked 1st 400 250 200 150 Ranked 2nd 300 250 300 150 Ranked 3rd 200 200 400 200 Ranked 4th 100 300 100 500 N 1000 1000 1000 1000 How to Code Ranking Questions Rank-ordered responses can be coded using the same general logic as outlined above. Using the Multiple 'Dichotomy' Method In Table 2.2 there are four responses to rank, so the multiple 'dichotomy' method will result in four variables - one for each of the responses. The only difference is that instead of a simple yes / no set of responses (i.e. a dichotomous response) the possible ranks become the categories of each variable. Where there are more than two items to be ranked there will be more than two categories used for these variables. Since any job characteristic could receive one of four possible ranks the variable used for that job characteristic will have four categories - one for each possible rank. The resulting variables will indicate, for each job characteristic (e.g. INCOME), how often 14 it was ranked first, how often it was ranked second and so forth. Table 2.8 illustrates the distribution of 1000 cases using this approach. Four variables (INCOME, SECURITY, PEOPLE and ACCOMP) are created. Each has the categories to indicate the number of people who ranked a given variable first, second, third and fourth. Using the Response Method The logic of the multiple-response method can be used for ranking questions. Using this approach, the ranks become the variables and job characteristics become the categories. The resulting variable (e.g. FIRST rank) will indicate the number of times income was ranked first, security was ranked first and so on (see Table 2.9). How to Code Open Questions with Multiple Answers Multiple responses to open-ended questions can be handled with the multiple-dichotomy and multiple-response methods. Using the Multiple-Response Method This method can be applied to the open question in Table 2.3 using the following steps: 1. Create three variables (PROB1, PROB2 and PROB3). 2. Examine the responses provided by respondents. 3. Create categories for PROB1 for each of the problems listed. 15 Analyzing social science data 4. Use the same categories for PROB2 and PROB3. 5. For each respondent, code the problems listed into the variables PROB1, PROB2 and PROB3. Using the Multiple-Dichotomy Method The multiple dichotomy method can be applied to open questions with a maximum number of responses in the following way: 1. Examine the responses provided to the question. 2. Compile a list of the problems (e.g. environment, overpopulation, no jobs, poverty, crime, low birth rate, moral decline, ...). 3. Where appropriate, combine very similar problems. 4. For each problem in your list create a separate variable with the values 0 and 1 (e.g. ENVIR, POP, NOJOBS, POV, CRIME, BIRTH, MORALS, ...). If a total of 20 different problems were listed across the sample, create 20 different variables. 5. Code each respondent on each of the variables. Where the respondent listed the specific problem, code them as 1. Otherwise code them as O. When there is no maximum number of responses to open questions the same basic coding strategies can be used. The only difference is in the way the multiple-response method is implemented. Where respondents are restricted to three responses, only three variables are required to contain these responses. Where there is no limit on the number of responses, you will first need to examine each case and determine the largest number of responses any case has provided. Then create that number of multipleresponse variables to contain each response. Using SPSS The variables that are used with either the multiple-dichotomy method or the multiple-response method should be created when setting up the initial database. Decisions about the method of dealing with multiple responses should be made at this stage and the variables should be coded accordingly. There is nothing to prevent you using both methods in the same database it simply requires more coding and data entry. 16 3 Can the Respondent's Answers be Relied on? What is the Problem? Data analysis relies on measurements being both reliable and valid. A reliable measure is one for which we can depend on obtaining consistent responses. A set of scales is reliable if it gives the same reading each time the same person steps on it (assuming the person does not change weight). A questionnaire item is reliab le if it elicits dependable and consistent answers from people. Remember, however, these answers may not be accurate answers. A set of scales that consistently underweighs is still reliable. A question that consistently overestimates happiness is nevertheless reliable (see pp. 25-27) . If we cannot rely on the responses that a questionnaire item elicits then any analysis based on such data will be suspect. If the results we obtain from a sample could just as easily be different if we administered the questionnaire again, how much confidence can we have in any of the findings? We must, therefore, use reliable items, but this requires a way of evaluating how reliable our measurement instruments are. Would we obtain similar data if the same questions were given to the same people again? We cannot just use measures because others have found that they are reliable. A measure's reliability can change over time, can vary in different contexts, with different samples and on the method of administering the questions. It is therefore important to assess the reliability of our questions and data. How to Assess Reliability A range of methods of evaluating the reliability of measures have been developed. Unfortunately there is no single method that is suitable for all situations.