Take home exam: Write two to three paragraphs (half-3/4 of a page, even more if you feel that your opinion has not been expressed well yet) for three of the 4 presented questions. Email it to me to misel99@gmail.com until Saturday 8^th of May 20:00 (8pm). Each day (so Sunday is the first day) later will influence your grade of one grade down (A to B etc.). Use proper (!) citation (see APA writing style), otherwise your grade will suffer. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE AND CHEAT (by talking to others about the answers), you COULD BE expelled from the class. Plus, I wish you all guys good luck, I had really good time teaching you J Pick three questions out of those 4: 1. From the topics we have covered, what would you say about human personality in general (or specifically) and what theories do support your statements? How do we create theories about others? (Pick some studies we have talked about) 2. Why do people have tendencies to cling to people of our own culture, community, and people of the same opinions? Provide also examples from studies demonstrating this. Why do you think this (clinging) happens? 3. Image a situation in which a person A meets a person B for a first time. Write what happens at this first encounter and what comes to play when decision about further future of the relationship of those two people is being established. 4. How can prejudices be diminished? (chauvinism, cultural prejudices, race prejudices) What experiments demonstrate the course of prejudice being created?