The Introduction to Psychology: Selected Issues II The following topics will be covered: UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (2 weeks) Topics: Why study psychology? How is psychology a science? What are different approaches in psychology? Importance of epistemology in psychology. UNIT 2 : DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (2 weeks) Topics :theories of development: Piaget, Erikson, Freud & Kohlberg, prenatal development, infancy and childhood, adolescence, adult development. UNIT 3: COGNITION: INTELLIGENCE, MEMORY, LEARNING, CONSCIOUSNESS (4 weeks) Topics: Models of intelligence, models of memory. Approaches to consciousness (perspectives of first person versus third person), qualia. Hypnosis and forms of hypnosis. UNIT 4 STRESS, ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY, AND TREATMENTS (3 weeks) Topics: defition of stress, type A behavior vs. type B behavior, general adaptation syndrome, coping techniques, defining abnormal behavior, classifying abnormal behavior. Goals of the course: - to acquire main concepts in selected fields of psychology - to be able to think „psychologically“ - to become familiar with models and theories of above mentioned constructs in psychology This class is taylored for students of any field of study. International students have priority. The topics are subject to change. The class will have a structure consisting of lecture, plus (and mostly) of discussion and students’ presentations. Lecturing will mostly cover the main theories, furthemore critical analysis of those will follow. Literature and relevant articles will be provided one (in some cases two) week before the topic to be covered. Class attendance: 80 % of class attendance is required. Class will consist of lecture and seminar, mostly of an interactive nature. Papers: One final essay on covering topics (upon a choice), and one presentation (interconnection between psychology and subject of their study) will be required. Students will be assigned a group project on a selected issue. Literature: will be provided in the class.